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Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care

Master of Health Care
Degree title
Master of Health Care (Emergency Care)
Master of Health Care (Nursing)
Master of Health Care (Midwifery)
Master of Health Care (Public Health Nursing)
90 ects

Specific admission requirements

Eligibility for a UAS Master’s degree programme is conferred by an appropriate UAS higher education degree or another appropriate higher education degree. The following Finnish Bachelor of Health Care / Social Services degrees:
- ensihoitaja (AMK)
- kätilö (AMK)
- sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
- terveydenhoitaja (AMK)
- appropriate foreign higher education degree equivalent to the above mentioned Finnish higher education degrees in terms of level, extent and content (assessed by the degree programme).

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning

Those applying to and enrolled in a higher education institution have the opportunity to apply for recognition of prior learning and previously acquired competencies, irrespective of where or how such competence was acquired. Prior learning corresponding to tertiary level expertise may be transferred as credits towards the degree. Students are responsible for substantiating the competencies that they have acquired. The relevant practices have been described in the Degree Regulations.

Qualification requirements and regulations

The Degree Regulations of Metropolia university of applied sciences: >>

Profile of the programme

Look at the general description of the Programme:

Key learning outcomes

Key learning outcomes are specified in the programme study plan.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Taking the Master’s Degree in Development and Leadership of Acute Care provides the students with a high-level professional competence in developing the care of patients requiring acute or life-saving care and enables them to work as developers, reformers, experts and leaders in varying work environments as well as to obtain social and health care expert positions both at national level and internationally. The Master’s degree renews and develops the knowledge foundation of acute care and provides fresh knowledge. The aim is to gain competence in the leadership and development of acute care processes as part of the social and health care services as well as to determine and implement the processes of acute care service levels by analyzing different quality and care assessment models. In addition, the students are competent to work in various acute care expert and management positions.

The students can gain competence in the public and private sectors in changing operational environments. The degree programme consists of RDI studies, social and health care leadership studies to build up common knowledge base, advanced studies and elective studies.

The studies are based on Metropolia’s curriculum framework highlighting work life-oriented competence, exploratory learning and the development of RDI, internationality, life-long learning and versatility. All students are working professionals with the minimum of three years of health care work experience at the beginning of their studies. The students utilize their previous expertise and workplace connections throughout the studies and form expert networks with peer students, UAS lecturers and other speakers as well as alumni. During the studies the students develop their self-reflection, self-management and overall management skills, and increase their communication and interaction skills at national and international level. The international approach to studies is realized in the form of international guests, student exchange, field trips and multidisciplinary international studies. The purpose of the studies leading to Master’s degree is to provide the students with a comprehensive and deep knowledge of social and health care and the required theoretical knowledge to hold demanding expert and leadership positions or work as entrepreneurs. The education also emphasizes the development of good communication and linguistic competence required by the work environment.

The competence level of Master’s degree graduates from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences is NQF 7 (National Qualifications Framework) in accordance with the recommendations of Arene (Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences).

Access to further studies

After receiving a Master’s degree (the level EQF 7) one can move further in the post-graduate path of the university sector.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Graduation requirements

A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses.

Mode of study

Master students study on a part-time basis. Students achieve their degree in 1,5-2 years.

Programme director

Head of Degree Programme
Jukka Lehtimäki

Level of qualification

Master´s Degree Programme

Workplacement(s) and Work-based Learning

Internship is not included in the studies. Studies are conducted in cooperation with working life.

Obligatory or Optional Mobility

Kansainvälisyys toteutuu esimerkiksi ulkomaalaisten vierailijaluentojen, kv- matkojen ja -vaihtojen sekä monialaisten kansainvälisten opintojen muodossa.

Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care


Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care


Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care


Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care


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