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Basic Research Methods and Skills (5 cr)

Code: S000FF63-3005

General information


06.05.2024 - 30.09.2024


08.10.2024 - 05.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 100

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Welfare Management in Developing Social and Health Services (Social sciences, Business and Administration)
  • Master's Degree Programme in Welfare Management in Developing Social and Health Services (Social services, Health and Sports)
  • Master's Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise in Digital Health Care and Social Services


  • Salla Kivelä
  • Lotta Kuosmanen

Teacher in charge

Salla Kivelä


  • L1324S6
    Hyvinvointijohtaminen kehittyvissä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa, ylempi
  • S2924S6
    Hyvinvointijohtaminen kehittyvissä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa, ylempi
  • S3124S6
    Kliinisen asiantuntijuuden tutkinto-ohjelma, digitaalisten palvelujen asiantuntija sosiaali- ja terveysalalla, ylempi


The purpose of the course is to strengthen the student’s research and development competence using various methods and to support opportunities to produce new knowledge in various development projects. In addition, the purpose is to strengthen problem-solving skills and critical argumentation and information creation skills.

The student is able to identify working life-oriented research and development needs and opportunities from different perspectives. The student masters the basics of systematic data search as part of research and development activities. The student is familiar with the methods suitable for research and development projects and masters the basics of qualitative, quantitative and development methods. The student complies with good scientific practice, is familiar with data protection and data management principles and can apply these principles in research and development activities. The student identifies factors influencing the reliability and quality of research and development projects and knows the basics of how to assess them. The student masters the basics of expert communications.


- Identifying research and development needs
- Systematic data acquisition and assessment of research quality
- Approaches to research and development work
- Research and development processes and methods
- Quantitative, qualitative and development methods
- Research ethics, data protection and sound scientific practices
- Basics of expert communications and reporting in research and development work

Location and time

8.10.2024 klo 10.30-12 Orientaatio opintoihin
11.10.2024 klo 13-14.30 Tutkimusprosessi
5.11.2024 klo 10.30-12.00 Aiheen rajaus ja systemaattinen tiedonhaku
7.11.2024 klo 10.30-12.00 Yleisimmät tutkimus- ja kehittämismenetelmät
3.12.2024 klo 9.00-10.30 Tutkimusetiikka ja tietosuoja
5.12.2024 klo 10.30-12.00 Ideapaperin laatiminen


Kaikki opintojaksoon littyvä materiaali Moodlessa

Teaching methods

Interaktiivinen kontaktiopetus verkossa (sis. tehtäviä ja keskustelua opetuksen aikana)
Itsenäistä opiskelua ja työskentelyä Moodlessa

Aktivoivat tehtävät
Tutkimus- tai kehittämisaiheen ideapaperin laatiminen

Student workload

135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to identify and describe research and development needs and the stages of the research and development process in their field. The student is able to make use of relevant information in development work. The student is able to apply key concepts and methods in their field’s research and development work in theory. They identify and are able to take into account any data protection and research ethics issues. They know the basics of expert communications and reporting.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to justify research and development needs and the stages of the research and development process in their field. The student is able to make use of relevant information purposefully in development work. The student has a good theoretical understanding of how to use key concepts and methods in their field’s research and development work, and is able to plan their practical application. They know the basics of data protection and are able to use research ethics guidelines. The student knows the basics of expert communications and reporting and is capable of producing clear communications and reporting.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to provide diverse justifications from different perspectives for research and development needs and the stages of the research and development process in their field. The student is able to make use of and evaluate relevant information purposefully in development work. The student has an excellent theoretical understanding of how to use key concepts and methods in their field’s research and development work, and is able to plan their practical application in diverse ways. The student has internalised the data protection and research ethics guidelines, and is able to develop operations that comply with them. The student has a very strong command of expert communications and reporting, and is able to produce impactful communications and reporting.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student identifies and is able to describe research and development needs and the stages of the research and development process in their field. The student is able to make use of relevant information in development work. The student has a theoretical understanding of how to use key concepts and methods in their field’s research and development work, and is able to plan their practical application. They are able to identify and take into account any data protection and research ethics issues. They know the basics of expert communications and reporting.

Assessment methods and criteria

Yksilötehtävät (1-11) suoritettu, arviointi: hyväksytty- täydennettävä - hylätty
Ideapaperin (12) arviointi arvosanalla 1-5, joka opintojakson arvosana
Ideapaperin vertaisarviointi suoritettu: hyväksytty - hylätty

Further information

The course can be accredited with advanced studies completed earlier for a Master’s degree or in a university (60 ECTS), provided that the contents of the completed courses correspond to the contents of these courses.