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Fashion and Clothing: Fashion and Clothing (BA) 2021-2025

Code: KXI21S1

Bachelor of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
Bachelor of Culture and Arts

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2021


Vaatetusalan ammattikorkeakoulutuksessa hankittu asiantuntijuus perustuu yhteiskunnassa tarvittavaan vaatetusalan prosessien kokonaishallintaan. Opiskelu on työelämälähtöistä ja kansainvälistä. Yhteistyöprojektit ja kehittämishankkeet integroivat opiskelun osaksi työelämän verkostoja ja käytänteitä. Koulutuksen ytimessä on vaatetusalan vastuullisuuteen liittyvä osaaminen kansainvälisessä toimintakentässä.

Vaatetusalan yritykset Suomessa tarvitsevat korkeakoulutettuja asiantuntijoita, joilla on hyvä kokonaiskuva alan nykyaikaisistä liiketoimintamalleista. Heillä on alan ammatillisten taitojen lisäksi ymmärrystä toimialan vastuullisuudesta sekä sosiaaliset taidot eri maiden ja kulttuurien väliseen vuoropuheluun. He osaavat seurata alan jatkuvaa muutosta, hyödyntää osaamistansa ja ongelmaratkaisukykyään joustavasti työelämän kehittämisessä. He hallitsevat alan standardit ja jatkuvasti muuttuvat sovellutukset.

Vestonomi (AMK) -tutkinnon suorittanut osaa hakea ja analysoida tietoa sekä käyttää sitä innovatiivisesti ongelmanratkaisussa ja työelämän kehittämisessä. Hän tuntee vastuunsa ympäristöä ja yhteiskuntaa kohtaan. Vestonomi tuntee materiaalit ja niiden ominaisuudet sekä vaatteiden tekniset ratkaisut. Hän osaa soveltaa tietoaan luovasti eri tuoteryhmissä. Hän hallitsee kaupallisten mallistojen muodon- ja laadunhallinnan, mitoituksen ja ohjeistuksen kansainvälisessä tuotantoketjussa. Vestonomilla on hyvä mallisto- ja valikoimasuunnitteluosaaminen yhdistettynä tuotehallintaan sekä valmiudet trendien soveltamiseen ja jalkauttamiseen kuluttajille. Hänellä on myös hyvä markkinointi- ja liiketalousosaaminen. Vestonomilla on lisäksi alan tietotekninen erikoisosaaminen ja hyvät tiimi- ja projektityötaidot.

Vaatetusala on yksi suurimpia toimialueita maailmantaloudessa. Vestonomit sijoittuvat avaintehtäviin vaatetusbisneksessä. He tuntevat suomalaisen ja kansainvälisen vaatetuskentän ja pystyvät toimimaan asiantuntijoina alan globaalissa verkostossa. Vestonomin toimintaympäristöjä ovat pääosin vaatekaupan kansainväliset hankintatiimit, vaateteollisuus, imago-, työ ja laitosvaateyritykset sekä vaatetusalan maahantuontiyritykset.

Vaatetusalan tutkinto-ohjelma on Suomen ainoa vaatetusalan teolliseen tuotehallintaan valmistava tutkinto, jossa huomioidaan vaatteen koko elinkaari. Metropolian vaatetusalan koulutus tuottaa laaja-alaisia osaajia vaatetusalan yrityksiin: asiantuntijuutta teollisesti valmistutettavien vaatteiden muodon- ja laadunhallintaan; vastuullisia tiimiosaajia mallisto- ja valikoimasuunnitteluun; asiantuntijoita vaatetusalan kaupallisten ja tuotannollisten prosessien hallintaan ja hankintaan; asiantuntijuutta vaatetusbisnekseen, maahantuontiin, agentuuritoimintaan, ostoihin ja myyntiin.

Opetussuunnitelma on rakennettu ottaen huomioon vaatetusalalla tarvittavan osaamisen laaja-alaisuus, vastuullisuuden ja kestävän kehityksen vaatimus, digitalisoituminen ja kansainvälistyminen ja julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2020.

Vestonomi (AMK) -tutkinto antaa kelpoisuuden hakea Vestonomi (ylempi AMK) -tutkintoon tai muuhun soveltuvaan ylempään korkeakoulututkintoon.

Vaatetusalan opetussuunnitelma,
vestonomi (AMK) 240 op

Opetussuunnitelma sisältää:
Vaatetusalan pakolliset opinnot 155 op
Vaatetusalan vaihtoehtoiset opinnot 25 op (ks. liite)
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot 15 op
Harjoittelu 30 op
Opinnäytetyö 15 op

Opintojaksot vuosittain:

Vaatetusalan toimintaympäristöt ja vastuut 5 op
Vartalon ja vaatteen visualisointi 5 op
Vaatteiden teolliset rakenteet ja vaatetustekniikka 5 op
Tekstiilikuidut ja vaatetusmateriaalit 5 op
Vartalot ja vaatteet: naisten vaatteiden kaavoitus 1 5 op
Vaatetusalan suunnitteluohjelmistot 5 op
Vaatetussuunnittelu ja tuotteistaminen 5 op
Teollinen kaavoitus ja sarjonta 5 op
Muotoilutekniikat 5 op
Markkinointi ja brändäys 5 op
Vaatetusalan ja pukeutumisen historia 5 op
Vartalot ja vaatteet: naisten vaatteiden kaavoitus 2 5 op

Kiertotalous ja standardit vaatetusalalla 5 op
Vartalot ja vaatteet: miesten vaatteiden kaavoitus 5 op
Mallistosuunnittelun digitaaliset työvälineet 5 op
Tekstiiliteknologia, testaus ja kierrätyskuidut 5 op
Vastuullinen mallistosuunnittelu 5 op
Neulosten kaavoitus, mitoitus ja laadunvarmistus 5 op
Miesten vaatteiden sarjonta, tuotanto-ohjeistus ja mitoitus 5 op
Vaatetusalan ammatillinen englanti 5 op
Toimitusketjun hallinta 5 op
Harjoittelu 1 15 op

Monialainen innovaatioprojekti 10 op
Tekstiilimateriaalien viimeistely, testaus ja tuoteturvallisuus 5 op
Vaatetusfysiologia ja -ergonomia 5 op
Syventävä mallistosuunnittelu, toimitusajat ja tuotannon ulkoistaminen 5 op
Päällys- ja ulkoiluvaatteiden ohjeistus ja sarjonta 5 op
Vaatetusalan vaihtoehtoiset opinnot 10/25 op
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot 5/15 op
Harjoittelu 2 15 op

Tutkimusmenetelmät ja -välineet 5 op
Vaatetusalan tutkimusviestintä ja työelämän ruotsi 5 op
Vaatetusalan osto- ja myyntitoiminta 5 op
Turvallisten lastenvaatteiden laadunhallinta 5 op
Vaatetusalan vaihtoehtoiset opinnot 15/25 op
Vapaasti valittavat opinnot 10/15 op
Opinnäytetyö ja kypsyysnäyte 15 op

Irmeli Osara
puh. +358 40 1690 728
PL 4072, 00079 METROPOLIA


Tutkinto-ohjelman opintokokonaisuudet sijoittuvat seuraaville kompetenssialueille (ks. liite):
• vaatetusalan materiaalit ja vastuullisuusosaaminen,
• laadunhallinnan osaaminen,
• mallisto- ja valikoimasuunnittelun osaaminen,
• bisnes- ja trendiosaaminen ja
• vaatetusalan innovaatio- ja kehitysosaaminen.

Opetussuunnitelmassa on huomioitu myös Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun yhteiset kompetenssit (ks. liite):
• oppimisen taidot,
• eettinen osaaminen,
• työyhteisöosaaminen,
• innovaatio-osaaminen,
• monikulttuurisuusosaaminen ja
• teknologia osaaminen.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2022 4. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025
Clothing Materials and Responsibility

(Choose all )

KX00ED90 Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00ED91 Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials 5
KX00ED92 Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00ED93 Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers 5
KX00ED94 Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics 5
KX00ED95 Finishing of Textile Materials, Testing and Product Safety 5
Quality Control

(Choose all )

KX00ED96 Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing 5
KX00ED97 Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1 5
KX00ED98 Draping Techniques 5
KX00ED99 Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2 5
KX00EE00 Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing 5
KX00EE01 Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing 5
KX00EE02 Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing 5
KX00EE03 Pattern Making, Sizing and Quality Control of Knitwear 5
KX00EE04 Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing 5
KX00EE05 Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes 5
Collection and Assortment Design

(Choose all )

KX00EE06 Visualization of Body and Clothing 5
KX00EE07 Clothing Design and Commercialization 5
KX00EE08 Design Software in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EE09 Responsible Collection Design 5
KX00EE10 Digital Tools for Collection Design 5
KX00EE11 Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing 5
Business and Trends

(Choose all )

KX00EE12 Marketing and Branding 5
KX00EE13 Professional English for Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EE14 Supply Chain Management 5
KX00EE15 Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing 5
Clothing Innovation and Development

(Choose all )

KX00EE16 History of Fashion and Clothing 5
XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
KX00EE17 Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EE18 Research Methods 5
Alternative Studies in Fashion and Clothing

(Choose ects: 25)

KX00EE19 Individual Working Life Project and Networking 5
KX00EH97 Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EH98 Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products 5
KX00EH99 Functional Wear Collection Design 5
KX00EI00 Functional Layered Clothing 5
KX00EI01 Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown 5
KX00EI02 Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear 5
KX00EI03 Children’s Wear Collection Design 5
KX00EI04 Knitwear Collection Design 5
KX00EI05 Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design 5
KX00EI06 International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing 5
KX00EI07 Visual Marketing and Assortment Design 5
KX00EI08 International Fashion Marketing 5
KX00EI09 Business Plan and Cost Accounting 5
KX00EI10 Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)


(Choose all )

KX00EE20 Internship 1 15
KX00EE21 Internship 2 15
Bachelor’s Thesis

(Choose all )

KX00EE22 Bachelor’s Thesis 15
Total 240 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12.5 17.5 15 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

amk::amk-tutkintojen kieliopinnot

AMK-tutkintoon johtavien opintojen tavoitteena on, että tutkinnon suorittaneella on riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoulusta 1129/2014, 4 §).

Professional English

Vieraan kielen kirjallinen ja suullinen taito, joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Professional English for Fashion and Clothing
Second language (Finnish)

No attached course units

Second domestic language (Swedish)

Ruotsin kielen taito, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing
Not grouped
Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials
Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers
Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics
Finishing of Textile Materials, Testing and Product Safety
Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1
Draping Techniques
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2
Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing
Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing
Pattern Making, Sizing and Quality Control of Knitwear
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Visualization of Body and Clothing
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Design Software in Fashion and Clothing
Responsible Collection Design
Digital Tools for Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing
History of Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Methods
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products
Functional Wear Collection Design
Functional Layered Clothing
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear
Children’s Wear Collection Design
Knitwear Collection Design
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
Visual Marketing and Assortment Design
International Fashion Marketing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis

Metropolia's Generic Competences::Bachelor's Degree, UAS

Metropolian johtoryhmä hyväksynyt 10.6.2019. Esityksen valmisteli työryhmä: Tapani Martti, Marjatta Kelo, Jenni Koponen, Taru Ruotsalainen, Elina Värtö, Tiina Kokko. Lähteinä on käytetty mm. ARENEn suositus tutkintojen yhteisten kompetenssien soveltamisesta ammattikorkeakouluissa (2010), Valtioneuvoston asetus tutkintojen ja muiden osaamiskokonaisuuksien viitekehyksestä 120/2017, Valtioneuvoston tulevaisuusselonteot 1 & 2 (2017-2018) sekä Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön tulevaisuuskatsaus 2018.

Ethical Competence

- is able to take responsibility for one's actions and their consequences as well as to evaluate the effects of one's actions
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
- is able to take other people into account in one's work
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to take account of the effects of disparities in one's work
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development and understanding global responsibility of one's actions
- is capable of contributing to social change by means of one's expertise and ethical values

Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials
Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers
Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics
Finishing of Textile Materials, Testing and Product Safety
Pattern Making, Sizing and Quality Control of Knitwear
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Responsible Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing
History of Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Methods
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products
Functional Wear Collection Design
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Children’s Wear Collection Design
Knitwear Collection Design
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
Visual Marketing and Assortment Design
International Fashion Marketing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis
Innovation Competence

- is capable of creative problem-solving and development of working methods
- is able to work in projects
- is able to conduct research,development and innovation projects, applying existing knowledge in the field, current phenomena and methods to find human-centred solutions
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solution

Draping Techniques
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Visualization of Body and Clothing
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Design Software in Fashion and Clothing
Responsible Collection Design
Digital Tools for Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Functional Wear Collection Design
Functional Layered Clothing
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear
Children’s Wear Collection Design
Knitwear Collection Design
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
Visual Marketing and Assortment Design
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis
Multicultural Competence

- is able to work in a multicultural community and customer environment
- is able to take into account the effects of and opportunities for global development and phenomena in one's field
- possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field

Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing
Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Responsible Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Professional English for Fashion and Clothing
Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing
History of Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products
Functional Wear Collection Design
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Children’s Wear Collection Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
International Fashion Marketing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis
Learning Competence

- lifelong learning skills: is ableto describe, self-evaluate and develop one's skills and learning approaches and methods
- is able to retrieve and analyse information and evaluate it critically
- is capable to take responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams

Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials
Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing
Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1
Draping Techniques
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2
Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing
Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Visualization of Body and Clothing
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Design Software in Fashion and Clothing
Responsible Collection Design
Digital Tools for Collection Design
Professional English for Fashion and Clothing
History of Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Methods
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis
Technological Competence

- is able to utilise the opportunities provided by technology and digitalisation in one's profession
- is able to recognise the effects of technological development on one's work and professional tasks
- is able to participate in the development of technology used in one's field

Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials
Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers
Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics
Finishing of Textile Materials, Testing and Product Safety
Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2
Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing
Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing
Pattern Making, Sizing and Quality Control of Knitwear
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Design Software in Fashion and Clothing
Responsible Collection Design
Digital Tools for Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing
History of Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing
Research Methods
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products
Functional Wear Collection Design
Functional Layered Clothing
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear
Children’s Wear Collection Design
Knitwear Collection Design
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
Visual Marketing and Assortment Design
International Fashion Marketing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis
Working Community Competence

- is able to operate as a memberof a multidisciplinary work community, taking into account the diversity and promoting the wellbeing of the community
- is able to communicate and interact in working life
- is able to create personal working life connections and to operate in professional networks
- is capable of making decisions in unexpected situations
- is able to apply the principles of organisational management and leadership in working life, and work independently as an expert of one’s field
- is able to work as an entrepreneur
- is able to work in a customer-oriented way
- is able to adjust one's actions in reaching long-term objectives

Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers
Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics
Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1
Draping Techniques
Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing
Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Responsible Collection Design
Digital Tools for Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Professional English for Fashion and Clothing
Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
Visual Marketing and Assortment Design
International Fashion Marketing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor’s Thesis
Not grouped

STRUCTURE Bachelor (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) perus- ja ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) ammattitaitoa edistävää harjoittelua; 4) opinnäytetyö.

Professional Studies
Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials
Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing
Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers
Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics
Finishing of Textile Materials, Testing and Product Safety
Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1
Draping Techniques
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2
Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing
Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing
Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing
Pattern Making, Sizing and Quality Control of Knitwear
Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing
Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes
Clothing Design and Commercialization
Design Software in Fashion and Clothing
Responsible Collection Design
Digital Tools for Collection Design
Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing
Marketing and Branding
Professional English for Fashion and Clothing
Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing
History of Fashion and Clothing
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing
Research Methods
Individual Working Life Project and Networking
Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing
Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products
Functional Wear Collection Design
Functional Layered Clothing
Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown
Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear
Children’s Wear Collection Design
Knitwear Collection Design
Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design
International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing
Visual Marketing and Assortment Design
International Fashion Marketing
Business Plan and Cost Accounting
Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing
Work Placement
Internship 1
Internship 2
Bachelor´s Thesis
Bachelor’s Thesis
Core Requirement Studies
Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing
Visualization of Body and Clothing
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Code Name Credits (cr)
Clothing Materials and Responsibility

(Choose all)

KX00ED90 Operational Environments and Responsibility in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00ED91 Textile Fibers and Clothing Materials 5
KX00ED92 Circular Economy and Standards in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00ED93 Textile Technology, Testing and Re-Engineered Fibers 5
KX00ED94 Clothing Physiology and Ergonomics 5
KX00ED95 Finishing of Textile Materials, Testing and Product Safety 5
Quality Control

(Choose all)

KX00ED96 Garment Structures and Clothing Technology for Manufacturing 5
KX00ED97 Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 1 5
KX00ED98 Draping Techniques 5
KX00ED99 Technical Design and Pattern Making: Women's Clothing 2 5
KX00EE00 Pattern Making and Grading for Manufacturing 5
KX00EE01 Technical Design and Pattern Making: Men’s Clothing 5
KX00EE02 Grading, Production Instructions and Sizing of Men’s Clothing 5
KX00EE03 Pattern Making, Sizing and Quality Control of Knitwear 5
KX00EE04 Grading and Instructions of Outerwear and Outdoor Clothing 5
KX00EE05 Quality Control and Safety in Children’s Clothes 5
Collection and Assortment Design

(Choose all)

KX00EE06 Visualization of Body and Clothing 5
KX00EE07 Clothing Design and Commercialization 5
KX00EE08 Design Software in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EE09 Responsible Collection Design 5
KX00EE10 Digital Tools for Collection Design 5
KX00EE11 Advanced Collection Design, Delivery Times and Outsourcing 5
Business and Trends

(Choose all)

KX00EE12 Marketing and Branding 5
KX00EE13 Professional English for Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EE14 Supply Chain Management 5
KX00EE15 Purchasing and Selling in Fashion and Clothing 5
Clothing Innovation and Development

(Choose all)

KX00EE16 History of Fashion and Clothing 5
XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
KX00EE17 Research Communication and Professional Swedish for Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EE18 Research Methods 5
Alternative Studies in Fashion and Clothing

(Choose ects: 25)

KX00EE19 Individual Working Life Project and Networking 5
KX00EH97 Circular Economy Business in Fashion and Clothing 5
KX00EH98 Ecological Effectiveness of Textile Materials and Products 5
KX00EH99 Functional Wear Collection Design 5
KX00EI00 Functional Layered Clothing 5
KX00EI01 Outerwear Collection and Delivery Time Breakdown 5
KX00EI02 Shape and Quality Management and Sizing of Outerwear 5
KX00EI03 Children’s Wear Collection Design 5
KX00EI04 Knitwear Collection Design 5
KX00EI05 Digital Pattern Making and 3D Fashion Design 5
KX00EI06 International Trade Fair Practices and Material Sourcing 5
KX00EI07 Visual Marketing and Assortment Design 5
KX00EI08 International Fashion Marketing 5
KX00EI09 Business Plan and Cost Accounting 5
KX00EI10 Contract Practices in Fashion and Clothing 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)


(Choose all)

KX00EE20 Internship 1 15
KX00EE21 Internship 2 15
Bachelor’s Thesis

(Choose all)

KX00EE22 Bachelor’s Thesis 15