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Basic Excel 365 (3 cr)

Code: TT00EW23-3028

General information


01.09.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of ICT


Karaportti 2

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 1000

Degree programmes

  • Information and Communication Technology


  • Virve Prami


The course will get acquainted with the use of Excel spreadsheet software. The goal is to give a full picture of the foundations of the spreadsheet and use of the Excel program.

The course goes through e.g. worksheet processing, creating formulas, linking tables, creation of diagrams and design of the sheet.

The course has been prepared for Excel 365 and Excel 2019 versions. Instructions are also suitable for browser-based Excel and for earlier versions of Excel.

The course is also suitable for contra-starters.


The course is formed from 12 lessons, which contains theory and practical exercises.

Before lessons will be presented spreadsheet activity using a simple example.

Location and time

Course environment is Metropolia's Moodle and course can be done in own pace.


Online in study environment.

Teaching methods

Course is 100% online (self-study) course which can be done in own pace.

The course is formed from 12 lessons and Final exam (online). Lessons contains theory and practical exercises. Lessons are conducted in order.

Note that the lessons can include several pages. The link to the next page is at the end of the previous page. There's an end-of-lesson link on the last page.

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload

Up to student her-/himself.

Content scheduling

The course is formed from 12 lessons and Final exam. Lessons contains theory and practical exercises. Lessons are conducted in order.

Further information


Metropolia's Degree Students
Go to Moodle ->
Enrolment key: Eskeli

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course receives an accepted entry after all the 12 lessons of the course and Final Test has been done approved.

The final exam has ? 50 multiple choice tasks and has a duration of 150 minutes.

The lowest approval score is 700/1000. If the result falls below it, the test must be renewed. Final exam can be renewed 3 times!

Assessment methods and criteria

The course receives an accepted entry after all the 12 lessons of the course and Final Test has been done approved.

The final exam has ? 50 multiple choice tasks and has a duration of 150 minutes.

The lowest approval score is 700/1000. If the result falls below it, the test must be renewed. Final exam can be renewed 3 times!

Further information

Practical examples and exercises are done at the student's own workstation.

Free Month Trial of Office 365, containing Excel 365 software can be downloaded from Microsoft.