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Medical Nursing (5 cr)

Code: SX00DZ86-3029

General information


02.05.2022 - 15.05.2022


08.08.2022 - 09.09.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 70

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care
  • Nursing (in Finnish)


  • Tommy Mildh
  • Pasi Miettinen
  • Anukatariina Saloheimo
  • Carolina Cederberg

Teacher in charge

Pasi Miettinen


  • SXO22K1C
    Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma, päivätoteutus, hallinnollinen ryhmä C
  • SXK22K2
    Ensihoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


- are competent in the evidence-based decision-making process in nursing
- are able to carry out needs assessment of medical patients as well as to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care using evidence-based knowledge
- can carry out needs assessment of medical patients using the appropriate clinical and physiological evaluation and measurement methods as well as respond to them with appropriate nursing interventions and methods
- can describe the significance of seamless multiprofessional clinical pathway in the care of medical patients
- understand the importance of safety regulations regarding medical devices and electricity in health care
- can document the client/patient’s care process


• - decision-making process in nursing care
- internal medicine and medical nursing
- clinical pathway of medical patients and multiprofessional cooperation
- needs assessment of medical patients; planning, implementing and evaluating care
- documentation in nursing and basics of reporting
- FinCC (Finnish Care Classification) including needs, results, implementation (SHTaL, SHTuL, SHToL)
- nutrition of medical patients
- general device and electric safety in health care
- standard diagnostic examinations in clinical nursing

Location and time

24.10. - 23.12.2022
Look reading order for additional information.


Learning/Exam material:
Hincle, J.L., Cheever, K.H., Overbaugh, K. 2021. Brunner-Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. 15th edition. Wolters Kluwer.

Cardiovascular diseases (Coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, common arhytmias, strokes), neurological diseases (neuroanatomy, neurological status, strokes), pulmonary diseases (COPD, asthma), diabetes (DM1 & DM2), kidney failure, and infectious diseases (pneumonia, sepsis), communicable diseases and isolation protocols, rheumatoid diseases, nursing of cancer patients and chemotherapy.

Other materials provided by lecturer during the study implementation.

Electrical safety material on Moodle: Key CDE

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Case study work with evidence based nursing practices
Interactive lecture
Assignment oriented teaching
Small group working
Clinical laboratory teaching
Skills laboratory learning
Online courses
Independent study

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Exam time: (information later in orientation lecture)

Retake can be tried twice on pre-scheduled times. In case of failing both retakes the course has to be repeated. Elevating grade can be tried once in next possible retake. Enrollment to retake is always done with the name of teacher responsible for the course. Instructions how to enroll for retake are found in Oma.

Retake 1: Further information in orientation lecture

Retake 2: Further information in orientation lecture

Drug-calculations exams: Information in orientation lecture and in reading order.

Electrical safety assignment return deadline agreed with the teacher

International connections

Student can complete the course with an English-speaking or Finnish-speaking group

Completion alternatives

No alternative methods to complete course.

Student workload

1 cr = 27 h

Total number of hours is 135 h, contact teaching 44 hours ( orientation, theory lessons, labs, simulation, exam), independent study 91 h

Content scheduling

More information on progress of the course and course materials are found in Moodle and presented in orientation.

Further information

Further information

It is the responsibility of a single student, being absent from either orientation or other classes, to find out about the contents missed from fellow students

Theory classes involving assignments are of compulsory attendance

Clinical laboratory /Simulation teaching are of compulsory attendance and students are required to wear appropriate protective uniforms. Instructions given in asepsis lectures are to be obeyed during practises

NOTE! Course related drug calculations and clinical labs/simulation has to be accepted prior to medical nursing practise

Basics of Clinical Nursing Competence.
Basic knowledge of Pharmacotherapy

RPL (Recognition of prior learning) Recognition of prior learning is only possible for those students who completed similar studies in higher education

* Electrical safety lessons on Zoom:, key 1234

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam, Gradescale: Hyl - K5

Electricity safety assignment (pass-fail)

Drug-calculation (pass-fail)
Online courses and independent single/group assignments (100%)
Clinical laboratory teaching (100% attendance)

Simulation (100% attendance)


Basics of Clinical Nursing Competence.