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Road Renovation (5 cr)

Code: TX00BK62-3006

General information


28.11.2022 - 08.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Real Estate and Construction


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Civil Engineering


  • Mika Räsänen


  • RI19
  • RI20


On completion of the course, the student will be familiar with the planning and execution of road renovation. The student knows the function of the structural layers and understands related material requirements. The student is familiar with the categorisation of damage types related both to surface structures and underlying structures. The student knows the basics of making a damage inventory and related measurements. The student can choose different renovation methods for road and bridge structures according to the circumstances.


1. Damage surveying
2. IRI and other calculations
3. Combining information from designs and damage surveying
4. Estimating damage causes
5. Reconstruction methods and BIM
6. Renovation planning and implementation
7. Site safety and temporary traffic arrangements.
Road Construction and Design
Further information

Location and time

Toteuteaan pääosin opettajan valitsemia harjoitustöitä tehden. Ryhmät kokontuvat yhdessä sovittujen aikatalujen mukaisesti.


Väyläviraston julkaisut ja korkeakoulujen kirjastoista löytyvä materiaali.

Teaching methods

Luentoja + opiskelijat jaetaan ryhmiin, joissa toteuteaan opettajan ohjauksessa tehtäviä. Sisällöltään tehtävät liittyvät tieliikenneväylien korjaamiseen ja/tai kunnossapitoon sekä vaurioiden ennaltaehkäisyyn. Kaikki tehtävät esitellään valmistuttuaan koko ryhmälle. Samalla käydään myös palautekeskustelu. Oppimisen keskiössä on opiskelijaryhmien esitykset.

Exam schedules

Tenttiä ei ole.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

On completion of the course the student
- knows road registers
- can choose the correct damage surveying information for planning renovation work
- can implement a basic road construction project according to the plans
- can plan temporary traffic arrangements.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

In addition to the previous criteria, the student
- can plan a simple road construction project and make a realistic schedule for it
- can supervise a typical road renovation project
- knows the roles of the authorities in road renovation projects
- can take care of getting the necessary building permits.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition to the previous criteria, the student can
- design alternative solutions and evaluate their functionality
- compare the costs of alternative solutions
- schedule planning and construction in an economically optimal timeframe
- understand the differences in the tasks of the developer and contractor and can evaluate matters from both points of view.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

On completion of the course the student
- knows road registers
- can choose the correct damage surveying information for planning renovation work
- can implement a basic road construction project according to the plans
- can plan temporary traffic arrangements.


Road Construction and Design

Further information
