PHP Programming (3 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: TT00CA99-3061
Toteutuksen perustiedot
- Ajoitus
01.08.2024 - 30.07.2025
Toteutus on käynnissä.
- Opintopistemäärä
- 3 op
- Lähiosuus
- 0 op
- Virtuaaliosuus
- 3 op
- Toteutustapa
- Etäopetus
- Yksikkö
- (2019-2024) ICT ja tuotantotalous
- Toimipiste
- Karaportti 2
- Opetuskielet
- suomi
- Koulutus
- Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Opettajat
- Janne Salonen
- Vastuuopettaja
- Janne Salonen
- Ryhmät
- Opintojakso
- TT00CA99
After the course, the student has the ability to understand, write and maintain PHP code.
Introduction to PHP, www and PHP, variables, statements and control structures, tables and other data structures in PHP, using functions, files, data security, examples
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
Algorithms and control structures:
- the student understands what the different control structures are and knows what kind of a structure can be used in different situations;
- the student can explain a simple program structure;
Variables, constants and data types:
- the student understands what variables, constants and data types are;
- the student understands what subroutine is, is able to name it and call it from the main program;
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
Algorithms and control structures:
- the student understands what the different control structures are and knows what kind of a structure can be used in different situations;
- the student can explain a relatively complex program structure;
- the student shows independent solutions.
Variables, constants and data types:
- the student understands what variables, constants and data types are;
- the student shows independent solutions.
- the student understands what subroutine is, is able to name it and call it from the main program;
- the student is able to write relatively complex subroutines with elegant solutions;
- the student shows independent solutions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Algorithms and control structures:
- the student understands what the different control structures are and knows what kind of a structure can be used in different situations;
- the student can explain a relatively complex program structure;
- the student shows independent solutions and critical evaluation.
Variables, constants and data types:
- the student understands what variables, constants and data types are;
- the student shows independent solutions and critical evaluation.
- the student understands what subroutine is, is able to name it and call it from the main program;
- the student is able to write relatively complex subroutines with elegant solutions;
- the student shows independent solutions and critical evaluation.