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Visual Marketing Communications (10 cr)

Code: KM00BL55-3007

General information


01.12.2021 - 09.01.2022


07.03.2022 - 22.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Media, Design and Conservation


Hämeentie 135

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 20

Degree programmes

  • Design


  • Tuomas Aatola
  • Mika Seppälä
  • Kai Talonpoika

Teacher in charge

Mika Seppälä


  • KXE20S1GS
    Visual Communication Design – Graphic Design


Students know the purpose of marketing communications and are able to apply their knowledge in marketing communication design.


- Purpose of marketing communications
- Creative thinking
- Marketing communication process
- Stakeholders in marketing design
- Advertising photograph and the fundamentals of studio photography
- Presentation contents and techniques

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

- meets the attendance requirement
- completes assignments to a satisfactory standard
- gives a presentation of the materials he or she has produced
- understands the core content of the course

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- actively participates in class
- completes assignments independently and shows initiative
- completes assignments on time
- gives a fluent and credible presentation of the materials he or she has produced
- knows the process and means of marketing communications
- works effortlessly alone and in a group
- masters the content of the course and applies the learned knowledge in his or her work
- is capable of independent information retrieval

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- actively participates in class and shows self-directedness
- completes assignments independently and demonstrates initiative and creative problem solving skills
- completes the assignments on time
- gives a credible and visually interesting presentation of the materials he or she has produced
- masters the process and means of marketing communications
- can apply his or her knowledge in marketing communications design in an interesting and insightful way
- works effortlessly and independently alone and in a group and demonstrates good interaction skills
- can apply the learned knowledge in his or her work in an original way
- is capable of independent information retrieval and application of information
- demonstrates progress in developing a professional identity

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- meets the attendance requirement
- completes assignments to a satisfactory standard
- gives a presentation of the materials he or she has produced
- understands the core content of the course