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Finnish as a Second Language: Finnish at Work (Technology) (5 cr)

Code: XX00EF54-3008

General information


02.05.2023 - 24.05.2023


08.09.2023 - 17.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of ICT


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 40


  • Marjo-Riitta Näyhö


On completion of the course, the student will recognize his/her proficiency level, and know how to improve his/her language skills independently during and after the professional studies. Furthermore, the student will identify and understand the situational variation of language, especially the difference between formal and informal style. The student will also identify, understand and analyse as well as summarize even complex field-specific or generally working-life related source texts. Further, the student will be able to write clear, structured and coherent texts about both field-specific and generally working-life related topics. The purpose of the course is to attain such proficiency in Finnish as to allow the student to complete his/her studies, and write the Bachelor’s thesis and maturity test in Finnish, as well as to work in his/her profession, improve in it, and participate in both written and oral communication in Finnish working life.

The objective of the course is level B2.2 as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF), and the course provides guidance and tools for the student to achieve even level C (proficient user).


- revision of grammatical structures
- structures typical in especially written documents and summaries
- situational variation of language, especially the use of formal and informal Finnish
- texts and communication practises related to one’s own field and working life
- self-assessing one’s language and communication skills
- developing learning strategies

Location and time

8 September - 15 November 2023


- White, Leila. Suomen kielioppia ulkomaalaisille. Helsinki: Finn Lectura / Otava
- Jönsson-Korhola, Hannele & White, Leila. Tarkista tästä. Suomen sanojen rektioita suomea vieraana kielenä opiskeleville. Helsinki: Finn Lectura / Otava
- Teacher´s materials

Teaching methods

Written and oral assignments, individual consultation

Exam schedules

Exam 10 November 2023. Retake of a failed exam by agreement.

Student workload


Further information

Most part of the course is carried out virtually. The course is targeted only to the students who study in Bachelor of Engineering Degree Programmes conducted in the Finnish language.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to
- write comprehensible, clear and coherent texts with relatively flawless vocabulary and structures
- identify the requirements and principles of register in different genres and take them into account in his/her texts
- compose texts required in one’s own field and in working life generally, and in them communicate information and his/her views fluently
- independently read fairly long texts on general and field-related topics and identify the main points in the texts
- give expert presentations in one’s own field of studies
- receive feedback and make an effort to apply it in his/her communication

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to
- use relatively complex sentence structures and linguistic means to write clear and coherent text
- write clear, detailed texts, in which language errors do not cause misunderstandings
- compose texts required in his/her field and working life taking into account the demands of register and express information and views precisely
- independently read long texts related to one’s own field and working life, find the main points in the text and identify the purpose of the writer and the text
- compose and give expert presentations in one’s own field
- use relatively extensive terminology of his/her field and working life related topics
- assess his/her language skills and propose development objectives

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to
- use structures and an extensive vocabulary well, and his/her ability to express himself/herself in writing is not restricted by inadequate language skills
- compose clear, detailed and well-structured texts required in his/her field and working life taking into account the demands of register and style
- independently read a wide range of texts, even long and complex ones, summarize the main points and identify the writer’s attitude and the purpose of the text
- compose and give expert presentations in one’s own field clearly and fluently
- express himself/herself efficiently
- develop his/her language skills purposefully

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to
- write comprehensible, clear and coherent texts with relatively flawless vocabulary and structures
- identify the requirements and principles of register in different genres and take them into account in his/her texts
- compose texts required in one’s own field and in working life generally, and in them communicate information and his/her views fluently
- independently read fairly long texts on general and field-related topics and identify the main points in the texts
- give expert presentations in one’s own field of studies
- receive feedback and make an effort to apply it in his/her communication

Assessment methods and criteria

1 x Oral presentation 20%
6 x Learning assignment 20%
1 x Exam 60%


Good command of Finnish: at least level B2.1 as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF).

Further information

The course is obligatory for the students of Degree Programmes conducted in Finnish whose language of school education is not Finnish. All the other obligatory courses in Finnish and Communication offered by the Degree Programme are also included in the student’s personal study programme.