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Facebook & Instagram Marketing (5 cr)

Code: LX00ET09-3003

General information


01.03.2023 - 14.05.2023


19.05.2023 - 04.08.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 20

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in International Business and Logistics
  • Economics and Business Administration
  • Degree Programme in European Business Administration


  • John Greene

Teacher in charge

Suvi Moll


  • Liiketalous_CampusOnline
    CampusOnline Economics and Business Administration
    Vapaastivalittavat, liiketalous


By the end of the course, the student will:

- Understand the importance and advantages in marketing a business on Facebook and Instagram
- Apply marketing theories and techniques that can be developed to gain a following and promote a business on Facebook and Instagram.
- Learn how to create a Facebook business manager account, Facebook business page and Instagram presence as well as gaining an understanding of the benefits of a Facebook business manager account.
- Develop basic design skills in order to generate branded and visually appealing content.
- Understand the requirements for and be able to create Facebook & Instagram Ads
- Identify and understand customer targeting & segmentation in Facebook & Instagram advertising - Learn how to reach hundreds, thousands or millions of people on Facebook/Instagram
- Understand Facebook Pixel and Retargeting in Ads. Lean how to add Facebook pixel to a website and review data.
- Improve overall knowledge of social media marketing


Billions of people are active on Facebook and Instagram every day. Businesses are increasing their presence on both platforms as they acquire, engage and converse with these active consumers. Developing and growing a business/brand presence and being able to communicate an engaging brand story is essential in attracting potential customers. By using digital marketing and social media marketing theory and techniques with a deeper knowledge of the tools provided by Facebook and Instagram you can increase a company's growth.

The main aim of the course is to provide students with essential digital/social media marketing theories, knowledge and understanding of Facebook and Instagram, in order to manage a business’s presence in both platforms and acquire and grow an engaged consumer following.

Location and time


Teaching methods

The course is a fully online course with videos presentations by the lecture and practical walkthrough videos. There are no video conference calls planned unless requested.

The course work is completed by each student individually.

Guidance by Lecturer 5 hours*
Assignments, Quizzes & Tasks 47 hours*
Self-directed learning 85 hours*

Employer connections

Students complete and receive Meta/Facebook Certificates as part of this course

Exam schedules


International connections


Student workload

Guidance by Lecturer 5 hours*
Assignments, Quizzes & Tasks 47 hours*
Self-directed learning 85 hours*

Content scheduling

Further information

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient performance: showing just enough understanding of the subject to merit a pass grade but
requiring greater effort to achieve a more satisfactory result

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good performance: showing strong understanding of basic concepts and good grasp of techniques,
but with certain minor problems still requiring further attention

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent performance: not only fulfils all standard requirements but demonstrates originality and

Assessment methods and criteria


English Language Proficiency required. All lectures are carried out in English
Students for this course should have completed at least an introduction to marketing or first-year marketing course.
Students are required to have access to a Facebook and Instagram account, and a basic understanding of how Facebook & Instagram works.