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Collaboration in Developing Expertise and Professional Skills (5 cr)

Code: SX00EQ73-3001

General information


06.05.2024 - 19.05.2024


12.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

RDI portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Occupational Therapy


  • Annariika Anundi
  • Toini Harra

Teacher in charge

Annariika Anundi


  • SXI21S2
    Toimintaterapian tutkinto-ohjelma monimuoto


Learning outcomes:
The students can act as a member of a multidisciplinary work community and in multiprofessional and multidisciplinary cooperation networks in the field of social services and health care. The students master the methods of teamwork. The students value and are able to take into account the importance of other people's competence in cooperation. The students establish confidential cooperative relationships and share their expertise across professional and administrative boundaries. The students are able to self-manage the changes of work life and can work independently in expert tasks. The students work in a goal-oriented manner in various networks. The students know the limits of their expertise and act in accordance with the legislation governing client work and the principles of professional ethics. The students use the best available information as a basis in their decision-making process and implement the evidence-based knowledge to practical work. The students communicate professionally about occupational therapy in different communication channels.


- Multiprofessional and multidisciplinary cooperation networks
- Working in groups and co-operation in work life
- Teamwork methods
- Working life skills
- Sharing expertise
- Self-management
- Evidence-based practice
- Professional communication

Location and time

Tarkempi info opintojakson suorittamisesta opintojakson orientaatiossa to 22.8 (ETÄ).

Syyslukukausi 2024. Opintojakson voi suorittaa joko yhden periodin pituisena (ns. nopeat) tai koko syyslukukauden pituisena (ns. normi). Opiskelijan on ilmoitettava aikataulu opettajalle.

Opintojakson yhteiskehittely toteutuu yhteistyökumppanin kanssa, yhteistyökumppanin tarpeet ja tavoitteet huomioiden. Opintojakson tapaamiset syksy 2024:

22.8 Orientaatio opintojaksolle (ETÄ/ZOOM)
28.8 klo 10-16 Työpaja yhteistoiminnasta ja yhteiskehittelystä (Kampuksella, läsnä) > poissaolon korvauksena tentti Examissa 6.9. (materiaalit lisätään OMA-työtilaan) > opiskelija ilmoittautuu tenttiin Annariikalle (saat linkin)
3.10 klo 9-11.45 Nopeiden yhteenveto kampuksella
6.11 klo 9-16 Normi-aikataulullisten yhteenveto kampuksella

> Huom. jos esität yhteenvetosi 3.10 sinun ei tarvitse osallistua 6.11 yhteenvetokertaan (ja toisin päin) - toki tämä on suositeltavaa!


Lisätään OMAn orientaation jälkeen.

Teaching methods

Tarkempi info opintojakson suorittamisesta opintojakson orientaatiossa to 22.8 (ETÄ).

Yhteistoimintaan ja yhteiskehittelyyn liittyvä työpaja (kampus)

Yhteistoiminta ja yhteiskehittely työelämäyhteistyökumppanin kanssa.

Ryhmätyöskentely 3-4 hengen ryhmissä (yhteiskehittelyprosessi esitetään kampuksella ja esitys palautetaan)

Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä (yksilö)

Employer connections

Opintojakso tehdään tiivissä yhteistyössä työelämäkumppanin kanssa.

Exam schedules

Yhteistoimintaan liittyvän työpajan voi korvata tentillä Examissa 6.9.2024
Uusinta: XX

Koska tentti on osasuoritus, ei hyväksyttyä tenttiarvosanaa voi korottaa.

Completion alternatives

Yhteistoimintaan liittyvän työpajan voi korvata tentillä Examissa.

Student workload

5 op. 1 op = n. 27 h.

Further information

Tarkempi info opintojakson suorittamisesta opintojakson orientaatiossa to 22.8 (ETÄ). Orientaatio opintojaksolle on pakollinen kaikille opiskelijoille, läsnäolollasi vahvistat osallistumisesi opintojaksolle.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- search for information from different sources and evaluate their reliability in an appropriate way,
- combine information from different sources into appropriate units as well as
- utilize and apply the knowledge base of the field.
- apply their competence in the professional situations,
- act in a client-oriented way,
- demonstrate the ability to solve professional tasks and problems as well as
- can justify their own points of view and their own action in a professional manner.
- function according to the ethical principles of the professional field and can justify their actions,
- act professionally in a work community and share their competence,
- act in a responsible and goal-oriented way and take security aspects into account as well as
- develop themselves as professionals.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- apply professional concepts and knowledge base in a fluent and versatile manner,
- combine new learning contents as parts of wider phenomena in the field,
- evaluate the choses sources and their usability as well as
- justify their choice on the basis of the prior knowledge.
- apply their expertise in professional situations in a responsible and independent manner
- act professionally in client processes,
- solve versatile professional tasks and problems as well as
- justify the expressed points of view, evaluate their actions and their consequences in a professional way.
- function according to the ethical principles of the professional field and can critically evaluate their actions
- can organize the activities of versatile groups and share their competence
- act in a responsible and goal- oriented way and take security aspects into account in all their actions
- develop themselves as professionals and recognize the development needs of the work community.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- apply professional terms and knowledge base in a professional and versatile manner,
- combine new learning contents as parts of wider phenomena in the field and create new perspectives as well as
- critically evaluate the sources of their choice and their usability.
- apply and communicate their expertise in multiprofessional situations in a holistic and responsible manner
- can make independent decisions and function professionally in the client processes,
- solve versatile professional tasks insightfully and creatively,
- justify their expressed points of view, evaluate their actions and their consequences in a professional way as well as
- act and make choices on the basis of previously acquired information
- act in accordance with the ethical principles of the professional field and can apply them in various situations
- can organize and develop the activities of varied groups and share their competence,
- act in a responsible and goal-oriented way and take the security aspects into account in all their actions as well as
- develop the work community and themselves as professionals

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- search for information from different sources and evaluate their reliability in an appropriate way,
- combine information from different sources into appropriate units as well as
- utilize and apply the knowledge base of the field.
- apply their competence in the professional situations,
- act in a client-oriented way,
- demonstrate the ability to solve professional tasks and problems as well as
- can justify their own points of view and their own action in a professional manner.
- function according to the ethical principles of the professional field and can justify their actions,
- act professionally in a work community and share their competence,
- act in a responsible and goal-oriented way and take security aspects into account as well as
- develop themselves as professionals.

Assessment methods and criteria

Arviointimentelmät ja kriteerit esitellään orientaatiossa.


Before attending the course, the students must have completed minimum of 85 ECTS.