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Leader as coach (5 cr)

Code: LY00FG26-3003

General information


15.11.2023 - 15.12.2023


15.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Business


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Change Management


  • Anne-Mari Raivio
  • Raisa Varsta

Teacher in charge

Raisa Varsta


  • MUVA24K
    Muutosvalmentaja 24K


After completing the course, the student understands the principles of dialogic and coaching leadership and knows how to analyse and develop his own activities based on them. The student is able to manage diversity in their work community with a coaching approach. The student knows how to develop their own and others' well-being at work. The student knows how to analyze the effects of changes on the work community and on individuals and is able to act proactively to strengthen the sense of agency of the work community and individuals.


* Dialogic leadership
*Coaching management style
* Psychological safety
* Workplace diversity
* Work well-being
* Career management
* Sense of agency

Location and time

Opintojakso toteutetaan lukuvuoden 2024 aikana erillisen suunnitelman mukaisesti.


Kurssin ennakkomateriaalina on Carol Dweckin kirja Mindset, Menestymisen psykologia. Mikä tahansa painos ja kieliversio käy.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla hyödynnetään monimuotoista opiskelua lähitapaamisten ja etäkohtaamisten muodossa.
Opiskelija tuottaa henkilökohtaisen kehittymissuunnitelman ja toteuttaa sen opintojakson aikana.

Employer connections

Opintojaksolla on tarjolla runsaasti mahdollisuuksia työelämäyhteistyöhön ja verkostoitumiseen.

Exam schedules

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.

Completion alternatives

Opintojaksolla ei ole valinnaista suoritustapaa.

Student workload

Ennakkomateriaaliin perehtyminen 15 tuntia
Muhun materiaaliin perehtyminen 50 tuntia
Työpajat ja ryhmäkohtaamiset 30 tuntia
Oman kehittymissuunnitelman toteuttaminen 45 tuntia

Further information

Huom! Jatkuu myös syksyllä 2024.

Aloitus Muutosvalmentaja korkeakouludiplomin aloitusseminaarin yhteydessä 3.2. klo 10-16
Kevään verkkotapaamiset: ti 5.3.2024 klo 17-20, ti 7.5.2024 klo 17-20
Tulevaisuudenkestävä bisnes -konferenssiin osallistuminen huhtikuussa 2024

Keväälle osuu myös pienryhmä ja yksilötapaamisia.

Kevään aikataulut vahvistuvat huhtikuun loppuun mennessä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient performance: has completed basic requirements to pass the course and has made an attempt to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing but has not made enough effort overall. The student has demonstrated little effort, interest and motivation for individual or team activities / assignments and the output is rather weak.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good overall performance: can apply and articulate concepts and information well both verbally and in writing, certain areas of individual or team output require further attention; shows appropriate level of interest and motivation in individual and team activities. Good presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance in all elements of the course: shows interest and motivation in individual and team activities and assignments, fully applies and clearly articulates concepts and information both verbally and in writing. The student is able to support his/her argument with references to the recommended reading and lecture content. Excellent presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Sufficient performance: has completed basic requirements to pass the course and has made an attempt to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing but has not made enough effort overall. The student has demonstrated little effort, interest and motivation for individual or team activities / assignments and the output is rather weak.


Completed Higher Education Degree