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Methods for Research and Development Work (5 cr)

Code: SX00DZ98-3019

General information


28.11.2022 - 11.12.2022


20.03.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Kirsi Talman
  • Päivi Leskinen
  • Anna-Kaisa Partanen
  • Pirjo Vesa

Teacher in charge

Anna-Kaisa Partanen


  • SXN22S1BE
    Degree Programme in Nursing Daytime Studies


Learning outcomes
The student
- is familiar with the research process and the principles of development work based on research
- is familiar with information seeking and analysis methods applicable to development work as well as other work methods
- understands the justification for methods and instruments used in development work
- understands the significance of concise research knowledge to the development and implementation of common practices
- adheres to the ethical principles of research and development work


Research process and development work based on research
Information seeking and critical reading
Qualitative and quantitative information seeking and analysis methods and their application to research and development work
Practice-based approach to development work
Concise research knowledge (e.g. recommendations) and its use in evidence-based practice
Ethical principles of research and development work

Location and time

Course commences with orientation which is of compulsory attendance for all
See the course timetable in OMA diary
Note that the course must be completed prior commencing thesis process


Course material will be confirmed on orientation

Teaching methods

Activating lectures (face to face and online)
Flipped learning
Independent individual and pair/group assignments

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Course exam as per OMA diary (please check!)
Exam dates and resit dates will be confirmed on course orientation

International connections


Completion alternatives

Possible RPL (this must be agreed before the course commences)

Student workload

Course is total of 5 credits, which equals 135hrs of student´s work.
Contact teaching 80% attendance, Information retrieval and article critiquing days 100% attendance

Content scheduling


Further information

Please note: attendance on information retrieval and article critiquing days is compulsory! This course must be completed before you may begin the thesis process

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory (1–2)
The student
- is familiar with the knowledge base and core components of the profession
- can search for information from a variety of sources
- is able to work in various tasks in different operating environments - demonstrates that they have achieved the targeted core competence
- is familiar with the key safety procedures in the profession
- adheres to ethical principles
- shares their competence in teams or projects.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3–4)
The student
- uses the concepts and knowledge base of the field consistently
- seeks information and assesses information sources and uses them critically - applies the knowledge base of the field in professional tasks
- applies their professional skill in various professional tasks
- acts independently and responsibly in professional situations
- takes safety into consideration when planning activities
- adheres to the ethical principles of the profession
- works in a goal-driven way in working groups or projects

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)
The student
- uses the concepts and knowledge base of the field in an expert way
- understands the justification for the use of information sources
- is able to justify activities using researched knowledge or studies - works in diverse and international tasks and work situations
- works in a client-centric and entrepreneurial way
- acts responsibly and with safety in mind
- is able to justify their activities with the ethical principles of the profession - organises and steers the activities of a team or project

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student
- can search for knowledge resourcefully utilising professional sources and uses the knowledge base of the field
- is familiar with the knowledge base and core components of the profession
- demonstrates having adequate professional skills to work in the profession
- demonstrates that they have achieved the targeted core competence
- works in a client-centric way
- adheres to ethical principles
- shares their competence in teams or projects
- is able to evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses and development needs
- is familiar with the key safety procedures in the profession
- shares their competence in teams or projects.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam: 0-5
More specific criteria for course evaluation will be provided on orientation/during the course