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Entrepreneurship, Labour Market, and Marketing Skills (5 cr)

Code: KX00EZ36-3001

General information


27.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


15.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning




Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Music


  • Asta Levy
  • Susanna Mesiä
  • Jere Laukkanen

Teacher in charge

Susanna Mesiä


  • KXF22S1
    Musiikin tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


The student learns to recognize and develop their own entrepreneurship and working life skills, and can apply an entrepreneurial approach as well as acquire information on the possibilities of entrepreneurship and the practices of the music industry. The student knows the fundamental contract practices and funding channels of the music industry, as well as the central principles of copyright legislation.

The student receives tools for identifying and developing the relevant skills for employability. The student can describe, commercialize and market their skills in a customer-oriented way, utilizing teamwork and networks. The student develops capabilities for developing business ideas together with others, and to acquire resources for their activities through commercialization, projectization and by marketing their ideas.


Tax, pension and social security systems, forms of enterprise, revenue logic and livelihood, grants and scholarships, copyright, direct costing and accounting, music contract practices, personal branding, entrepreneurial interviews, and working life, networking and teamwork skills.

Location and time

Tuition in Finnish


Material from the lectures
Pokkinen, Lottaliina. 2020. Muusikon sopimusopas. Helsinki: Tietosanoma.

Teaching methods

Activating lectures, small group assignments, working life visits, book exam, online studies

Employer connections

Entrepreneur interviews and working life visits

Completion alternatives

Attendance 100% or individual study material of each topic
eAHOT partly or fully based on earlier studies or working life experience

Student workload

Tuition on Mondays at 13.00-16.00 at Event hall / Zoom
Lectures, group assignments and a book exam 4 ects
Henkilöbrändäys online course 1 ects (available only in Finnish)
Tuition only in Finnish

Content scheduling

Luennot klo 13:00-16:00
15.01.2024, Aloitus, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä
22.01.2024, Verotus, eläke, sosiaaliturva, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä
29.01.2024, Musiikkialan sopimuskäytännöt, AR128 a&b, Asta Levy
05.02.2024, Tekijänoikeudet, AR128 a&b, Jere Laukkanen
12.02.2024, Talous, kirjanpito, hinnoittelu, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä & vierailija
19.02.2024, TALVIVAPAA
26.02.2024, Yritysmuodot, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä + 3 vierailijaa
04.03.2024, Apurahat, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä & vierailija
15.03.2024, klo 9-12 (huom projektiviikon perjantai) Tutkinnon yhteinen työelämätapahtuma, Arabiasali
18.03.-22.03.2024, Yrittäjähaastattelujen sparraus, Zoom, Susanna Mesiä
18.03.-28.04.2024, Haastattelu- ja verkko-opintoperiodi: Kirjatentti Lottaliina Pokkisen Muusikon sopimusoppaasta, Henkilöbrändäys verkkokurssi (1 op osuus)
29.04.2024, Yrittäjähaastattelujen esittely ja päätöskerta, XR-center, Susanna Mesiä

Further information

Luennot klo 13:00-16:00
15.01.2024, Aloitus, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä
22.01.2024, Verotus, eläke, sosiaaliturva, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä
29.01.2024, Musiikkialan sopimuskäytännöt, AR128 a&b, Asta Levy
05.02.2024, Tekijänoikeudet, AR128 a&b, Jere Laukkanen
12.02.2024, Talous, kirjanpito, hinnoittelu, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä & vierailija
19.02.2024, TALVIVAPAA
26.02.2024, Yritysmuodot, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä + 3 vierailijaa
04.03.2024, Apurahat, AR128 a&b, Susanna Mesiä & vierailija
15.03.2024, klo 9-12 (huom projektiviikon perjantai) Tutkinnon yhteinen työelämätapahtuma, Arabiasali
18.03.-22.03.2024, Yrittäjähaastattelujen sparraus, Zoom, Susanna Mesiä
18.03.-28.04.2024, Haastattelu- ja verkko-opintoperiodi: Kirjatentti Lottaliina Pokkisen Muusikon sopimusoppaasta, Henkilöbrändäys verkkokurssi (1 op osuus)
29.04.2024, Yrittäjähaastattelujen esittely ja päätöskerta, XR-center, Susanna Mesiä

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student is able to define and describe concepts related to the subject. The student is able to describe the conditions for operating as an entrepreneur, their own skills, the most common contract practices and financing sources in the music industry, and key principles of copyright law. The student recognizes the differences between working as an employee and being an entrepreneur in their own professional field.

Assessment methods and criteria

Attendance 100% or individual study material of each topic
Book exam
Henkilöbrändäys online course


No prerequisities.