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Fundamentals of Chemistry 1 (5 cr)

Code: TX00DJ38-3015

General information


20.03.2024 - 05.08.2024


20.03.2024 - 31.08.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Smart and Clean Solutions


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 50


  • Mia Ruismäki

Teacher in charge

Mia Ruismäki


After completion of the course the student understands the essential concepts related to the structure of elements and compounds. He/she is also able to conduct basic calculations concerning the amount of substance, irreversible reactions, the contents of solutions and the pH of strong acids and bases. In addition, he/she is familiar with the behavior of element groups on a general level and with the most important organic compounds and their naming.


1. Atomic structure, periodic table.
2. Chemical bonding.
3. Amount of substance, stoichiometry of compounds.
4. States of matter, simple calculations based on the ideal gas law.
5. Heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures, calculation of contents.
6. Chemical reaction equation, stoichiometry of reactions.
7. The concepts of acids and bases, the pH of strong acids and bases.
8. Chemistry of element groups.
9. Introduction to organic chemistry: types of compounds, functional groups, basics of naming.


Tekniikan kemia (Hänninen, Karppinen, Leskelä, Pohjakallio), 16. uudistettu painos (2022)

Teaching methods

Verkkokurssi, jossa käytetään Moodle-alustaa.
Lopputentti tehdään EXAM-tenttinä.

Exam schedules

Opiskelija varaa itse ajan EXAM-tenttiin. Tentti on saatavilla 1.4.- 14.6. ja 1.8 - 31.8.2024 välisenä aikana.

Jos et läpäise EXAM-tenttiä (saa vähintään 50 pistettä), voit opiskella lisää ja ilmoittautua uudestaan EXAM-tenttiin

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student

- knows the basic concepts of chemistry, is able to conduct basic calculations and shows that he or she has reached the goals of core competence

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student:
- has become familiar with the concepts and principles of chemistry. He or she is able to explain and interpret chemical formulae and equations related to chemical phenomena.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student

- can use basic concepts and knowledge logically and solve applied exercises of chemistry related to his or her study field

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student

- knows the basic concepts of chemistry, is able to conduct basic calculations and shows that he or she has reached the goals of core competence

Assessment methods and criteria

Jokaisesta aihealueesta on Moodle-tentti (muodostuu puolet kurssin arvosanasta). Moodle-tenteistä voi saada yhteensä maksimissaan 150 pistettä. Kurssin lopuksi opiskelija tekee kampuksella EXAM-tentin, jonka maksimipistemäärä on 150 pistettä. EXAM-tentistä pitää saada vähintään 50 pistettä.

150 – 180 p. 1
180 – 210 p. 2
210 – 240 p. 3
240 – 270 p. 4
270 – 300 p. 5


No previous knowledge required.