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Clinical Treatment in Clinical Laboratory Work (5 cr)

Code: SX00EC87-3007

General information


02.05.2023 - 31.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 22.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 37

Degree programmes

  • Biomedical Laboratory Science


  • Heli Laaksonen
  • Suska Veltheim
  • Lasse Liikanen

Teacher in charge

Suska Veltheim


  • SXJ23S1
    Bioanalytiikan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


Learning outcomes
As a student, you identify emergency situations, the most common sudden attacks of illness and the need for help, and are able to act systematically in such cases. You are able to examine the patient’s vitals using the ABCDE method and provide symptomatic first aid. You know how to act in emergencies and accidents and start resuscitating. You know how to monitor a patient’s respiration and blood circulation and to help, if needed. You understand the importance of fluid balance for the functioning of the human body. You know the basic concepts of medical treatments. You are familiar with pain-relief methods in sampling and, if necessary, are able to apply them when taking samples or conducting patient examinations. You understand the safety factors involved in patient handling and know how to work ergonomically. You understand work load factors and how to manage them. You understand the importance of cooperation between the laboratory and the care unit in the treatment of patients and are able to describe the activities of the laboratory and the care unit as part of the client’s treatment and service chain. You possess some of the treatment skills needed in the biomedical laboratory scientist’s job.


Monitoring and assistance of respiration and circulation
Securing the fluid balance
Basic concepts of medical treatments
Ergonomic working and safe patient handling
Work load factors and working capacity
Ensuring pain-free sampling and patient examinations
Treatment skills needed in the biomedical laboratory scientist’s job
Activities of the care unit and cooperation with the laboratory
Dealing with gravely ill patients and their next of kin in various situations

Location and time



Työterveyslaitos - laboratoriotyö www-lähde
Työterveyslaitos - Potilassiirrot www-lähde

First Aid
Korte, H ja Myllyrinne K. Ensiapu. Otavan Kirjapaino OY, Keuruu 2017. ISBN 978-951-658-188-3. 1. painos 2017 Kustantaja ja Copyright 2017 Suomen Punainen Risti (soveltuvin osin) Oppiportti: Duodecimin verkkokurssi/ Elvytys /
Epilepsiakohtauksen ensiapu
Ohjeita lievän pään vamman saaneille
Ensiapuvalmius työpaikoilla. Työsuojeluhallinto. Työsuojeluoppaita ja ohjeita 33. Tampere 2010.
Castren, M & al. 2010. Ensihoito-opas
Kallela M., Häppölä O., Eriksson H. 2014. Tajuttomuus. Duodecim 130 (4):368-382.

Clinical skills
Aaltonen ym. 2016. Sydän paikallaan. Anatomia ja fysiologia. SanomaPro.
Iivanainen, A., Syväoja, P. 2012. Hoida ja kirjaa. Keuruu. Tammi
Kirurgian koulutuspäivät 2010. Nokso-Koivisto (korva-nenä ja kurkkutautien erikoislääkäri). Hengitysteiden imeminen.
Rautava-Nurmi H ym. 2016. Hoitotyön taidot ja toiminnot. SanomaPro.
Saastamoinen, T. Hietanen, H., Juvonen, A. & Monto, R. 2010 Hoitotyön toiminnot. Saarijärvi. Kirjapaja
Castren M., Korte H., Myllyrinne K. 2012. Hengityksen, verenkierron ja tajunnan häiriöt.
Duodecim terveysportti, sairaanhoitajan käsikirja 2015
Lääkärikirja Duodecim, Kohonnut verenpaine (verenpainetauti), Pertti Mustajoki, 28.2.2017.
Iivanainen A. & Syväoja P. 2012. Hoida ja Kirjaa. Keuruu. Tammi.
Tighe, P. ym. 2010. The effect of increased consumption of whole-grain foods on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk markers in healthy middle-aged persons: a randomized controlled trial. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 92, 733-740.

Anttila, Veli-Jukka - Kanerva, Mari - Kuronen, Maria - Kurvinen, Tiina - Lyytikäinen, Outi - Rantala, Arto - Vuento, Risto - Ylipalosaari, Pekka (toim.) 2018 (myös vanhemmat painokset käyvät). Hoitoon liittyvien infektioiden torjunta. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL.
Duodecim Infektioiden torjunnan perusteet terveydenhuollossa verkkokurssi + osaamisen testi
HUS: Infektioidentorjuntaohjeet (HUS etusivu-> Ammattilaiselle -> Hoito- ja toimintaohjeita ammattilaisille -> Infektioidentorjuntaohjeet)
Karhumäki, Eliisa - Jonsson, Anne - Saros, Marita 2021. Mikrobit hoitotyön haasteena. Lähihoito. Edita Prima Oy. Helsinki.
Neulanpistodirektiivi 2010/32/EU
Valtioneuvoston asetus 317/2013 terävien instrumenttien aiheuttamien tapaturmien ehkäisemisestä terveydenhuoltoalalla

Other material on Moodle, which is focused at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Theory lectures are mostly on line
Laboratory classes are at Myllypuro
Guided assignments
Independent studying

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives

On the basis of a previous health degree can apply for exemption for first aid, ergonomics and aseptic technique. Knowledge skills test is possible.

Student workload

5 credits = 135 hours students works
Including: Contact teaching, teamwork, laboratory classes and independent studying.

Content scheduling

More information in Moodle spacework.

Further information

Students must confirm their attendance for a course implementation by being present when tuition begins or in another manner agreed with the lecturer; for example, by returning the first course assignment. Students who are unable to attend the first teaching session due to illness may also confirm their attendance by informing the lecturer of this in advance.

Orientation is compulsory. Laboratory classes are compulsory. Presentation of asepsis learning task is compulsory.

Attending to classes. Laboratory instructions and workshops compulsory and max. 15 students.

Independent studying alone /hopefully in small groups with given material and litterature.

More information in Moodle workspace.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment framework, see the appendix

Assessment methods and criteria

Peer review
