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Business Administration: Business Administration

Code: LXD22S1

Bachelor of Business Administration

Degree title:
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2022


Degree Programme in Business Administration, 210 credits.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Day-time Studies
Professional Majors:
Accounting and Finance,
Development of Leadership, People and Culture and

This programme is in Finnish. Please see the description in Finnish.
When you graduate from Business administration programme you will have wide knowledge of Business and you are prepared for diverse and international business.You embrace the change and you are a part of the solution to challenges of sustainability and climate change. You are passionate about learning new skills, you act ethically and you are an engaged member of an organization.


The competences for Business Programmes:
Strong core in General Business Knowledge and Processes
Broad-Based Business Application Competence
Specific Business Application Competence
Specific Business Process/Methodological competence

Generic competences in Metropolia UAS:
Learning competence
Ethical competence
Working Community competence
Innovation competence
Multicultural competence
Technological competence

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025
Core Business Studies

(Choose all )

LD00ER22 IT Tools 5
LD00EG58 Economics 5
LD00EG78 Business Accounting 5
LD00EH18 Business Mathematics and Statistics 5
LD00EH19 Business Communication in English 5
LD00EH20 Marketing 5
LD00EH21 Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation 5
LD00EH22 Orientation and Professional Competences 5
LD00EH33 Finance 5
LD00EH34 Supply Chain Management 5
LD00EH35 Work Society of the Future 5
LD00EH36 Responsible Business 5
LD00EG92 Business Communication 5
Professional Major

(Choose ects: 45)

Development of Leadership, People and Culture

(Choose all )

Leadership and Management

(Choose all )

LD00EH23 Strategic Management 5
LD00EH24 Renewing Organisation 5
LD00EH25 Responsible Management 5
Työyhteisön toiminta

(Choose all )

LD00EH27 Labour Legislation 5
LD00EH28 International Communication and Networking Skills 5
LD00EH29 Culture and Diversity in Business 5

(Choose all )

LD00EH30 Functions of Human Resources 5
LD00EH31 Performance Management and Compensation 5
LD00EH32 HR as a Strategic Partner 5
Accounting and Finance

(Choose ects: 45)

Planning of Finances

(Choose all )

LD00EH58 Corporate Law 5
LD00EH59 Corporate Finance 5
LD00EH61 Controller Tools 5
Execution of Finances

(Choose ects: 15)

LD00EH62 Processes of Business Administration 5
LD00EH63 Financial Statement Analysis 5
LD00EH64 Funding System 5
LD00EH65 Accounting and VAT 5
Management Accounting

(Choose all )

LD00EH69 Cost Accounting and Financial Management 5
LD00EH70 Strategic Management Accounting 5
LD00EH72 Business Reporting and Analytics 5

(Choose all )

LD00EH40 Derivatives 5
LD00EH41 Interest Rate Markets 5
LD00EH42 Excel Applications for Financing 5

(Choose all )

Development of Marketing

(Choose all )

LD00EH76 Customer-Oriented Service Design 5
LD00EH77 Developing Marketing Communications 5
LD00EH78 Digital Business 5
Marketing Technologies

(Choose all )

LD00EH79 Customer Acquisition 5
LD00EH80 Marketing Automation 5
LD00EH81 Marketing Analytics 5
Expertise in Marketing

(Choose all )

LD00EH82 Marketing Design 5
LD00EH83 Marketing Law and Accountability 5
LD00EH84 Marketing Research 5
Elective Module

(Choose ects: 15)

Development of Culture

(Choose all )

LD00EH37 Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations 5
LD00EH38 Development of Organisational Culture 5
LD00EH39 Legal Aspects of Work Community Development 5
Financial Statement and Taxation

(Choose all )

LD00EH43 Corporate Taxes and Tax Planning 5
LD00EH44 Financial Statement and Auditing 5
LD00EH45 Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS 5

(Choose all )

LD00EH66 Investment and Portfolio Management 5
LD00EH67 Investment Products and Financial Advising 5
LD00EH68 Financing Law 5
Sales Skills

(Choose all )

LD00EH46 Sales Course (Online) 5
LD00EH47 Sales Project 5
LD00EH48 International Negotiation Skills 5
Business Intelligence

(Choose all )

LC00EJ11 Competitive Intelligence 5
LC00EJ12 Seeing Through Data 5
LC00EJ13 Disruptive IT Technologies in Business 5
International Business

(Choose all )

LC00EG74 International Trade Operations 5
LC00EG75 International Strategies 5
LC00EG76 Global Political Economy 5
Operational Supply Chain

(Choose all )

LC00EG77 Purchasing and Materials Management 5
LC00EG79 Operations Management 5
LC00EG80 E-Commerce and Distribution 5
Strategic Supply Chain Management

(Choose all )

LC00EG87 Strategic Sourcing 5
LC00EG88 Supply Chain Strategies and Trends 5
LC00EG89 Sustainable Supply Chains 5
Languages and Internationalisation

(Choose ects: 10)

LC00EH09 Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work 5
Foreign Language

(Choose ects: 5)

LC00EH04 Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LD00EJ01 Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LC00EG95 French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LC00EG99 German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LD00EJ00 Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5

(Choose ects: 5)

LD00EJ05 Swedish Business Communication 5
LD00EJ06 Financial Swedish 5
LD00EJ04 Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish 5

(Choose ects: 5)

LD00EJ07 English for Management 5
LD00EJ08 Accounting and Financial English 5
LD00EJ09 English for Marketing 5
Innovation Project, Research and Development Methods

(Choose ects: 15)

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
LD00EI89 Research and Development Methods 5
LD00EJ03 Development Methods in Marketing 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Work Placement

(Choose ects: 30)

LX00BX40 Work Placement, General 15
LX00BX41 Work Placement, Based on Major 15
LX00BX42 Work Placement, Based on Major 30
Bachelor´s Thesis

(Choose ects: 15)

XX00EL75 Planning of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL76 Execution of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL77 Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test 5
Total 210 65 230 160 35 35 30 110 120 135 25 35 18 18 15.5 15.5 55 55 60 60 67.5 67.5 12.5 12.5 17.5 17.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

amk::amk-tutkintojen kieliopinnot

AMK-tutkintoon johtavien opintojen tavoitteena on, että tutkinnon suorittaneella on riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoulusta 1129/2014, 4 §).

Professional English

Vieraan kielen kirjallinen ja suullinen taito, joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Second language (Finnish)
Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work
Second domestic language (Swedish)

Ruotsin kielen taito, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Swedish Business Communication
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
Not grouped
IT Tools
Business Accounting
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Business Communication in English
Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation
Orientation and Professional Competences
Supply Chain Management
Work Society of the Future
Responsible Business
Business Communication
Strategic Management
Renewing Organisation
Responsible Management
Labour Legislation
International Communication and Networking Skills
Culture and Diversity in Business
Functions of Human Resources
Performance Management and Compensation
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Law
Corporate Finance
Controller Tools
Processes of Business Administration
Financial Statement Analysis
Funding System
Accounting and VAT
Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Interest Rate Markets
Excel Applications for Financing
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Developing Marketing Communications
Digital Business
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Automation
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Design
Marketing Law and Accountability
Marketing Research
Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations
Development of Organisational Culture
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Corporate Taxes and Tax Planning
Financial Statement and Auditing
Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS
Investment and Portfolio Management
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Financing Law
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
International Negotiation Skills
Competitive Intelligence
Seeing Through Data
Disruptive IT Technologies in Business
International Trade Operations
International Strategies
Global Political Economy
Purchasing and Materials Management
Operations Management
E-Commerce and Distribution
Strategic Sourcing
Supply Chain Strategies and Trends
Sustainable Supply Chains
Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Financial Swedish
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test

Metropolia's Generic Competences::Bachelor's Degree, UAS

Metropolian johtoryhmä hyväksynyt 10.6.2019. Esityksen valmisteli työryhmä: Tapani Martti, Marjatta Kelo, Jenni Koponen, Taru Ruotsalainen, Elina Värtö, Tiina Kokko. Lähteinä on käytetty mm. ARENEn suositus tutkintojen yhteisten kompetenssien soveltamisesta ammattikorkeakouluissa (2010), Valtioneuvoston asetus tutkintojen ja muiden osaamiskokonaisuuksien viitekehyksestä 120/2017, Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteot 1 & 2 (2017-2018) sekä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön tulevaisuuskatsaus 2018.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for one's actions and their consequences as well as to evaluate the effects of one's actions
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
- is able to take other people into account in one's work
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to take account of the effects of disparities in one's work
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development and understanding global responsibility of one's actions
- is capable of contributing to social change by means of one's expertise and ethical values

Business Accounting
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation
Supply Chain Management
Work Society of the Future
Responsible Business
Business Communication
Strategic Management
Renewing Organisation
Labour Legislation
International Communication and Networking Skills
Culture and Diversity in Business
Functions of Human Resources
Performance Management and Compensation
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Law
Corporate Finance
Controller Tools
Processes of Business Administration
Financial Statement Analysis
Funding System
Accounting and VAT
Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Interest Rate Markets
Excel Applications for Financing
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Law and Accountability
Marketing Research
Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations
Development of Organisational Culture
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Corporate Taxes and Tax Planning
Financial Statement and Auditing
Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS
Investment and Portfolio Management
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Financing Law
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Innovation Competence

- is capable of creative problem-solving and development of working methods
- is able to work in projects
- is able to conduct research,development and innovation projects, applying existing knowledge in the field, current phenomena and methods to find human-centred solutions
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solution

Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Developing Marketing Communications
Digital Business
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Automation
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Design
Marketing Research
Development of Organisational Culture
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Sales Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Multicultural Competence

- is able to work in a multicultural community and customer environment
- is able to take into account the effects of and opportunities for global development and phenomena in one's field
- possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field

Business Communication in English
Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation
Supply Chain Management
Labour Legislation
International Communication and Networking Skills
Culture and Diversity in Business
Performance Management and Compensation
Corporate Law
Marketing Law and Accountability
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Investment Products and Financial Advising
International Negotiation Skills
Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Learning Competence

- lifelong learning skills: is ableto describe, self-evaluate and develop one's skills and learning approaches and methods
- is able to retrieve and analyse information and evaluate it critically
- is capable to take responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams

IT Tools
Business Accounting
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Orientation and Professional Competences
Supply Chain Management
Work Society of the Future
Responsible Business
Business Communication
Strategic Management
Renewing Organisation
Labour Legislation
International Communication and Networking Skills
Culture and Diversity in Business
Functions of Human Resources
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Finance
Controller Tools
Processes of Business Administration
Financial Statement Analysis
Funding System
Accounting and VAT
Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Interest Rate Markets
Excel Applications for Financing
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations
Development of Organisational Culture
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Financial Statement and Auditing
Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS
Investment and Portfolio Management
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Technological Competence

- is able to utilise the opportunities provided by technology and digitalisation in one's profession
- is able to recognise the effects of technological development on one's work and professional tasks
- is able to participate in the development of technology used in one's field

Supply Chain Management
Functions of Human Resources
Performance Management and Compensation
Processes of Business Administration
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Developing Marketing Communications
Digital Business
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Automation
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Design
Marketing Research
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Working Community Competence

- is able to operate as a memberof a multidisciplinary work community, taking into account the diversity and promoting the wellbeing of the community
- is able to communicate and interact in working life
- is able to create personal working life connections and to operate in professional networks
- is capable of making decisions in unexpected situations
- is able to apply the principles of organisational management and leadership in working life, and work independently as an expert of one’s field
- is able to work as an entrepreneur
- is able to work in a customer-oriented way
- is able to adjust one's actions in reaching long-term objectives

IT Tools
Business Communication in English
Orientation and Professional Competences
Supply Chain Management
Work Society of the Future
Responsible Business
Business Communication
Renewing Organisation
Labour Legislation
International Communication and Networking Skills
Culture and Diversity in Business
Functions of Human Resources
Performance Management and Compensation
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Law
Corporate Finance
Funding System
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations
Development of Organisational Culture
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
International Negotiation Skills
Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Not grouped
Responsible Management
Competitive Intelligence
Seeing Through Data
Disruptive IT Technologies in Business
International Trade Operations
International Strategies
Global Political Economy
Purchasing and Materials Management
Operations Management
E-Commerce and Distribution
Strategic Sourcing
Supply Chain Strategies and Trends
Sustainable Supply Chains

STRUCTURE Bachelor (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) perus- ja ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) ammattitaitoa edistävää harjoittelua; 4) opinnäytetyö.

Professional Studies
Strategic Management
Renewing Organisation
Responsible Management
Labour Legislation
International Communication and Networking Skills
Culture and Diversity in Business
Functions of Human Resources
Performance Management and Compensation
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Law
Corporate Finance
Controller Tools
Processes of Business Administration
Financial Statement Analysis
Funding System
Accounting and VAT
Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Interest Rate Markets
Excel Applications for Financing
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Developing Marketing Communications
Digital Business
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Automation
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Design
Marketing Law and Accountability
Marketing Research
Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations
Development of Organisational Culture
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Corporate Taxes and Tax Planning
Financial Statement and Auditing
Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS
Investment and Portfolio Management
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Financing Law
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
International Negotiation Skills
Competitive Intelligence
Seeing Through Data
Disruptive IT Technologies in Business
International Trade Operations
International Strategies
Global Political Economy
Purchasing and Materials Management
Operations Management
E-Commerce and Distribution
Strategic Sourcing
Supply Chain Strategies and Trends
Sustainable Supply Chains
Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Bachelor´s Thesis
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Core Requirement Studies
IT Tools
Business Accounting
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Business Communication in English
Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation
Orientation and Professional Competences
Supply Chain Management
Work Society of the Future
Responsible Business
Business Communication
Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business::competences (2020)

sk 4.2.2020

Broad-Based Business Application Competence
Business Accounting
Business Communication in English
Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation
Supply Chain Management
Work Society of the Future
Responsible Business
Business Communication
Strategic Management
Renewing Organisation
Labour Legislation
Culture and Diversity in Business
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Finance
Funding System
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Developing Marketing Communications
Digital Business
Marketing Automation
Marketing Design
Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations
Development of Organisational Culture
Legal Aspects of Work Community Development
Investment and Portfolio Management
Sales Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Specific Business Process/Methodological Competence
Business Mathematics and Statistics
Renewing Organisation
Excel Applications for Financing
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Marketing Research
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research and Development Methods
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Strong Grounding in General Business Knowledge and Processes
IT Tools
Orientation and Professional Competences
Supply Chain Management
Renewing Organisation
International Communication and Networking Skills
HR as a Strategic Partner
Corporate Law
Corporate Finance
Controller Tools
Processes of Business Administration
Financial Statement Analysis
Funding System
Interest Rate Markets
Excel Applications for Financing
Customer-Oriented Service Design
Developing Marketing Communications
Digital Business
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Automation
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Design
Marketing Law and Accountability
Marketing Research
Corporate Taxes and Tax Planning
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Financing Law
Sales Course (Online)
Sales Project
Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2)
Swedish Business Communication
Financial Swedish
Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish
English for Management
Accounting and Financial English
English for Marketing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Specific Business Application Competence
Supply Chain Management
Functions of Human Resources
Performance Management and Compensation
Corporate Finance
Funding System
Accounting and VAT
Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Strategic Management Accounting
Business Reporting and Analytics
Interest Rate Markets
Excel Applications for Financing
Digital Business
Customer Acquisition
Marketing Automation
Marketing Analytics
Financial Statement and Auditing
Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS
Investment and Portfolio Management
Investment Products and Financial Advising
Sales Course (Online)
International Negotiation Skills
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Development Methods in Marketing
Work Placement, General
Work Placement, Based on Major
Work Placement, Based on Major
Planning of the Thesis Work
Execution of the Thesis Work
Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test
Not grouped
Responsible Management
Competitive Intelligence
Seeing Through Data
Disruptive IT Technologies in Business
International Trade Operations
International Strategies
Global Political Economy
Purchasing and Materials Management
Operations Management
E-Commerce and Distribution
Strategic Sourcing
Supply Chain Strategies and Trends
Sustainable Supply Chains
Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work

Code Name Credits (cr)
Core Business Studies

(Choose all)

LD00ER22 IT Tools 5
LD00EG58 Economics 5
LD00EG78 Business Accounting 5
LD00EH18 Business Mathematics and Statistics 5
LD00EH19 Business Communication in English 5
LD00EH20 Marketing 5
LD00EH21 Introduction to Law and Contract Legislation 5
LD00EH22 Orientation and Professional Competences 5
LD00EH33 Finance 5
LD00EH34 Supply Chain Management 5
LD00EH35 Work Society of the Future 5
LD00EH36 Responsible Business 5
LD00EG92 Business Communication 5
Professional Major

(Choose ects: 45)

Development of Leadership, People and Culture

(Choose all)

Leadership and Management

(Choose all)

LD00EH23 Strategic Management 5
LD00EH24 Renewing Organisation 5
LD00EH25 Responsible Management 5
Työyhteisön toiminta

(Choose all)

LD00EH27 Labour Legislation 5
LD00EH28 International Communication and Networking Skills 5
LD00EH29 Culture and Diversity in Business 5

(Choose all)

LD00EH30 Functions of Human Resources 5
LD00EH31 Performance Management and Compensation 5
LD00EH32 HR as a Strategic Partner 5
Accounting and Finance

(Choose ects: 45)

Planning of Finances

(Choose all)

LD00EH58 Corporate Law 5
LD00EH59 Corporate Finance 5
LD00EH61 Controller Tools 5
Execution of Finances

(Choose ects: 15)

LD00EH62 Processes of Business Administration 5
LD00EH63 Financial Statement Analysis 5
LD00EH64 Funding System 5
LD00EH65 Accounting and VAT 5
Management Accounting

(Choose all)

LD00EH69 Cost Accounting and Financial Management 5
LD00EH70 Strategic Management Accounting 5
LD00EH72 Business Reporting and Analytics 5

(Choose all)

LD00EH40 Derivatives 5
LD00EH41 Interest Rate Markets 5
LD00EH42 Excel Applications for Financing 5

(Choose all)

Development of Marketing

(Choose all)

LD00EH76 Customer-Oriented Service Design 5
LD00EH77 Developing Marketing Communications 5
LD00EH78 Digital Business 5
Marketing Technologies

(Choose all)

LD00EH79 Customer Acquisition 5
LD00EH80 Marketing Automation 5
LD00EH81 Marketing Analytics 5
Expertise in Marketing

(Choose all)

LD00EH82 Marketing Design 5
LD00EH83 Marketing Law and Accountability 5
LD00EH84 Marketing Research 5
Elective Module

(Choose ects: 15)

Development of Culture

(Choose all)

LD00EH37 Organisational Behaviour and Successful Organisations 5
LD00EH38 Development of Organisational Culture 5
LD00EH39 Legal Aspects of Work Community Development 5
Financial Statement and Taxation

(Choose all)

LD00EH43 Corporate Taxes and Tax Planning 5
LD00EH44 Financial Statement and Auditing 5
LD00EH45 Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Standards IFRS 5

(Choose all)

LD00EH66 Investment and Portfolio Management 5
LD00EH67 Investment Products and Financial Advising 5
LD00EH68 Financing Law 5
Sales Skills

(Choose all)

LD00EH46 Sales Course (Online) 5
LD00EH47 Sales Project 5
LD00EH48 International Negotiation Skills 5
Business Intelligence

(Choose all)

LC00EJ11 Competitive Intelligence 5
LC00EJ12 Seeing Through Data 5
LC00EJ13 Disruptive IT Technologies in Business 5
International Business

(Choose all)

LC00EG74 International Trade Operations 5
LC00EG75 International Strategies 5
LC00EG76 Global Political Economy 5
Operational Supply Chain

(Choose all)

LC00EG77 Purchasing and Materials Management 5
LC00EG79 Operations Management 5
LC00EG80 E-Commerce and Distribution 5
Strategic Supply Chain Management

(Choose all)

LC00EG87 Strategic Sourcing 5
LC00EG88 Supply Chain Strategies and Trends 5
LC00EG89 Sustainable Supply Chains 5
Languages and Internationalisation

(Choose ects: 10)

LC00EH09 Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work 5
Foreign Language

(Choose ects: 5)

LC00EH04 Spanish 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LD00EJ01 Italian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LC00EG95 French 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LC00EG99 German 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5
LD00EJ00 Russian 1 (A1.1 - A1.2) 5

(Choose ects: 5)

LD00EJ05 Swedish Business Communication 5
LD00EJ06 Financial Swedish 5
LD00EJ04 Customer Oriented Communication in Swedish 5

(Choose ects: 5)

LD00EJ07 English for Management 5
LD00EJ08 Accounting and Financial English 5
LD00EJ09 English for Marketing 5
Innovation Project, Research and Development Methods

(Choose ects: 15)

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
LD00EI89 Research and Development Methods 5
LD00EJ03 Development Methods in Marketing 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Work Placement

(Choose ects: 30)

LX00BX40 Work Placement, General 15
LX00BX41 Work Placement, Based on Major 15
LX00BX42 Work Placement, Based on Major 30
Bachelor´s Thesis

(Choose ects: 15)

XX00EL75 Planning of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL76 Execution of the Thesis Work 5
XX00EL77 Reporting of the Thesis and Maturity Test 5