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Genetic Competence in Midwifery (5 cr)

Code: SX00FA14-3001

General information


28.11.2022 - 11.12.2022


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Midwifery


  • S2622S6
    Kätilötyön kehittämisen ja johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi amk


The student
- Has comprehensive knowledge in developing evidence based midwifery related to genetic diseases
- Has comprehensive knowledge in developing new operating models to midwifery care of genetic diseases


- Genetic information and its possible consequences for the client and family
- Ethical aspects related to genetic diseases
- Theoretical counseling models for genetic counseling
- Effects of genetic diseases on health behavior
- Fetal diagnosis and fetal abnormalities associated with genetic diseases
- Development of early information related to genetic diseases in midwifery

Location and time

The course will be carried out as classroom teaching at Metropolia and online with Zoom video conferencing tool.

21.2.2023 9-11 AM Orientation
21.2.2023 1-4 PM Lecture (Zoom)
22.2.2023 2-4 PM Lecture (Zoom)
21.3. 2023 9.30 AM - 3.30 PM Lecture (Zoom)
23.3 klo 16-17.30 Zoom
30.3. 16-17.30 Zoom
17.5.2023 10 AM - 3.30 PM Workshop (Metropolia)


Aittomäki Kristiina, Moilanen Jukka, Perola Markus: Lääketieteellinen genetiikka, Duodecin (Oppiportti), in Finnish.

Clarke Angus: Harper's practical genetic counselling. 2020, 8. painos (e-book).

Other materials and literature will be given in the course.

Teaching methods

- Interactive lectures
- Literature reading and writing
- Individual working
- Team working

Course instructions and assignments can be found on the Moodle learning platform. The Moodle platform opens at the beginning of the course.

Employer connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

5 ECTS equals about 135 hours of work.

Content scheduling

21.2.2023 klo 9-11 Zoom
Orientaatio opintojaksolle

21.2.2023 klo 13-16 Zoom
Geneettinen tieto ja sen mahdolliset seurannaisvaikutukset asiakkaalle ja perheelle
Geneettisten sairauksien vaikutukset terveyskäyttäytymiseen
Periytyvään syöpäalttiusoireyhtymään liittyvät ohjausmallit

22.2.2023 klo 14-16 Zoom
Sikiöseulonnat ja vanhempien ohjaus

21.3.2023 klo 9.30-15.30 Zoom
Geneettisiin sairauksiin liittyvät eettiset näkökulmat
Perinnöllisyysneuvonnan teoreettiset ohjausmallit

xx.xx (päivämäärä vielä auki)
Sikiön poikkeavuudet
Geneettisiin sairauksiin liittyvä sikiödiagnostiikka

30.3. Vijaya Kancherla / Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, USA / Kansainvälinen näkökulma epämuodostumiin

17.5.2023 klo 10-15.30 lähiopetus Metropolia
Geneettisiin sairauksiin liittyvän ensitiedon kehittäminen kätilötyössä

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- Knows the key concepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of the diseases and is able to use this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
- Has key knowledge in genetic diseases and operating models related to these and is able to utilize this knowledge in the development of midwifery

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- Has proficient knowledge in the key consepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of the diseases as well as how to apply this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
- Has proficient knowledge in genetic diseases and operating models related to these and in applying this knowledge in the development of midwifery care

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- Has proficient knowledge in the key concepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of these as well as in applying this knowledge extensively in the development of midwifery care
- Has proficient knowledge in theoretical principles and operating models related to genetic diseases as well as developing evidence based midwifery care related to genetic diseases

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessed study assignment:
1) Written assignments in a group
Instructions will be given in the course.

Course evaluation 0-5. The evaluation criteria for the course are shown in the curriculum.
Written task evaluation matrix on the Moodle platform.

Further information

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
A study unit or parts of it may be accredited based on previously acquired competence if the student has completed similar studies of higher education and/or the student has work experience to meet the competence requirements.