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The Basic Practice of Clinical Nursing 1 (5 cr)

Code: SX00DZ84-3064

General information


16.12.2023 - 14.01.2024


15.01.2024 - 18.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 15


  • Terhi Lehtonen

Teacher in charge

Terhi Lehtonen




- are aware of the key competence areas of nursing
- can implement several methods in assisting and supporting client/patient’s daily activities considering patient safety
- detect changes in client/patient’s basic vital signs and are capable of supporting these vital signs with assistive methods
- understand the significance of ethicality and professional interaction to nursing and consider patient’s needs for psychosocial support
- can adopt an individually-oriented approach to encountering clients/patients from different cultures
- understand the importance of quality in nursing to improve patient care and their own development


- working methods considering patient safety
- consider patient safety issues in their work
- significance of professional interaction
- cultural background in client encounters and interaction
- ethics in nursing
- basics of reporting
- laws and decrees on quality management and quality assessment in nursing
- post-mortem nursing care

Location and time period, week 4-10.
Metropolia Myllypuro campus


The textbook can be used by the student to study the course and any of the three books below is suitable.

Blomqvist M, Rummukainen T, Sainio T, Simola T & Tyrisevä-Ryösö M. 2022. Hoitotyön perusosaaminen. SanomaPro.

Rautava-Nurmi, H., Westergård, A., Henttonen, T., Ojala, M. & Vuorinen, S. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. 2019. SanomaPro.

Kirjallisuus vuoden 2015 painoksessa: Rautava-Nurmi, H., Westergård, A., Henttonen, T., Ojala, M. & Vuorinen, S. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. 2015. SanomaPro.

Other recommended literature, articles and materials to be used in the implementation, as indicated by teachers
Duodecim online courses

NOTE! Teacher-created assignments and MATERIALS are works under the Copyright Act (404/61), to which the teacher holds the copyright. The assignments AND MATERIALS may not be used for any purpose other than your own studies. Their public distribution is only allowed with the permission of the teacher.

Teaching methods

- Flipped learning
- Case study work with evidence based nursing solutions
- Small group working
- Clinical laboratory teaching
- Web courses
- Independent study
- Pre-task
- Simulation

Employer connections


Exam schedules


Completion alternatives

The course is intended for students who have practical nursing degree. Your own career counsellor will check student's diplomas. They must also be presented to the course teachers if necessary.
This course is a substitute for the previously required ahot application process. The implementation is made for the student nurse practitioner and takes into account the nurse practitioner degree as part of the implementation.

Student workload

1cr = 27 hours

Content scheduling

More information on progress of the course and course materials are in Moodle, presented during the orientation

Further information

It is the responsibility of a single student, being absent from either orientation or other classes, to find out about the contents of previous from the fellow students.

Clinical laboratory, simulation and written assignments are of compulsory attendance and students are required to wear appropriate protective uniforms. Instructions given in asepsis lectures are being followed during practising.

Course feedback:
Course feedback is collected on the implementation of the course, which is an important part of the development of teaching and activities. By providing feedback, you have the opportunity to influence the content of the courses and the development of teaching. Feedback enables teachers to improve their own implementation and teaching methods for other courses. Giving constructive feedback will also develop your own work-life skills. Course feedback is given anonymously and the person giving the feedback cannot be identified.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

Assessment methods and criteria


- Web courses and independent assignments in Moodle 100%
- Clinical laboratory teaching 100% attendance
- Simulation 100 %
- Orientation