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Multidisciplinary Innovation Project (10 cr)

Code: XX00DZ39-3037

General information


13.03.2023 - 10.05.2023


01.05.2023 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Music


  • Jukka Väisänen
  • musiikki virtuaali

Teacher in charge

Jukka Väisänen


  • KXF20S1
    Musiikin tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


On completion of the course the student can
- responsibly develop innovative practical and concrete solutions, practices, products or services with multidisciplinary partners to meet the diverse future needs and current challenges in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.
- define the concept of innovation and take development methods into use.
- apply project and network-based work, creativity and competence in regional, national or international development work.
- use his or her personal skills and abilities to work in multidisciplinary collaboration and working environment.
- create a culture of cooperation and negotiation for successful teamwork.
- use his or her skills in problem solving, collaboration, technical and communication skills to support the collaborative development processes and joint decision making of the team.


The concept of innovation, development work management and building a development team.
Collaborative project and innovation work and assessment: brainstorming, future-oriented concepting and planning, customer and user understanding, contracts and copyrights, communicating, publishing, productization, marketing and implementation planning.
Multidisciplinary teamwork, stakeholder activities and networking.
Innovation development tools and methods.

Teaching methods

Kurssin vastuuopettaja on Jukka Väisänen p. 040 3340351 Kesäkuussa minua tavoittaa 14.6.2023 asti.

Kurssi on verkkokurssi, jossa on seitsemän tehtävämoduulia, jossa jokaisessa on tietty innovaatioprosessin tehtävävaihe. Kurssi on työmäärältään laaja 10 op. .

KURSSILLE OSALLISTUMINEN EDELLYTTÄÄ OMAA TYÖELÄMÄASIAKASTA, jolle toteutat projektin – ja joka sisältää konseptimaista suunnittelutyötä ja kehittämistä. Työtehtävässä syntyy jollain tapaa monialaista ossamista, joskin pääset käyttämään paljon myös omaa ammattiosaamistasi. Työelämäkumppani voi olla esim. yritys, kunta, osuuskunta, kannatusyhdistys, teatteri, yhtye, kustantaja, äänitysstudio, elokuvantekijä, oppilaitos, RY tms. Työelämäkumppanilla on joku edustaja, jonka kanssa teet esim. tilaajan määrittelemää tehtävää, joka sisältää monialaista konseptiluonteista suunnittelua ja tuottamista. Työelämäkumppani tulee olla ennen kurssille hyväksymistä. Koulu ei järjestä kesäopintoihin asiakasta, (kuten kevään ja syksyn minnoissa). Mikäli teet kurssin ulkomaavaihdon aikana, sovelletaan tehtäviä ulkomaanvaihtoa varten. Sovi asiasta etukäteen vastuuopettajan kanssa. Ulkomaille lähtijät tekevät myös omasta vaihdostaan projektisuunnitelman.

Lähteä lyhyt projektiehdotus sähköpostiin:, jossa on seuraavat tiedot:

projektin tavoitteet
projektin asiakas,
kohderyhmä ja hyödynsaajat
projektin toteutustapa: kuvaus projektin toteuttamisesta ja toimintatavoista
projektin toteuttamiseen osallistuvat
projektin työnjako
projektin resurssit
riskit ja riskien hallinta

Lue tämä ensin: Innovaatioprojekti mallia DIY, musiikin opiskelijoille.

Voit toteuttaa innovaatioprojektin omaan työhösi tai muuhun aktiviteettiin liittyen. Jotta voit toteuttaa innovaatioprojektin, tehtävänäsi on viedä hallitusti läpi pieni projekti , jossa harjoittelet tehtävämodulien kautta innovaatioprosessia ja sen osia ja työtapoja. Jos sinulla ei vielä ole soveliasta hanketta, niin ensimmäinen tehtäväsi on hankkia sellainen. Hanke voi liittyä tuotteen tai palvelun kehittämiseen, tai siinä ideoidaan ja suunnitellaan esim. uutta konseptia tai toimintatapaa. Hanke voi olla käytännöllinen; rakennetaan, testataan, soitetaan, sävelletään, pilotoidaan, protoillaan, synnytetään taiteellinen tuotos, jossa on muitakin taiteen osa-alueita kuin vain musiikki esim. draama, video, äänite, teknologia yms), tai se voi olla luonteeltaan suunnittelu/ tutkimustehtävä, mikäli se on keskeistä tilaajan näkökulmasta.

Innovaatioprojektin työmäärä on laaja 10 op projekti (~ 270 tuntia), joka määrittelee hankkeen laajuuden/ haastavuuden. Hanke voi myös hyvin pitää sisällään asioita, joita joudut opettelemaan aivan alusta esim. 3D -tulostus, DAW:in käyttö, ohjelmointi, pelimusiikkisuunnittelu, tekoäly, podcast, digitaalinen kehittäminen, elokuvamusiikki tms. musiikin käyttö.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

- The student can develop innovative practical and concrete solutions, practices, products or services with multidisciplinary partners to meet the diverse future needs and current challenges in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.
- The student recognizes the concept of innovation, development and productization processes and methods.
- The student recognizes his or her creativity and competence that is needed in project and network-based work in regional, national or international development work.
- The student recognizes his or her role in multidisciplinary collaboration and working environment.
- The student promotes a culture of cooperation and negotiation and works constructively as part of a team.
- The student uses his or her skills in problem solving, collaboration, technical and communication skills to support the collaborative development processes and joint decision making of the team.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- The student can develop innovative practical and concrete solutions, practices, products or services with multidisciplinary partners to meet the diverse future needs and current challenges in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.
- The student can define the concept of innovation, development and productization processes and methods that are needed in developing an implementable outcome.
- The student applies his or her creativity and competence that is needed in project and network-based work in regional, national or international development work.
- The student takes an active role in multidisciplinary collaboration.
- The student helps to create a culture of cooperation and negotiation for successful teamwork.
- The student can apply in many ways his or her skills in problem solving, collaboration, technical and communication skills to support the collaborative development processes and joint decision making of the team.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- The student can develop innovative practical and concrete solutions, practices, products or services with multidisciplinary partners to meet the diverse future needs and current challenges in the Helsinki Metropolitan area is on high level.
- The student is able to define and apply the concept of innovation, development and production processes and is able to facilitate the development work with versatile range of methods to accomplish an implementable outcome.
- The student is able to develop successful project- and network-based teamwork and his or her own creativity and competence that is needed in project and network-based work in regional, national or international development work.
- The student takes an active role and analytically assesses his or her competence and learning in multidisciplinary collaboration.
- The student develops actively a culture of cooperation and negotiation and helps the team to succeed.
- The student can apply in many ways and efficiently develop his or her skills in problem solving, collaboration, technical and communication skills to support the collaborative development processes and joint decision making of the team.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- The student can develop innovative practical and concrete solutions, practices, products or services with multidisciplinary partners to meet the diverse future needs and current challenges in the Helsinki Metropolitan area.
- The student recognizes the concept of innovation, development and productization processes and methods.
- The student recognizes his or her creativity and competence that is needed in project and network-based work in regional, national or international development work.
- The student recognizes his or her role in multidisciplinary collaboration and working environment.
- The student promotes a culture of cooperation and negotiation and works constructively as part of a team.
- The student uses his or her skills in problem solving, collaboration, technical and communication skills to support the collaborative development processes and joint decision making of the team.

Further information

Assessment is focused on the work carried out during the course, the gained competence and knowledge upon the completion of the course, the outcomes of the project and meeting the project goals and creating innovative concrete and implementable solutions.