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Facilitation and Participatory Methods (5 cr)

Code: XX00FM98-3002

General information


15.11.2023 - 15.12.2023


26.08.2024 - 11.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Business


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 62

Degree programmes

  • Economics and Business Administration


  • Henna-Liisa Palojärvi
  • Minna Kaihovirta
  • Johanna Tirronen

Teacher in charge

Henna-Liisa Palojärvi


  • MUVA24K
    Muutosvalmentaja 24K


Upon completion of the course, the students will understand the basic principles of facilitation and participatory approach to organisational development. They will be able to identify the requirements of the different stages in a participatory approach and adjust their facilitation process accordingly. They will be able to reflect and analyse their experiences and observations as facilitators and carry out and participate in feedback discussions about these contents. The students will be able to identify the requirements and responsibilities of a facilitator. They will be able to plan and execute a facilitated workshop using participatory methods as well as reflect and evaluate the workshop afterwards to further improve themselves as facilitators.


- theory and application of facilitation and participatory approach to organisational development
- phases and methods in facilitation
- planning, executing and evaluating a facilitated workshop
- virtual facilitation
- role and responsibilities of an ethical facilitator
- feedback discussion

Location and time




Teaching methods

This course is held in Finnish

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload


Content scheduling


Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient performance: has completed basic requirements to pass the course and has made an attempt to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing but has not made enough effort overall. The student has demonstrated little effort, interest and motivation for individual or team activities / assignments and the output is rather weak.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good overall performance: can apply and articulate concepts and information well both verbally and in writing, certain areas of individual or team output require further attention; shows appropriate level of interest and motivation in individual and team activities. Good presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance in all elements of the course: shows interest and motivation in individual and team activities and assignments, fully applies and clearly articulates concepts and information both verbally and in writing. The student is able to support his/her argument with references to the recommended reading and lecture content. Excellent presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has completed the requirements to pass the course and shown ability to to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing. The student has shown ability to apply theory and information in various work-related assignments.

Assessment methods and criteria
