Project Management Software (5 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: TT00GK79-3003
Toteutuksen perustiedot
- Ilmoittautumisaika
Ilmoittautuminen toteutukselle on päättynyt.
- Ajoitus
13.03.2025 - 31.12.2026
Toteutus on käynnissä.
- Opintopistemäärä
- 5 op
- Lähiosuus
- 0 op
- Virtuaaliosuus
- 5 op
- Toteutustapa
- Etäopetus
- Yksikkö
- ICT ja tuotantotalous
- Toimipiste
- Karaportti 2
- Opetuskielet
- englanti
- Paikat
- 0 - 500
- Koulutus
- Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Opettajat
- Virve Prami
- Vastuuopettaja
- Janne Salonen
- Ryhmät
ATX25TVNonStop virtuaaliopinnot vuosi 2025
- Opintojakso
- TT00GK79
In this course, we will explore project management and project management tools. The course uses a free project management software that students download to their own workstations and use for course demonstrations and exercises.
The course workspace in Metropolia’s Moodle contains 10 units (chapters) that are studied in sequence. Each lesson begins with studying the theory. The unit also includes review questions and exercises, which are answered in Moodle. The lessons also include videos that help internalize the concepts presented in the lecture materials. The practical exercises are carried out by the student on his/her own workstation using the ProjectLibre software.
At the end of each unit, there is a Review quiz. The review questions are directly based on the corresponding chapter of the course. The review test can be retaken three times. The next unit becomes available for study once the quiz has been successfully completed or all attempts have been used.
The course includes a project exercise that is developed throughout the course, with each chapter adding new elements based on the topics covered. At the end of the course, the project file created during the exercise is submitted to Moodle for evaluation.
The course also includes a student project, where project management is applied to a complete example project. The results are saved to Moodle for evaluation.
At the end of the course, a final exam is taken in Moodle. The final test consists of approximately 60+ multiple-choice questions and the duration is 2 hours. All final exam questions are from the course materials and the review questions. The passing threshold is 70%. The test can be retaken three times.
The course also includes chapters that examine the compatibility between ProjectLibre and MS Project, and introduce other free project management alternatives.
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. It has a defined beginning and end, specific objectives, and constraints such as time, cost, and resources. The term "project" comes from the Latin word "projectum," which means "something thrown forward" or "planned in advance."
A project has a few primary attributes that distinguish it from ongoing and routine works that are business operations. They can be listed as below:
Projects and their outcomes are unique.
Projects are temporary, that is, they have a definite beginning and ending date.
Projects produce unique products, services, or results.
Projects exist to bring about a product, service, process, or outcome that hasn’t existed or been used before by the implementing organization or beneficiaries.
While some projects are based on previous projects that were carried out in a similar fashion, each project is unique and begins with a business case and project charter. Constructing a replica of a building should be also considered a project although the same architectural blueprints are used. Although containing repetitive elements, this new construction work requires conceptualization and planning.
Projects can involve developing and producing a new deliverable. Besides, in many cases, they may address improving and modifying an existing deliverable.
A project is completed when its goals are accomplished, and its deliverables are approved by the client. Sometimes projects end when it is determined that the goals and objectives cannot be accomplished or when the project outcome is no longer needed. Serious schedule delays or a need to increase the budget substantially might cause the project sponsor to consider cancellation.
A project manager is assigned to that project, who creates, develops, and manages a new project team and prepares detailed planning for the project constraints such as scope, schedule, budget, resources, risks, and quality. That building may be constructed in the same area (even next to the existing building) or another city, state, or country. Naturally, construction at other locations could necessitate substantial customization (tailoring) taking into account the internal influencers as well as external influencers such as weather, legislative regulations, and supply chain factors in new locations.
Project management is the process of planning, organizing, executing, and controlling tasks and resources to achieve specific project goals within a defined scope, timeline, and budget. It involves applying knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to ensure the successful completion of a project. By consistently monitoring costs and updating the schedule, project managers can keep the project on track and make informed decisions.
The key aspects of project management are:
Temporary Nature – Projects have a defined start and end.
Unique Deliverables – Every project aims to create a specific product, service, or result.
Defined Objectives – Projects have clear goals, such as cost, quality, and schedule targets.
Process-Oriented Approach – Project management follows structured methodologies like PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), Agile, or PRINCE2.
Project Management software
Project management software is a tool that helps teams and individuals plan, organize, execute, and track projects efficiently. It provides features for task management, scheduling, collaboration, resource allocation, and reporting to ensure projects stay on track, within budget, and meet deadlines:
Task Management – Assign, track, and update tasks.
Scheduling – Set deadlines, milestones, and dependencies.
Collaboration Tools – Share files, communicate, and work together.
Resource Management – Allocate and monitor team resources.
Time Tracking – Log hours worked on tasks and projects.
Budgeting & Expense Tracking – Monitor project costs.
Reporting & Analytics – Generate reports on progress, performance, and risks.
Integration – Connect with other tools like email, cloud storage, or CRM systems.
The practice of this course is presented using the ProjectLibre project management system, which is also used for the hands-on exercises. ProjectLibre is considered one of the best open-source project management tools. It is a free, open-source software alternative to Microsoft Project, and was created by the founders of OpenProj and continually gains popularity. ProjectLibre is taught at 1,700 Universities and it is translated in 31 languages.
ProjectLibre is free to download and install on desktop computers. ProjectLibre Enterprise, which is not covered in this course, has more advanced features and enterprise-level support, which is designed for larger organizations and includes cloud-based access, enhanced security and professional support.
While ProjectLibre is a great starting point, students who need more advanced project management features (such as enterprise resource planning, cloud-based collaboration, or portfolio management) can easily transition to MS Project. ProjectLibre prepares students for MS Project by maintaining file compatibility and a similar interface without the cost and complexity of premium software.
The ProjectLibre application is perfect for producing project plans that adhere to the full project management methodology as defined by industry standards. With it, the various usual project plans, communication plans and others can be developed, resources assigned and progress monitored. Created project plans may be shipped to anyone for use with their own copy of ProjectLibre.
Aika ja paikka
Course environment is Metropolia's Moodle and course can be done in own pace.
The course workspace in Metropolia’s Moodle contains 10 units (chapters) that are studied in sequence. Each lesson begins with studying the theory. The unit also includes review questions and exercises, which are answered in Moodle. The lessons also include videos that help internalize the concepts presented in the lecture materials. The practical exercises are carried out by the student on his/her own workstation using the ProjectLibre software.
At the end of each unit, there is a Review quiz. The review questions are directly based on the corresponding chapter of the course. The review test can be retaken three times. The next unit becomes available for study once the quiz has been successfully completed or all attempts have been used.
The course includes a project exercise that is developed throughout the course, with each chapter adding new elements based on the topics covered. At the end of the course, the project file created during the exercise is submitted to Moodle for evaluation.
The course also includes a student project, where project management is applied to a complete example project. The results are saved to Moodle for evaluation.
At the end of the course, a final exam is taken in Moodle. The final test consists of approximately 60+ multiple-choice questions and the duration is 2 hours. All final exam questions are from the course materials and the review questions. The passing threshold is 70%. The test can be retaken three times.
The course also includes chapters that examine the compatibility between ProjectLibre and MS Project, and introduce other free project management alternatives.
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Final exam is taken in Moodle. The final test consists of approximately 60+ multiple-choice questions and the duration is 2 hours. All final exam questions are from the course materials and the review questions. The passing threshold is 70%. The test can be retaken three times.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Depends on his/her starting level.
Sisällön jaksotus
All of 10 units (chapters) have to been done before the Final Exam can been done.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
At the end of the course, a final exam is taken in Moodle. The final test consists of approximately 60+ multiple-choice questions and the duration is 2 hours. All final exam questions are from the course materials and the review questions. The passing threshold is 70%. The test can be retaken three times.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Pass after 10 units (chapters) and the Final Exam has been done.
Final exam is taken in Moodle. The final test consists of approximately 60+ multiple-choice questions and the duration is 2 hours. All final exam questions are from the course materials and the review questions. The passing threshold is 70%. The test can be retaken three times.