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Extensive expertise and management in acute care nursing (5 cr)

Code: S000EO16-3003

General information


27.11.2023 - 10.12.2023


08.01.2024 - 20.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Master’s Degree Programme in Development and Leadership of Acute Care


  • Maiju Salovaara-Hiltunen
  • Kirsi Halme

Teacher in charge

Kirsi Halme


  • S2223S6
    Akuuttihoitotyön kehittämisen ja johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, yamk


The student develops and strenghtens his/her extensive expertise in acute care nursing and leadership. The student recognizes the challenges of extensive expertise in acute care nursing and is competent to apply evidence-based knowledge into demanding independent decision-making processes. The student is capable of applying knowledge and skills of acute care nursing whilst working in expert positions leading expertise. She/he knows how to analyze and utilize the possibilities of evolving health technology in diverse acute care nursing environments.


- Clinical expertise and leadership in acute care nursing
- Evolving skills in acute care nursing competence in workplaces
- Ethical decision-making in leadership of acute care nursing
- Distributing expertise in acute care nursing
- Utilizing evolving health technology

Location and time

Kevät-Syksy 2024


Suositeltava kirjallisuus annetaan opintojakson aikana. Opiskelija hankkii tarvitsemansa kirjallisuuden opintojakson tehtävien mukaisesti.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus (0,5op):

- Kirjallinen työ (2,5op)
- Työhaastattelu -ryhmäharjoitus (1op)
- Työhakemus + CV -yksilöharjoitus (1op)

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Opintojakson tehtävien arvosanojen korotus Tutkintosäännön mukaisesti 2 uusintaa / arvioitava tehtävä.

International connections


Completion alternatives

Ei valinnaisia suoritustapoja.

Student workload

5 op=135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä
Opintojakson kuormittuvuus ja tehtävät käydään läpi Orientaation yhteydessä. Tehtävien suoritus painottuu syksylle 2024.

Further information

Opiskelija voi saada hyväksiluvun osittain tai kokonaan opintojaksosta, mikäli täyttää alla olevat kriteerit:

1. Opintojaksolle määritellyt tavoitteet täyttyvät aikaisemmilla korkeakouluopinnoilla (YAMK tai kandidaatti-/maisteriopinnoilla)

2. Opiskelija on suorittanut korkeakoulutasoisen opintokokonaisuuden kyseisestä aiheesta

3. Opiskelija pystyy osoittamaan kyseisen opintojakson tehtävän mukaisen osaamisen (esimerkiksi tieteellisen tiedonhaun, akateemisen kirjoittamisen, kehittämisosaamisen)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory (1-2):

The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the unit, but there are deficiencies in his/her individual ability to find and interpret information and to integrate the learned content with the context of the workplace.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3-4):

The student demonstrates good competence in the content of the unit. She/he is able to find information actively and interpret it in relation to the work environment. The student is able to analyze the learned content and apply it to the context of the workplace.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5):

The student demonstrates great and wide-ranging competence in the content of the unit. She/he displays outstanding competence in finding relevant information. The student’s decision-making skills demonstrate independence, responsibility and the ability to guide others. His/her ability to apply the learned content to the context of the workplace is creative and comprehensive.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


Pass: The student demonstrates competence in the basic content of the unit (in reference to the assessment criteria). However, independent search for information, interpretation and the ability to integrate the learned content with the context of the workplace prove inadequate.

Assessment methods and criteria

Tehtävät arvioidaan numeraalisesti asteikolla 0-5

Further information

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):
A study unit or parts of it may be accredited based on previously acquired competence if the student has completed similar studies of higher education and/or the student has work experience to meet the competence requirements.