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Home Automation with ESP 8266 Workshop (3 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TX00DT60-3005

Toteutuksen perustiedot


06.05.2024 - 14.08.2024


19.08.2024 - 23.08.2024


3 op




ICT ja tuotantotalous


Leiritie 1


  • Englanti


0 - 20


  • Degree Programme in Information Technology


  • Wolfram Becker


    ICT Summer School


Student learns how to use ESP8266 system on home automation applications.


Session 1:
Introducing the ESP8266: Summary of it’s hardware and features, summary of the programming toolchain.
Practical exercise: Learn how to use the Arduino toolchain, how to program and upload your first program, how to debug your program via serial port.
Program Blinky – Our first program: Blink the ?c’s onboard led. Program Blinky 2 – Read an analog input value (voltage) and change the blinking frequency.
Required hardware: Breadboard, NodeMCU12e, potentiometer.

Session 2:
PWM-basics, circuit design to control a power led’s brightness, programming a low pass filter for measurement values, i2c basics.
Practical exercise: Learn how to prototype a circuit using a breadboard, and how to filter measurement values. Program Light up! – Controls a power-led’s brightness. Program Light up! Extended – Adds an OLED display with i2c interface to the led controller. Required hardware: Breadboard, NodeMCU12e, potentiometer, resistors, transistor, power led, OLED-display.

Session 3:
Basics one-wire-bus, a little bit HTTP und HTML,
Practical exercise: Learn how to use the DHT22 sensor and how to program a simple webserver. Program Roomy – Measures the room’s temperature and humidity, outputs measurement values to an OLED-display. Program WebRoomy – Adds a webserver and a website for measurement value visualization.. Required hardware: Breadboard, NodeMCU12e, DHT22, OLED-Display

Session 4:
MQTT messaging protocol basics.
Practical exercise: Learn how to program a MQTT publisher and subscriber to distribute sensor data. Program PubCuty – Publishes sensor data via MQT. Program SubCuty – Subscribes sensor data via MQTT. Required hardware: Breadboard, NodeMCU12e, DHT22, OLED-Display, Raspberry Pi + Mosquito MQTT-Broker.

Session 5:
Introducing Node-Red – a browser based editor to manage IoT-data flow.
Practical exercise: Learn how to build a browser based MQTT dashboard.
Required hardware: Breadboard, NodeMCU12e, DHT22, OLED-Display, PC with MQTT-Broker + Node-Red Runtime.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Attendance on all laboratory sessions.
Completing practical exercises.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Active attendance on all laboratory sessions.
Completing all practical exercises.
Demonstrating good skills in tool usage and problem solving.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Active attendance on all laboratory sessions.
Completing all practical exercises.
Demonstrating excellent skills in tool usage and problem solving.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Active attendance on all laboratory sessions.
Completing practical exercises.


Recommended precondition: Basic skills in C, C++ or similar programing languages. Basic knowledge in Digital Technology

Addressed to: everyone who wants to get into programming and using microcontrollers in practice.

Bring your own laptop.