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Music Mixing and Editing 1 (5 cr)

Code: KX00EZ53-3001

General information


06.05.2024 - 31.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Music


  • musiikki virtuaali
  • Julius Mauranen
  • Jere Laukkanen

Teacher in charge

Julius Mauranen


  • KXF22S1
    Musiikin tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


The student is able to articulate the importance of mixing in the production process. The student is able to make technically balanced mixes for different genres and purposes, and is able to take advantage of the possibilities offered by computer-based studio technology. The student is able to use signal processors in mixing and editing. The student is able to prepare their own music production for mixing. The student is able to detail the mastering process as part of the production of a recording.


Studio work, mixing and editing exercises, peer feedback. Lectures, guest lectures and visits. Mixing as technical and creative work. The work and role of the mixing engineer in music production. The role of the music producer in the mixing phase.

Location and time

Opetus alkaa 4.9. Opetus Tarkkaamo A:ssa klo 9–12.15 ja harjoitustehtäviin varattu aika torstaisin 13–16.15 studiokerroksessa.
Alustavasti opiskelijat jaetaan ensimmäisellä kerralla kahteen tasoryhmään, opetus kullakin ryhmällä pääsääntöisesti joka toinen viikko.
Osallistuminen yhteisseminaariin keskiviikkoisin 13–14.30 AS522/Tarkkaamo A


Owsinski: Mixing engineers handbook
Mixerman: Zen and the art of mixing
Senior: Mixing secrets for the small studio

Teaching methods

Aktivoiva luento

Completion alternatives

AHOT sovittava opettajan kanssa ensimmäisellä tunnilla.

Student workload

Opetus alkaa 4.9. Opetus Tarkkaamo A:ssa klo 9–12.15 ja harjoitustehtäviin varattu aika torstaisin 13–16.15 studiokerroksessa.
Alustavasti opiskelijat jaetaan ensimmäisellä kerralla kahteen tasoryhmään, opetus kullakin ryhmällä pääsääntöisesti joka toinen viikko.
Osallistuminen yhteisseminaariin keskiviikkoisin 13–14.30 AS522/Tarkkaamo A

Content scheduling

Opetus alkaa 4.9. Opetus Tarkkaamo A:ssa klo 9–12.15 ja harjoitustehtäviin varattu aika torstaisin 13–16.15 studiokerroksessa.
Alustavasti opiskelijat jaetaan ensimmäisellä kerralla kahteen tasoryhmään, opetus kullakin ryhmällä pääsääntöisesti joka toinen viikko.
Osallistuminen yhteisseminaariin keskiviikkoisin 13–14.30 AS522/Tarkkaamo A

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to articulate the importance of the mixing stage in the production process. The student is able to make technically balanced mixes for different genres and purposes, and is able to take advantage of the possibilities offered by computer-based studio technology. The student is able to use signal processors in mixing and editing. The student is able to prepare their own music production for the mixing phase. The student is able to complete assignments according to schedule.

Assessment methods and criteria

Jatkuva arviointi


The student is able to define the importance of recording techniques in successful productions and understands the special features of different types of microphones. The student is able to describe and utilize the features and uses of studio equipment in various recording situations. The student is able to plan and implement a recording session and work with musicians in a professional studio.

The student is able to listen critically and analytically. The student is able to articulate the role of a music producer in different music productions. The student is able to describe the job of a producer and the responsibilities and requirements related to it. The student is able to specify the technical and artistic features of music productions of different eras and genres. The student knows the historical development of music technology and production and is able to relate it to modern ways of working. The student is able to implement basic music productions.