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Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health BusinessLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: S000DR75


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


The student demonstrates an in depth understanding of the three interrelated cornerstones of the job of a manager within health business; is able to conceptualize the strategy of his/her parent organization; is able to establish a robust management structure for his/her own field of responsibility; is ready to take first steps as an interactive people leader in a diverse organizational context.


Overall framework of being a manager
Strategy process
Building blocks of a management structure
Fundamentals of people leadership in a diverse organizational context

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient performance: has completed basic requirements to pass the course and has made an attempt to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing but has not made enough effort overall. The student has demonstrated little effort, interest and motivation for individual or team activities / assignments and the output is rather weak.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good overall performance: can apply and articulate concepts and information well both verbally and in writing, certain areas of individual or team output require further attention; shows appropriate level of interest and motivation in individual and team activities. Good presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance in all elements of the course: shows interest and motivation in individual and team activities and assignments, fully applies and clearly articulates concepts and information both verbally and in writing. The student is able to support his/her argument with references to the recommended reading and lecture content. Excellent presentation delivery and analysis.

Further information

The language of tuition is English.
The course is assessed on the 0 (failed) – 5 (excellent) grading scale.


06.05.2024 - 30.09.2024


19.09.2024 - 24.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 65

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Tricia Cleland Silva
Teacher in charge

Tricia Cleland Silva

  • T1424S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, tekniikka
  • S2423S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy, ylempi, sote
  • L0524S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, liiketalous
  • S1124S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, sote





Location and time

Thursday 19.9 from 16.15 - 18.15
Thursday 26.9 from 16.15 -18.15
Thursday 3.10 from 16.15-18.15
Thursday 24.10 from 16.15-18.15


Cleland Silva, T., & de Tarso Fonseca Silva, P. (2022). Making Sense of Work Through Collaborative Storytelling: Building Narratives in Organisational Change.

Cleland Silva, T., Sorsa, V., Hyytiäinen, S., & Ylä-Soininmäki-Pyöriä, M. (2023). Co-designing a digital healthcare platform with metaphor: the case of the Brain House for the Health Village. puntOorg International Journal, 8(2).

Drucker, P. (2005) Managing oneself. Harvard Business Review.

Ferlie, E., Montgomery, K., & Pedersen, A. R. (Eds.). (2016). The Oxford Handbook of health care management. Oxford University Press.

Khilji, S. E., & List, C. E. (2021). Humanizing to address the grand challenge of rising inequalities: Leadership in a post-COVID world. Academia Letters, 2.

Mintzberg, H. (2013). Simply managing: What managers do—and can do better. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Mintzberg, H. (2018). Managing the myths of health care. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Raelin, J. A. (2020). In leadership, look to the practices not to the individual. Academia Letters Article, 34.

International connections

Toteutus on kokonaisuudessaan kansainvälinen

Completion alternatives


Content scheduling

Webinar 1: Leadership as practice
Webinar 2: Management as practice
Webinar 3: Strategy as practice
Webinar 4: Private-public partnership and reframing health care management

Evaluation scale


Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation Criteria:

Satisfactory (1-2):

Basic engagement in independent study activities related to leadership, management, and strategy within health business.

Limited understanding of the practical aspects of these subjects within the health business context.

Completion of weekly quizzes with basic comprehension of the material.

Minimal participation in webinars, attending less than the required number.

Good (3-4):

Active involvement in independent study, demonstrating a solid grasp of leadership, management, and strategy in health business.

Consistent performance in weekly quizzes, showcasing a good understanding of the material.

Engaged participation in a minimum of three out of four webinars, contributing to discussions and demonstrating understanding of course concepts.

Ability to apply learned theories and concepts to real-world scenarios within the health business context effectively.

Excellent (5):

Exceptional commitment to independent study, showcasing an in-depth understanding of leadership, management, and strategy in health business.

Outstanding performance in weekly quizzes, demonstrating mastery of course material.

Active participation in all webinars, contributing insightful perspectives and engaging in discussions with peers and instructors.

Demonstrated ability to critically analyze and synthesize course content, applying it to complex scenarios within the health business landscape and identifying innovative solutions.


02.05.2023 - 30.09.2023


13.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Eija Metsälä
  • Tricia Cleland Silva
Teacher in charge

Tricia Cleland Silva

  • L0523S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, liiketalous
  • S1123S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, sote
  • T1423S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, tekniikka





Location and time

13.9 16-17.30
20.9 16-17.30
27.9 16-17.30
5.10 16-17.30
11.10 1 hour exam (open 12 hours)
23.10 Final essay due at 9 a.m.

Exam schedules

11.10 1 hour exam (open 12 hours)
23.10 Final essay due at 9 a.m.

Evaluation scale



02.05.2022 - 30.09.2022


07.09.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management
  • Tricia Cleland Silva
Teacher in charge

Tricia Cleland Silva

  • S1122S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, sote
  • T1422S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, tekniikka
  • S2421S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy, ylempi, sote
  • L0522S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, liiketalous





Location and time

Wed 7.9 at 15-17.30
Wed 14.9 at 15-17.30
Wed 21.9 at 15-17.30
Wed 28.9 at 15-17.30
Wed 5.10 at 15-16 examination
Fri 7.10 at 17 Final essay submission
Fri 14.10 at 10-12 retake examination

Zoom & Moodle learning platform

Exam schedules

Wed 5.10 at 15-16 examination
Fri 7.10 at 17 Final essay submission
Fri 14.10 at 10-12 retake examination

Evaluation scale
