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Finnish Business Environment (5 cr)

Code: LC00ET37-3002

General information


12.01.2022 - 13.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 15.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in International Business and Logistics
  • Degree Programme in European Business Administration


  • Seija Mikkonen

Teacher in charge

Suvi Moll


    Vapaastivalittavat, liiketalous


The student understands essential aspects of the Finnish business culture and environment. The student recognizes the main industries in Finland from diverse aspects and recent development trends and innovations in Finnish businesses. The student understands basic legislative requirements and practicalities of employment in Finland including the challenges and opportunities.


- Analysis of the Finnish key industries
- Business trends and innovations
- Key legal aspects of working and doing business in Finland
- Finland as a business area and the Finnish Business culture


Course material provided by the lecturer
Socially constructed material

Teaching methods

Co-operative learning
Constructing knowledge socially

Employer connections


Exam schedules


Completion alternatives


Further information

Learning outcomes
Students will learn essential aspects of the Finnish business environment. This will include an analysis of key industries and recent development trends. Students will learn about the management, organizational and communication styles, challenges and opportunities that Finland currently faces, and become familiar with Finnish business culture.
Business culture
Industry analysis
Key legal aspects of working in Finland

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has achieved the course objectives fairly. The student will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student has achieved the course objectives well, even though the knowledge and skills need improvement on some areas. The student is able to define the course concepts and models and are able to justify the analysis. The student is able to apply their knowledge in leisure, study and work situations. The student understands the importance of expertise in the field of business and is able to analyze his/her own expertise.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has achieved the objectives of the course with excellent marks. The student masters commendably the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student is able to make justified and fluent analysis and to present concrete development measures. The student is well prepared to apply their knowledge in leisure, study and work situations. The student is able to analyze the business sector expertise and the development of his/her own expertise.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student has achieved the course objectives fairly. The student will be able to identify, define and use the course subject area’s concepts and models. The student understands the criteria and principles of the expertise development.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation 20%
Project group presentations and executive summaries 60%:
Final analysis and reflective report 20%