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Design Thinking for Agile Innovation (3 cr)

Code: TX00FJ01-3002

General information


06.05.2024 - 07.08.2024


12.08.2024 - 16.08.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of ICT


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Information Technology


  • Christian Köhler


    ICT Summer School


After having successfully completed this course, the student will:
... be familiar with the theoretical basics of systematic innovation management
... have become acquainted with phase models for the successful implementation of innovations
... be able to apply selected systematic methods of innovation management in practice, such as Design-Thining and Corss-Industry Innovation
... be able to describe an innovation as a business model and market it
... have experienced the learning curve of an innovation project themselves


1. Introduction to the importance of innovation management
2. Introduction to Design Thinking and Design Thinking tools
3. Design Thinking phase 1 – Inspiration (Understand Design Challenge, observe users, define point of view of the problem)
4. Design Thinking phase 2 – Ideation (Generation of ideas with systematic tools, prototype generation, testing of prototype)
5. Design Thinking phase 3 – Implementation (Development of a business model)
6. Final presentation (Elevator pitch and team presentation)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students work in teams on the solution of a design challenge. The results will be presented on the last day. For this purpose, a one-minute elevator pitch and a 10-minute presentation of results per team are to be created. The innovations are evaluated according to the criteria economic viability, technical feasibility and desirability of the solution. In order to pass the course, it must be clearly and comprehensibly demonstrated that the project result is an innovation with an associated business model that has a market, can be produced in an economically viable manner and is technically solvable.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students work in teams on the solution of a design challenge. The results will be presented on the last day. For this purpose, a one-minute elevator pitch and a 10-minute presentation of results per team are to be created. The innovations are evaluated according to the criteria economic viability, technical feasibility and desirability of the solution. In order to pass the course, it must be clearly and comprehensibly demonstrated that the project result is an innovation with an associated business model that has a market, can be produced in an economically viable manner and is technically solvable.


Students should have a basic understanding of how a business works. Students are also expected to be willing to deal with new and unfamiliar ideas and approaches. Participants should also be willing to be grouped into innovation teams on the basis of a scientific test.

Further information

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Köhler, MBA
• Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management at HTW SAAR (Saarland University of Applied Sciences, Saarbrucken/Germany)
• Scientific Director of the Industrial Engineering and Management Research Institute @ HTW SAAR
• Vice-Dean of HTW SAAR Business School
• Member of German Engineers Association (VDI), Junior Chamber International and The Design Society