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Unix/Linux (Basics and Advanced) (8 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TT00EN31-3020

Toteutuksen perustiedot


15.06.2023 - 10.07.2023


8 op


8 op




ICT ja tuotantotalous


Karaportti 2


  • Englanti


0 - 1000


  • Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma


  • Virve Prami


Janne Salonen


    Kesälomatuuraajan toteutukset


After completing the course, the student knows the basic usage of unix operating system (shell + GUI). He or she understands unix's file system, can handle files and directories and can give different permissions (read, write, execute) to these. He or she can search information of unix commands by using man or info commands. He or she understands unix's process hierarchy and knows what multitasking means. He or she can use unix's editors and write shell scripts with them.
After completing the course, the student can manage the Unix/Linux system.


- What is unix, brief history of unix
- What is linux, is there any differences between unix and linux?
- User accounts, passwords, home directories
- what kind of user accounts basic unix system have?
- Unix's graphical environment
- desktop, desktop manager, X window system
- Basic shell usage
- why this is important?
- basic structure of unix comands
- options & parameters
- wildcards
- terminal connections to unix system
- Finding help
- man and info commands
- GUI help
- from the internet
- File & directory handling
- unix file system, also difference between unix & windows
- mountable medias
- how to move between directories, creating, copying, linking and deleting directories & files
- file types
- finding files and directories
- File system permissions
- unix's user permission groups: user, group and others
- how to change permissions and who can change permissions
- special permissions (SUID, GUID, Sticky bit)
- Access control list (ACL)
- Unix's basic editors vi and emacs
- why it's important to know how these editors are working
- other editors
- some applicatios
- packaking applications tar, gzip, bzip
- timed operations, such as at or crontab
- unix processes
- different shells
- Bourne, bash, korn, csh,...
- history, aliases, variables, settings and setup files
- basics of scripting
- how scripts are working
- command line parameters- Basics of the Unix operating system
- Basic commands and their usage
- Working with files in Unix/Linux environment
- Managing processes
- Basics of shell scripts
- Installing Linux
- Creating and managing users
- File system management
- Installing and removing software (RPM)
- Network configuration
- Basic system management

Aika ja paikka

Course is delivered via LabSim -environment and timetable is totally up to student. Course can be done in own pace.


Online in LabSim environment.


100% online Self-study course. All you need is web browser and working network connection.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö


Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Online in LabSim portal.



Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

You have two choices for completion.

You can do couple of exercises from each module or you can do the test. This test can be found from the environment.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Up to student her-/himself.

Sisällön jaksotus

Up to student her-/himself.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Course is delivered for Open UAS Students.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

You have two choices for completion.

You can do couple of exercises from each module or you can do the test. This test can be found from the environment.


Introduction to Computing,
Setting Up and Usage of Personal Computer (PC)


Course material is English and course is delivered via LabSim -portal.