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CAD3 - Surface Modeling and Parametric Modeling and Simulations (4 cr)

Code: TX00FE06-3001

General information


01.05.2023 - 30.11.2023


01.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 300

Degree programmes

  • Mechanical Engineering


  • Tero Karttiala

Teacher in charge

Tero Karttiala


After completing the course, you will be able to model 3D constructs and create assemblies from them. You will be able to effectively use the parameters of a feature-based 3D modelling program and understand the logic of modelling.


1. Surface models
- Lines and features in surface modelling
- Analysis of lines
- Making and modifying surfaces
- Analysing and editing surface models
2. Parametric modelling
- Creating dependencies at sketch level
- Creating dependencies of features
- Configurable models
- Creating a parametric model using a spreadsheet
3. Simulations
- 3D model kinematics simulations
- Simulation of the physical properties of a 3D model

Location and time

Opinnot suoritetaan kokonaisuudessaan verkossa.

Teaching methods

Opinnot suoritetaan kokonaisuudessaan verkossa Metropolian Moodle-oppimisympäristössä sekä tarvittaessa Zoom- tai Teams-alustojen kautta. Opinnot koostuvat opetusvideoista, kirjallisesta materiaalista ja harjoitustehtävistä. Voit suorittaa opintoja itsenäisesti omaan tahtiin opintojen aikataulun puitteissa. Opintojen aikana järjestetään opettajan pitämiä tukityöpajoja 2-3 viikon välein, poislukien loma-ajat.

Further information

Tarvitset opintojakson suoritukseen riittävän tasoisen tietokoneen ja verkkoyhteyden. Koulutusmateriaali on tehty SolidWorks -ohjelmalle, mutta voit tehdä harjoitustehtävät myös muilla CAD-ohjelmilla.
Ajoneuvo- ja konetekniikan opiskelijat eivät voi korvata tutkintoon kuuluvia opintoja tällä opintojaksolla.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You can make simple surface models. You understand the principles of parameterisation and can perform simple parameterisations. You can perform kinematics simulations for simple mechanisms.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You can make a wide range of surface models and analyse their properties. You will be able to create parametric 3D models and understand and use CAD software features. You can perform simulations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You can make and analyse a wide range of sophisticated surface models. You can perform a wide range of parameterisation of 3D models and assemblies. You will be able to make effective use of the features provided by CAD software for parametric modelling. You will be able to perform sophisticated simulations.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can make simple surface models. You understand the principles of parameterisation and can perform simple parameterisations. You can perform kinematics simulations for simple mechanisms.


CAD2 - Feature-based Design or equivalent competence