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Work and Working Environments in Social Services (5 cr)

Code: SX00EO97-3009

General information


28.11.2022 - 31.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 21.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Social Services


  • Katarina Groop
  • Päivi Eskelinen-Roos


  • SXH23K2
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


The students will become familiar with the different work environments and work orientations in the field of social services. They will understand the process-like quality of client work and identify the various phases of the client process. The students will become familiar with the concept of reflection and understand its importance. Students’ team work and collaboration skills will be improved and they will understand the importance of multi-professional co-operation.


Different work environments of the Bachelor of Social Services. Practices in preventative work and early support, social rehabilitation, and constructive work. The agency and involvement of the client in the work approach of social services. The status and rights of the social welfare client. Reflection and its significance in the work of the Bachelors of Social Services. The principles of team work and multi-professional co-operation in the field of social services.

Location and time

Opettaja: Katarina Groop
Opetuksen aikataulu:
Orientaatioluento (tallenne Moodlessa)
31.03.2023 09.00 - 11.45 MPA6011 Työorientaatiot sosiaalialan työssä
12.04.2023 09.00 - 11.45 MPA4010 Asiakastyö, asiakkaan kohtaaminen ja asiakkaan oikeudet
13.04.2023 09.00 - 11.45 MPA4010 Reflektio ja sen merkitys sosionomin työssä
11.05.2023 12.45 - 16.00 MPA2019 Monialainen yhteistyö sosiaalialalla
12.05.2023 09.00 - 11.45 MPA2019 Ryhmien toiminnalliset esitykset

Teaching methods

Lähiopetus, itsenäiset oppimistehtävät ja ryhmätyö, Moodletentti

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

See the curriculum attachment.
The course instructor will specify the evaluation criteria in the beginning of the course.