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The Child, Music and Learning (5 cr)

Code: KX00DX23-3002

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching





Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Music


  • Sanna Vuolteenaho
  • Timo Raatikainen

Teacher in charge

Laura Huhtinen-Hilden


  • KXF21S1
    Musiikin tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


The student can differentiate and explain group activities, and comprehend learning as an integral part of the course of life. They can utilise the knowledge of developmental psychology as a basis for constructing pedagogical practice, and recognize meanings of music and the arts that affect learning. They can plan and implement teaching a group of children and are able to recognise different pedagogical options for these situations. They can reflect on their development as a music educator. The student can be flexible in group interaction and support the goals of the group. They can actively develop their skills in music as part of the pedagogical projects and assignments.


Musical learning and the course of life, teaching plans, learner-centred approach, interaction, practicing pedagogical situations, industry collaboration, musicianship as an educational tool, individual and group reflection.

Location and time

tuition in finnish


tuition in finnish

Teaching methods

Guided assignments
Small group tutorial
Study visit
Problem based learning
Interactive lecture

Employer connections

tuition in finnish

Student workload

tuition in finnish

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student can construct music activities considering the situations and needs of different groups. They can reflect on their own learning experiences and observed pedagogical situations. The student is able to act as an active member of a group and give constructive feedback to fellow group members about their contribution, also in working life collaboration and in new contexts.

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuous assessment
Learning journal


The student is able to recognize the elements of musical interaction and the learning situation. They are also able to recognise the significance of these aspects in a learning environment. They can construct brief teaching sessions using different methods of music education individually and in a group. The student can recognize and explain the significance of the holistic and experiential learning process in musical interaction. The student can reflect on their experiences as part of musical activities and utilise this in their development as a music educator.