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Prehospital Leadership and Management (5 cr)

Code: SX00EC81-3004

General information


06.05.2024 - 19.05.2024


14.10.2024 - 15.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care


  • Eini Koskimies
  • Satu Lindgren

Teacher in charge

Satu Lindgren


  • SXK22K2
    Ensihoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


The student:
- is able to describe emergency medical services (EMS) as a part of different emergency services
- is able to describe EMS legislation and the meaning of EMS service level document
- understands the meaning of prehospital incident management and teamwork skills
- knows the principles of EMS leadership and can function as an EMS incident manager in different environments
- is aware of the legislation, hierarchy and relevant tactics of the different emergency services and understands the importance of co-operation in the daily, mass casualty and disaster operations
- is able to demonstrate different communication strategies in special circumstances and disaster situations
- knows the EMS leadership and management strategies in disaster situations and is able to effectively start the organization
- knows the bronze level leadership and management tasks, such as triage, treatment and transport leaders
- the student is able to describe different emergency medical service processes


- day-to-day EMS leadership and management
- EMS leadership and management in special circumstances
- mutual co-operation between different emergency services
- leadership in mass casualty incidents
- command, control and communication
- principles of disaster management, legislation and communication
- the functions of triage, treatment and transport co-ordinators and bronze commander
- the principles of the preparedness planning
- civilian preparedness and special circumstances
- debriefing and defusing in prehospital emergency care


Suuronnettomuusopas (Castren, Ekman, Martikainen, Sahi & Söder)
Ensihoito (kuisma, Holmström, Nurmi, Porthan & Taskinen)

Teaching methods

Kurssi sisältää teoriaopintoja, simulaatioita sekä kirjallisia tehtäviä. Simulaatiot ovat läsnäolovelvoitteisia.

Employer connections

Työelämäyhteistyö simulaatioiden ja luentojen osalta. Työelämäharjoittelua ei ole.

Completion alternatives

Ei valinnaisia suoritustapoja

Content scheduling

Opintojakso ajoittuu keväälle 2024 tai yksilöllisen ajoitussuunnitelman mukaan. Opintojakson tulee päättyä ennen valmistumispäivää.

Further information

Toteutuksella järjestetään monipotilasharjoitus Vihdissä, joka ajoittuu viikonlopulle.

Opintojaksoa ennen:
Vähintään 70op sairaanhoitajan kliinisiä opintoja.
Perustason ensihoidon osaaminen.
Hoitotason ensihoidon osaaminen.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"
Evaluating competences evaluation criteria competent/intermediate level is used.


A minimum of 70 credits of clinical nursing studies.
BLS and ALS competence.
The student and tutor teacher go through other recommended studies in the HOPS discussions.