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Planning of the Thesis Work (5 cr)

Code: SX00EF11-3022

General information


28.11.2022 - 11.12.2022


01.05.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care


  • Eini Koskimies
  • Marika Lähdetniemi

Teacher in charge

Marika Lähdetniemi


  • SXK21K1
    Ensihoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, päivä


The student will be able to
- identify questions and needs for development in the professional field and the working life and to plan for their solutions
- use reliable and confined information from various sources in the development work
- apply professional skills and knowledge and use appropriate methods for the development task.


- familiarizing with the Thesis process
- agreement and permit practices
- familiarizing with health care context, and planning co-operation with working life partners
- recognizing developmental needs
- critical literature search in Finnish and English language
- choosing methodology and methods
- focusing Thesis topic
- preparing and presenting Thesis plan
- work shops

Location and time

Katso moodlessa oleva opinnäytetyöprosessin ohjeistus.


Litterature of research- and development methods, research articles of the professional area

Teaching methods

Student's independent work, group-/personal supervision, workshops

Employer connections

Co-operation with the project partners

Completion alternatives


Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5op eli opiskelijan työnä tämä on 27x5=135h.

Opintojakso toteutuu periodilla 4 (viikot 18-20).
Opintojaksoon sisältyvät pakolliset läsnäolopäivät toteutetaan zoomin välityksellä. Linkki löytyy lukujärjestyksistä.
1. Suunnitteluvaiheen aloitustapaaminen (kts. lukujärjestyksestä tarkempi ajanohta)
2. Suunnitteluvaiheen seminaaripäivä/päivät

Yllä mainittujen lisäksi opiskelijoiden tulee osallistua suunnitteluvaiheen työpajoihin sekä opinnäytetyön yksilöohjauksiin.

Content scheduling

Moodlessa: Opinnäytetyö 15op (Ensihoidon tutkinto) sekä OMAn työtilassa: Terveysalan opinnäytetyö

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation: Final project (Bachelor's)"

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass, Fail
See the attachment "Framework for evaluation: Final project (Bachelor's)"

Assessment methods and criteria

Accepted Plan of the Thesis Work
Professional competence and development
• significance for the profession and the connection to professional practices
• utilization of professional knowledge
• development of professional competence
• applicability in professional life
The methods used and the results obtained
• reliablility and ethics
• validity and innovation
• the usefulness of results
• the management of the thesis process and the development work
Communication and presentation
• structure and form
• the use of standard and professional language
• the focus, clarity and consistency of the text and expressions
• critical, analytical and reflective nature of communication
• argumentation and use of reference sources


Methods for Research and Development Work 5 ECTS

Further information

The areas and targets in the assessment of the Bachelor’s Thesis

Professional competence and development
- significance for the profession and the connection to professional practices
- utilization of professional knowledge
- development of professional competence
- applicability in professional life

The methods used and the results obtained
- reliablility and ethics
- validity and innovation
- the usefulness of results
- the management of the thesis process and the development work

Communication and presentation
- structure and form
- the use of standard and professional language
- the focus, clarity and consistency of the text and expressions
- critical, analytical and reflective nature of communication
- argumentation and use of reference sources