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Services, procurement and purchasing activities (5 cr)

Code: TX00DP73-3004

General information


02.12.2020 - 31.12.2020


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Continuing Education and Enterprise Services

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Teacher in charge

Jorma Säteri


  • LT2821S
    ISS_Inssi 2021


The student knows the real estate business in the various relations between the parties, and connections, as well as the different perspectives and objectives in terms of real estate. The course prepares students on the acquisition and development of real estate and user services organization, procurement and tendering. Students receive tools for real estate in an efficient and productive use, together with the status of the management of the premises in accordance with the users' changing needs. The student understands the customer-oriented facility management, real estate services, outsourcing services, as well as the principles of competitive bidding. The student understands the purchasing and subcontracting of coordination of work and know how to buy your products, services and subcontract work.


Service management , purchasing and subcontracting of work coordination , services, competitive tendering processes , services, sales and marketing to customers , real estate and user services, purchasing and subcontracting operation principles , real estate service structure , property management services , technical maintenance services as well as support services such as a lobby - , concierge and security services , cleaning, cleaning services , landscaping , plants and management , telephone , catering and conference services , mailing and distribution of mail , scanning , copying, moving, network architecture, interior design , procurement, courier and office services and any other support services.

Location and time

Pe 14.1. 12.15.-16 Myllypuro
Pe 14.1. 12.15.-16 Verkko
Pe 28.1. 12.15.-16 Verkko
Pe 4.2. 12.15.-16 Verkko
Pe 11.2. 12.15.-16 Verkko
Pe 18.2. 12.15.-16 Verkko

Teaching methods

Monimuoto-opetus verkossa ja Metropolian Myllypuron kampuksella.

Further information

Opintojakso on ISS:n ryhmän opintoja.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student recognises the fundamental concepts and methods associated with the course and is able to solve simple problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

In addition to above, the student is able to apply the fundamental concepts and methods associated with the course to simple problems in natural and technical sciences.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition to above, the student is able to apply the fundamental concepts and methods associated with the course to more demanding problems in natural and technical sciences.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student recognises the fundamental concepts and methods associated with the course and is able to solve simple problems.