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Developing the Public Procurement Function (5 cr)

Code: LY00FF85-3001

General information


13.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


18.03.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Master´s Degree Programme in Public Procurement (Social Sciences, Business and Administration)
  • Master´s Degree Programme in Public Procurement (Technology, Communication and Transport)


  • Perttu Pohjonen

Teacher in charge

Kaija Haapasalo


  • L1223S6
    Julkisten hankintojen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi amk , liiketalous
  • T2323S6
    Julkisten hankintojen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK tekniikka


Upon completion of the course students will be able to:
* identify the development needs of the procurement department based on risk analysis, organisation´s maturity level and competency analysis and choose the most appropriate models to develop the procurement function and competencies
* understand the importance of supplier relationships and be able to apply to develop supplier relationship management in practice based on the procurement strategy
* recognize the procurement categories that generate the most impact and is able to measure and report the effectiveness of procurement
* define targets for the procurement organisation and individual purchases and measure the performance of the procurement department and its suppliers (KPIs) and develop reporting of their activities and performance
* be able to define and develop the quality of procurement
* be able to utilize the possibilities of procurement digitalisation
* be able to design an innovative public procurement tender process


* Developing a procurement organization and procurement know-how
* Managing supplier relationships
* Assessment of the impact of procurement
* Key performance indicators and developing metrics and reporting
* Developing the quality of procurement
* Digitalisation of procurement
* Innovative procurement

Location and time

Lähiopetus Myyrmäen kampuksella 4 kertaa perjantaisin:

22.3.2024: 9-12
12.4.2024: 9-12
26.4.2024: 9-12
03.5.2024: 10-15

Viimeinen lähiopetuskerta on yhteinen seminaari ja verkostoitumistialisuus Procurement MBA-ohjelman kanssa.
Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen hankintoihin liittyvä seminaari ja verkostoitumistilaisuus, johon kutsutaan myös alumnit.


Opetusjakson materiaalit Moodlessa ja ne ilmoitetaan viimeistään opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

4 lähiopetuskertaa
Opintojakson materiaalit ja yksilö- ja ryhmätehtävät Moodle- oppimisalustalla
opiskelijoille lähetetään meilitse linkki Moodleen ennen kurssin alkua.

Further information

Tämä on YAMK -opintojakso Julkiset hankinnat YAMK-ohjelmassa
AMK-tasoiset opinnot ja aiemmat tuktinto-ohjelman tai muut hankintoihin liittyvät opintojaksot/työkokemus hankinnoista on edellytyksenä kurssin onnistuneelle suorittamiselle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient performance: has completed basic requirements to pass the course and has made an attempt to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing but has not made enough effort overall. The student has demonstrated little effort, interest and motivation for individual or team activities / assignments and the output is rather weak.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good overall performance: can apply and articulate concepts and information well both verbally and in writing, certain areas of individual or team output require further attention; shows appropriate level of interest and motivation in individual and team activities. Good presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance in all elements of the course: shows interest and motivation in individual and team activities and assignments, fully applies and clearly articulates concepts and information both verbally and in writing. The student is able to support his/her argument with references to the recommended reading and lecture content. Excellent presentation delivery and analysis.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Sufficient performance: has completed basic requirements to pass the course and has made an attempt to apply and articulate concepts and information both verbally and in writing but has not made enough effort overall. The student has demonstrated little effort, interest and motivation for individual or team activities / assignments and the output is rather weak.

Assessment methods and criteria

Tehtävät ja niiden arviointikriteerit ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

50 -59 = 1
60-69 = 2
70 - 79 = 3
80 - 89 = 4
90 -100 = 5


Completed Higher Education Degree