Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: S000FS90-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


5 op




Kuntoutus ja tutkiminen


Myllypurontie 1


  • Englanti


  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management (Sosiaali-, terveys- ja liikunta-ala)
  • Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management (Tekniikan ja liikenteen ala)
  • Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management (Yhteiskuntatieteiden, liiketalouden ja hallinnon ala)


  • Tricia Cleland Silva


Tricia Cleland Silva


  • L0523S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, liiketalous
  • S2424S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Osteopathy, ylempi, sote
  • S1123S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, sote
  • T1423S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Health Business Management ylempi, tekniikka


Banerjee, S. B., & Berrier-Lucas, C. (2022). Foreword Decolonizing the Business Schools: A Journey on Paths Less Traveled. Revue de l’organisation responsable, 17(2), 36-41.

Brenkert, G. G. (2016). Business ethics and human rights: An overview. Business and Human Rights Journal, 1(2), 277-306.

Fatima, T., & Elbanna, S. (2023). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation: A review and a research agenda towards an integrative framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(1), 105-121.

Han, C., Jia, F., Jiang, M., & Chen, L. (2022). Modern slavery in supply chains: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-22.

Kempster, S., & Jackson, B. (2023). Making Purpose the Core Work of Business Leadership: A Guiding Framework. Organizational Change, Leadership and Ethics.

Stringer, T., Payne, A. R., & Mortimer, G. (2022). As cheap as humanly possible: why consumers care less about worker welfare. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 26(4), 717-737.


Course objective: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), postcolonial perspectives, and their implications in modern business contexts, with a specific focus on addressing human slavery as a critical ethical issue

This course responds to United Nations United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 1 (no poverty), 5 (gender equality), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 10 (reduced inequalities), 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions), 17 (partnership for the goals).

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Explain the key ethical frameworks used in business decision-making
Analyze the potential impact of ethical and unethical business practices on various stakeholders
Apply and debate theories of Decolonization and Postcolonialism
Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a business context.
Recognize the concept of human slavery within business operations and global supply chains.
Examine the legal and ethical implications of modern slavery in business practices.
Formulate strategies to identify, mitigate, and prevent the risks of human slavery within organizations and supply chains



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