Information Technology, syksy 2025 (saapuvat vaihto-opiskelijat)
Erillisen opintokokonaisuuden tunnus: IT-EXCHANGE16
- englanti
- Each course has limited number of places and not all applicants are necessarily accepted.
- The courses listed are subject to change and subject to availability.
- The student should have a matching study background for the course. Some of the courses are available only for the incoming exchange students accepted in Information Technology Degree Programme.
- Course implementations for autumn semester will be published by 17 April 2025. Enrolment for the courses starts in May.
Information Technology Degree Programme helds courses in different Metropolia campuses. The campus where courses are held depends on the IT major (see the list below). Please take this into account when choosing courses. Transferring to other campus during the day between lessons is not usually possible as it takes time.
Course schedules will be published before summer in
IT Majors:
Game Development: courses are in Karamalmi campus
Software Engineering: courses are in Myllypuro campus except Advanced Mobile Application Development (TX00EY38-3002) in Karamalmi campus
Smart IoT Systems:
- 2nd and 4th year: courses are in Karamalmi campus
- 3rd year, Embedded IoT Devices study module: courses are in Myyrmäki campus
- 3rd year, IoT and Networks study module: courses are in Karamalmi campus
- Cloud and Server Systems study module: evening courses, lessons are held mainly remotely
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) |
0 | |
XX00EX62 | Finnish for Exchange Students | 5 |
GAME DEVELOPMENT: (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
3rd year studies (group ICT23-G) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
TX00EW66 | Pelisovellusten taustajärjestelmät | 5 |
TX00EW67 | Grafiikkaohjelmointi | 5 |
TX00EX67 | C++ -ohjelmoinnin jatkokurssi | 5 |
TX00EW68 | Portfolioprojekti 3 | 15 |
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
3rd year studies (group ICT23-SW) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
TX00EY20 | Todennäköisyyslaskenta ja tilastomatematiikka | 5 |
TX00EY36 | Mobiilikehityksen suunnittelumallit | 5 |
TX00EY37 | Anturit mobiilisovelluksissa | 5 |
TX00EY38 | Mobiilikehityksen jatkokurssi | 5 |
TX00EY39 | Mobiilikehitysprojekti | 5 |
TX00EY35 | Eettinen hakkerointi | 5 |
SMART IOT SYSTEMS: (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
2nd year studies: Smart IoT Systems (two groups: ICT24-SI-E and ICT24-SI-N) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
TX00EX72 | IoT-laitteiden C-ohjelmointi | 5 |
TX00EX73 | Insinöörimatematiikka | 5 |
TX00EX77 | Kytkinverkot ja reititys | 5 |
TX00EX74 | Todennäköisyys ja tilastomatematiikka | 5 |
TX00EX75 | Linux-palvelimet ja tietokannat | 5 |
TX00EX76 | Sulautettujen järjestelmien ohjelmointi | 5 |
3rd studies: Embedded IoT Devices (group ICT23-SI-E) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
TX00EX84 | IoT-tietoturva | 5 |
TX00EX85 | Sulautettujen Linux-järjestelmien hallinnointi | 5 |
TX00EX86 | ARM-prosessorit ja sulautetut käyttöjärjestelmät | 5 |
TX00EX88 | Sulautetun järjestelmän testiautomaatio | 5 |
TX00EX89 | Sulautettu Linux -perusteet (Yocto-projekti) | 5 |
3rd studies: IoT and Networks (group ICT23-SI-N) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
TX00EX96 | Amazon Web Services | 5 |
TX00EX97 | Mikropalvelut ja konttien hallinta | 5 |
TX00EX95 | Big Datan perusteet | 5 |
TX00EX99 | Käytännön kyberturvallisuus | 5 |
TX00EY35 | Eettinen hakkerointi | 5 |
4th year studies: Smart IoT Systems (groups ICT22-SI-E and ICT22-SI-N) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
XX00DZ39 | Monialainen innovaatioprojekti | 10 |
Cloud and Server Systems (group CLOUD, lessons are on evening time and mainly remotely) (Valitaan (kpl): 0 ) |
0 | |
TX00DW03 | Amazon-pilvipalvelun perusteet | 5 |
TX00DH60 | Virtualisoinnin ja pilvipalvelujen perusteet | 5 |
TX00EX93 | Yrityksen virtualisointiympäristön toteutus ja hallinta | 5 |