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Social Services (in English): Social Services

Code: SXG22S1

Degree title
Bachelor of Social Services
210 ects
3.5 years (210 cr)
Start semester
Autumn 2022
Teaching language



The workplace oriented teaching and learning in the Degree Programme of Social Services
is carried out with the organisations, associations, actors and companies functioning in the Metropolitan area. Teaching utilizes many ways of learning such as exploratory and project-based learning, dialogical and collaborative learning. The studies include classroom and distance teaching as well as independent learning and group work. During the studies, there is also a chance to participate in various projects that develop work in the social field together with a team of experts. In the course of their studies, each student will participate in multidisciplinary courses. The students have the opportunity to choose up to 20 credits of elective courses from the social services degree programme and from other suitable course offerings. The students are encouraged at Metropolia to join international activities such as international internships, exchange programmes and projects. Because the degree programme in social services is conducted in both Finnish and English, all students will have the opportunity to complete a part of their studies in English. Students may acquire the qualifications in Early Childhood Education in Social Services by studying the courses in the early education study path and by successfully completing the course work. When choosing the path of early childhood education, the students complete 20 credits of elective studies according to the study module for early childhood education.

From the first semester onwards, the studies in the degree programme of social services include student counselling on studies in accordance with the student's own personal study plan. The studies also include counselling on professional growth and career planning.

The degree programme in social services provides socio-pedagogical competence and expertise, which meets the changing requirements of both the society and the Metropolitan area.The aim of the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Services is to educate experts in the field, who support and promote well-being, life management, and inclusion and who prevent and reduce social deprivation and exclusion in their work.The Bachelors of Social Services are also developing their professional field and influence on a societal level in social questions.

The professional skills for the Bachelors of Social Services (UAS) are built on ethical competence and the socio-pedagogical work approach. Social Pedagogy combines both social and pedagogical perspectives at work: it examines individual social growth as a part of communities and society. The starting point of the socio-pedagogical work is to advance the well-being, life management, inclusion and functioning of both individuals and communities, as well as to affect societal inequality and exclusion. The work of the Bachelor of Social Services is based on appreciating diversity as well as meeting people in a dialogue that is both holistic and resource-based. Bachelors of Social Services are skilled to meet clients at different stages of their life cycle, they also have gained versatile knowledge regarding the special needs of client groups, different work methods, as well as legislative and service systems. Work is carried out in the everyday lives and in the diverse operating environments of people and communities of different ages. The Bachelors of Social Services are able to critically analyse societal phenomena and understand their impact on the lives and well-being of people and communities, and are able to act as socially influential persons. The Bachelors of Social Services know how to identify and create solutions that support sustainable development from the perspective of social sustainability. The graduates have gained work community expertise and are able to work in the tasks of research and management. The Bachelors of Social Services represent social expertise in different work environments and various networks.

The curriculum of the degree programme is based on the following competence areas of the Bachelors of Social Services (the UAS social services network):

1. Ethical competence in social services
2. Competence in customer work
3. Competence in service systems in the social field
4. Critical and participatory societal competences
5. Research based development and innovation competences
6. Work community, leadership, and entrepreneurial competences


The curriculum and learning will be systematically developed in cooperation with key work life partners representing both the public and the voluntary sectors. Work life cooperation and developing teaching are carried out in addition to tuition also in national and international projects. The teachers and students of the degree programme of social services participate in the development of the curriculum.

The curriculum has been fully renewed during 2020. Both work life partners as well as teachers and students of the degree programme of social services have participated in the work.

Further information

Opetussuunnitelma on kopioitu hyväksytystä opetussuunnitelmasta SXH21S1.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024 3. / 2025 4. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2025
Orientation to the Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00EN92 Orientation to Studying 5
SX00EO94 Professional Communication and Academic Writing 5
SX00EO95 Introduction to Social Pedagogy 5
SX00EO96 Development of the Welfare State 5
SX00EO97 Work and Working Environments in Social Services 5
SX00EO98 Internship in the Voluntary and Civic Environments 5
Inclusion and Supporting Life Development

(Choose 30)

SX00EO99 Human Growth and Development 5
SX00EP00 Basics of Individual and Group Counselling 5
SX00EP01 Social participation and the disadvantaged 5
SX00EP02 Everyday Lives of Children and Families 5
SX00EP03 Life Course Support in Socio-Pedagogical Work and Professional English 10
SX00EP04 Internship 1 - Social Service Work in the Client’s Everyday Life 5
Developing the Professional Competence of the Bachelor of Social Services

(Choose 30)

SX00EP05 Basics of Ethics in Social Services, Empowerment and Challenges of Work 10
SX00EQ85 Swedish for Working Life 5
SX00EQ80 Finnish at Work in Social Services 5
SX00EP06 Social Service Work 10
SX00EQ81 Basics of research and development 5
Social Pedagogical Client Work

(Choose 30)

SX00EP08 Child Protection 5
SX00EP09 Mental Health and Substance Abuse 5
SX00EP10 Disability 5
SX00EP11 Supporting Development and Learning in Early Childhood Development 5
SX00EP12 Internship 2 – Professional Work with Clients in the Social Field 15
Professional Development and Cooperation

(Choose all )

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
SX00EQ83 Advanced Research and Development 5
SX00EP19 Planning the bachelor’s thesis and English 5
Deepening Professional Expertise

(Choose all )

SX00EP22 Implementing the bachelor’s thesis 5
SX00EP23 Trauma, Crises, and Violence in the Work of the Social Field 5
SX00EA03 Entrepreneurship and Management in the Social and Health Care Sector 5
SX00EP24 Reporting and publication of the bachelor’s thesis 5
Skilled Professional in Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00EP20 Internship 3 – Strengthening Professional Competence of Bachelors of Social Services 20
SX00EP21 Leadership and Development of the Work Community 5
SX00EQ84 Study, career planning and professional development 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 20)

Early Childhood Education

(Choose 20)

SX00EP41 Basics of Early Childhood Education 5
SX00EP42 Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education 10
Total 210 65 70 55 30 30 35 35 35 25 30 30 15 15 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 12.5 12.5 15 15 15 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

amk::amk-tutkintojen kieliopinnot

AMK-tutkintoon johtavien opintojen tavoitteena on, että tutkinnon suorittaneella on riittävä viestintä- ja kielitaito oman alansa tehtäviin sekä kansainväliseen toimintaan ja yhteistyöhön. (Valtioneuvoston asetus ammattikorkeakoulusta 1129/2014, 4 §).

Professional English

Vieraan kielen kirjallinen ja suullinen taito, joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Life Course Support in Socio-Pedagogical Work and Professional English
Planning the bachelor’s thesis and English
Second language (Finnish)
Finnish at Work in Social Services
Second domestic language (Swedish)

Ruotsin kielen taito, joka julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta annetun lain (424/2003) mukaan vaaditaan korkeakoulututkintoa edellyttävään virkaan kaksikielisellä virka-alueella ja joka ammatin harjoittamisen ja ammatillisen kehityksen kannalta on tarpeellinen.

Swedish for Working Life
Not grouped
Orientation to Studying
Professional Communication and Academic Writing
Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Development of the Welfare State
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Internship in the Voluntary and Civic Environments
Human Growth and Development
Basics of Individual and Group Counselling
Social participation and the disadvantaged
Everyday Lives of Children and Families
Internship 1 - Social Service Work in the Client’s Everyday Life
Basics of Ethics in Social Services, Empowerment and Challenges of Work
Social Service Work
Basics of research and development
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Supporting Development and Learning in Early Childhood Development
Internship 2 – Professional Work with Clients in the Social Field
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Advanced Research and Development
Implementing the bachelor’s thesis
Trauma, Crises, and Violence in the Work of the Social Field
Entrepreneurship and Management in the Social and Health Care Sector
Reporting and publication of the bachelor’s thesis
Internship 3 – Strengthening Professional Competence of Bachelors of Social Services
Leadership and Development of the Work Community
Study, career planning and professional development
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education

STRUCTURE Bachelor (A18.12.2014/1129)

Asetuksen 18.12.2014/1129 mukainen rakenne. 2 § Opintojen rakenne Ammattikorkeakoulututkintoon johtaviin opintoihin kuuluu: 1) perus- ja ammattiopintoja; 2) vapaasti valittavia opintoja; 3) ammattitaitoa edistävää harjoittelua; 4) opinnäytetyö.

Professional Studies
Basics of Individual and Group Counselling
Life Course Support in Socio-Pedagogical Work and Professional English
Basics of Ethics in Social Services, Empowerment and Challenges of Work
Social Service Work
Child Protection
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Supporting Development and Learning in Early Childhood Development
Multidisciplinary Innovation Project
Advanced Research and Development
Trauma, Crises, and Violence in the Work of the Social Field
Entrepreneurship and Management in the Social and Health Care Sector
Leadership and Development of the Work Community
Study, career planning and professional development
Basics of Early Childhood Education
Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education
Work Placement
Internship in the Voluntary and Civic Environments
Internship 1 - Social Service Work in the Client’s Everyday Life
Internship 2 – Professional Work with Clients in the Social Field
Internship 3 – Strengthening Professional Competence of Bachelors of Social Services
Bachelor´s Thesis
Planning the bachelor’s thesis and English
Implementing the bachelor’s thesis
Reporting and publication of the bachelor’s thesis
Core Requirement Studies
Orientation to Studying
Professional Communication and Academic Writing
Introduction to Social Pedagogy
Development of the Welfare State
Work and Working Environments in Social Services
Human Growth and Development
Social participation and the disadvantaged
Everyday Lives of Children and Families
Swedish for Working Life
Finnish at Work in Social Services
Basics of research and development
Elective Studies

No attached course units

Not grouped

Code Name Credits (cr)
Orientation to the Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00EN92 Orientation to Studying 5
SX00EO94 Professional Communication and Academic Writing 5
SX00EO95 Introduction to Social Pedagogy 5
SX00EO96 Development of the Welfare State 5
SX00EO97 Work and Working Environments in Social Services 5
SX00EO98 Internship in the Voluntary and Civic Environments 5
Inclusion and Supporting Life Development

(Choose 30 )

SX00EO99 Human Growth and Development 5
SX00EP00 Basics of Individual and Group Counselling 5
SX00EP01 Social participation and the disadvantaged 5
SX00EP02 Everyday Lives of Children and Families 5
SX00EP03 Life Course Support in Socio-Pedagogical Work and Professional English 10
SX00EP04 Internship 1 - Social Service Work in the Client’s Everyday Life 5
Developing the Professional Competence of the Bachelor of Social Services

(Choose 30 )

SX00EP05 Basics of Ethics in Social Services, Empowerment and Challenges of Work 10
SX00EQ85 Swedish for Working Life 5
SX00EQ80 Finnish at Work in Social Services 5
SX00EP06 Social Service Work 10
SX00EQ81 Basics of research and development 5
Social Pedagogical Client Work

(Choose 30 )

SX00EP08 Child Protection 5
SX00EP09 Mental Health and Substance Abuse 5
SX00EP10 Disability 5
SX00EP11 Supporting Development and Learning in Early Childhood Development 5
SX00EP12 Internship 2 – Professional Work with Clients in the Social Field 15
Professional Development and Cooperation

(Choose all )

XX00DZ39 Multidisciplinary Innovation Project 10
SX00EQ83 Advanced Research and Development 5
SX00EP19 Planning the bachelor’s thesis and English 5
Deepening Professional Expertise

(Choose all )

SX00EP22 Implementing the bachelor’s thesis 5
SX00EP23 Trauma, Crises, and Violence in the Work of the Social Field 5
SX00EA03 Entrepreneurship and Management in the Social and Health Care Sector 5
SX00EP24 Reporting and publication of the bachelor’s thesis 5
Skilled Professional in Social Services

(Choose all )

SX00EP20 Internship 3 – Strengthening Professional Competence of Bachelors of Social Services 20
SX00EP21 Leadership and Development of the Work Community 5
SX00EQ84 Study, career planning and professional development 5
Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 20 )

Early Childhood Education

(Choose 20 )

SX00EP41 Basics of Early Childhood Education 5
SX00EP42 Pedagogical Activities in Early Childhood Education 10
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