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Work Placement in Occupational Therapy 1 (10 cr)

Code: SX00EP75-3004

General information


06.05.2024 - 19.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 22.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Occupational Therapy


  • Annariika Anundi
  • Jari Pihlava
  • Akvaliina Lacho

Teacher in charge

Jari Pihlava


  • SXI23S2
    Toimintaterapian tutkinto-ohjelma monimuoto


Learning outcomes:
The students become acquainted with the work practices, instructions and legislation governing client work. At the work placement the students apply a client-centred approach, act professionally and in accordance with the ethical principles of occupational therapy. The students practice to form therapeutic relationships and reflect afterwards on the outcomes. The students collaborate with other professionals and, if possible, with the client's close persons and relatives. The students also use information from other disciplines to form an overall picture of the client's situation. The students use guidance to support the development of competence.

The students plan the client processes of occupational therapy from the perspective of the individual's everyday life and participation. The students utilise theoretical knowledge in the planning and documentation of client processes in occupational therapy. The students analyse the collected information in order to identify meaningful, purposeful activities and performance areas that are relevant to the client. The students assess the impact of the environment on the client`s occupational performance, and participation. The students set goals with the clients, plan and implement therapeutic occupation in accordance with the goals in order to enable the client`s occupational performance. The students analyse the information collected in relation to the multidisciplinary data. The students give information about the client process orally and in writing.


- Instructions, rules, legislation and safety guiding the work of the occupational therapist
- Occupational therapist's job description and the related tasks
- Client processes in occupational therapy and the implementation
- Activity analysis and therapeutic occupation
- Forming relationships related to collaboration in occupational therapy
- Utilising the expertise in therapeutic relationships in client relationships
- Give information about the client process orally and in writing
- Reflecting on one’s own actions
- Learning objectives set by the student to strengthen competence
- Practical application of theory through learning assignments

Location and time

Info kaikille opiskelijoille ennen harjoittelua lisätiedot lukujärjestys.
Opiskelija saa ohjaavan opettajan ennen harjoittelua ja ohjaava opettaja lähettää harjoittelun työelämäohjaajalle ja opiskelijalle infokirjeen.

Harjoittelun alussa yhteistapaaminen (Teams): työelämäohjaaja, opettaja ja opiskelija (opiskelijan oppimistavoitteet jaksolle)
Harjoittelun aikana pienryhmätapaaminen (Teams): opiskelijat pienryhmissä ja ohjaava opettaja
Harjoittelun päätös: harjoittelukokemusten jakaminen pienryhmissä ohjaavan opettajan kanssa. Pienryhmää ohjaava opettaja ilmoittaa tarkemman ajan ja muodon (etä/lähi).


Harjoittelua koskevat yleiset ohjeet löytyvät wiki-sivuilla Toimintaterapian työelämäharjoittelu

Toimintaterapia työelämäharjoittelu 1 sisältöä koskevat asiat löytyvät wiki-sivuilla

Opiskelijoiden jo tehtyjen opintojaksojen materiaalit.

Harjoittelupaikan asiakkaisiin liittyvä yleinen kirjallisuus ja asiakkaiden tt:aan liittyvä kirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Supervised work placement process.

Employer connections

Students find their own placements. Please go to wiki-pages for detailed guidance.

Student workload

10 op =270h
Opiskelupäivän pituus 8h /pvä = 40h /viikko (sisältää perehtymisen, välillisen ja välittömän asiakastyön sekä tehtävän teon).
Aikataulutus sovitaan työpaikalla työpaikan käytänteiden mukaan.

Tehtävän osuus on noin 1 op = 27 h, jonka tekeminen sisältyy harjoittelun tunteihin. Tehtävän tekopaikasta ja -ajasta sovitaan harjoittelupaikassa.

Content scheduling

Opiskelija hankkii harjoittelupaikan, esittää rikostaustaotteen ja täyttää oppilaitoksen lomakkeen. Ohjeet kts. wiki.
Harjoittelupaikoilla voi olla omia vaatimuksia esim. alkuhaastattelu ennen jaksolle hyväksymistä , rokotusvaatimuksia tms., jotka opiskelijan tulee täyttää.
Yhteinen info kts. lukujärjestys.
Opiskelijalle nimetään opettajaohjaaja, joka lähettää infoa sähköpostitse ohjaajalle (huom. ilmoita ohjaajan sp) ja opiskelijalle
Opiskelija pohtii alustavia oppimistavoitteita opintojakson oppimistavoitteisiin liittyen harjoitteluun
Harjoittelun aloitus
Opiskelija palauttaa alustavat jakson tavoitteet Tavoite- ja arviointilomakkeella OMA:an
Oppimistavoitteista keskustelu harjoittelupaikassa (työelämäohjaaja ja opiskelija)
Oppimistavoitteista sopiminen (työelämäohjaaja, opettaja ja opiskelija)
Pienryhmätapaaminen (opiskelijat ja opettaja)
Väliarviointi (työelämäohjaaja ja opiskelija)
Loppuarviointi (työelämäohjaaja ja opiskelija, tarvittaessa opettaja)
Pienryhmätapaaminen (opiskelijat ja opettaja)
Tehtävän ja tavoite- ja rviointilomakkeen palautus
Ohjaava opettaja vie suoritusmerkinnän, kun kaikki teot on tehty hyväksytysti, jotka jaksoon kuuluivat
Oppimisen syventyminen: Opiskelija peilaa harjoittelukokemuksia ja -oppeja tulevissa opetuskontakteissa ja kursseilla

Further information

Varaa harjoittelupaikkasi edellisen lukukauden aikana kts. ohjeet Wiki ja ilmoita paikan tiedot koulun lomakkeelle, kun se julkaistaan Wikissä.
Tutustu lisäksi Wikissä oleviin ohjeisiin erityisesti rokotuksiin ja rikostaustaotteen esittämiseen liittyen

Harjoittelupaikoilla voi olla omia vaatimuksia esim. alkuhaastattelu ennen jaksolle hyväksymistä , rokotusvaatimuksia tms., jotka opiskelijan tulee täyttää.

Yhteinen info kts. lukujärjestys.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- master the concepts of the field and can apply them to the right contexts
- search and combine information from different sources and understand the significance of source criticism as well as
- show they have familiarized themselves with the knowledge base of the field
- act appropriately in the typical tasks and situations of the professional field
-apply the principles of client-oriented work and
- evaluate their own choices and own actions in professional situations.
- act according to the ethical principles
of their professional field,
- take safety related questions into consideration in their actions as well as
- evaluate their own strengths and development needs.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- seek information from different sources and evaluate the source reliability in a purposeful manner,
- combine information from different sources into purposeful units as well as
-utilize and apply the information base in the field.
- apply their competence in professional situations,
- act in a client-oriented way,
- demonstrate the ability to solve professional tasks and problems as well as
- can justify the presented points of view and their own action in a professional manner.
- act in accordance with the ethical principles of the professional field and can justify their actions,
- act professionally in the work community and share their competence
- act in a responsible and goal-oriented way and takes into account the security related questions,
- develop themselves as professionals

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- apply professional terminology and knowledge base in a fluent and versatile manner,
-combine new learning contents as parts of wider phenomena in the field,
- evaluate the sources of their choice and their usability as well as
-justify their choices on the basis on
prior knowledge.
- apply their expertise in professional situations in a responsible manner,
- act in a client- oriented way,
- solve versatile professional tasks and problems as well as
- justify the expressed points of view, evaluate their actions and their consequences in a professional way.
- act in accordance with the ethical principles of the professional field and can critically evaluate their actions
- can organize the activities of varied groups and share their competence,
- act in a responsible and goal-oriented way and take the security aspects into account as well as
- develop themselves as professionals and recognize the development needs of the work community.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment criteria: see the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

- master the concepts of the field and can apply them to the right contexts
- search and combine information from different sources and understand the significance of source criticism as well as
- show they have familiarized themselves with the knowledge base of the field
- act appropriately in the typical tasks and situations of the professional field
-apply the principles of client-oriented work and
- evaluate their own choices and own actions in professional situations.
- act according to the ethical principles
of their professional field,
- take safety related questions into consideration in their actions as well as
- evaluate their own strengths and development needs.

Assessment methods and criteria

Student uses a Goal and feedback form to write the goals for the clinical practice, evaluates how reaches the goals, gets written feedback from clinical supervisor and teachers.


Before attending the course, the students must have completed minimum of 30 ECTS, including competence from the following courses: Basics of Therapeutic Occupation/Activity, Environmental Factors Affecting Occupational Performance 1, Me as an Occupational Therapist, Assessing Occupational Performance 1.

Further information

Further information:
The degree in occupational therapy includes four work placements 10 ECTS each. Every work placement must differ from each other referring to the (WFOT minimum standards). The students acquire the work placement themselves and confirm the placement with the lecturer in charge. In the first work placement an occupational therapist is recommended as the clinical supervisor.

It is also recommended to select the course: Enabling Occupational Performance 2.