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Professional Practice (15 cr)

Code: TX00DS46-3004

General information


02.05.2023 - 31.07.2024


01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

RDI portion

15 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Real Estate and Construction


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Construction Site Management


  • Tiina Aalto


  • TXI21S1A
    Rakennusalan työnjohdon tutkinto-ohjelma päivä, LVI-tekniikan suuntautuminen


On completion of the professional practice, the student will be familiar with the tasks of an HVAC fitter, a water and sewage system supervisor, a ventilation system supervisor and the various other tasks of an HVAC contractor.
After the professional practice the student can work as an assistant to a senior HVAC supervisor on site.


The student gets to know the building services industry and tasks within the field by working for a contractor.
For the second practical training period the student should work in tasks that are close to the degree, such as working as a project manager who takes care of, for example, supervision, offer calculation and contracts.
During the practical training the student gets to know the various tasks in HVAC contracting, as well as how things operate on a construction site.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment is based on criteria Accepted/Failed. Marks will not be given.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Assessment is based on criteria Accepted/Failed. Marks will not be given.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Assessment is based on criteria Accepted/Failed. Marks will not be given.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Completing the course with a pass grade requires that the student hands in a practical training report and a testimonial of 400 hours of work.


The student and the study counselor go through other Recommended Studies in personal study guidance discussions.