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Orientation to Field and Studies (5 cr)

Code: TX00BQ17-3100

General information


02.05.2022 - 31.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering


Leiritie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Automotive Engineering


  • Sampo Kuikka
  • Joel Kontturi
  • Maria Sjöholm
  • Aleksi Malinen
  • Kati Forsman

Teacher in charge

Kati Forsman


  • A22A
    Ajoneuvotekniikka, aloittaneet opiskelun s.2022


The students are aware of their work opportunities as well as the contents of their major and the degree programme. They know the key companies and actors in the field as well as their functions. The students master the key guidelines in their fields, for instance security guidelines, labor legislation etc. They know what being international means in their own field.
The students recognize their strenghts and aspects in need of development and they know how to develop their skills in learning and studying. The students can use the key programs in office tools. The students master the physical and social study environments as well as the key regulations of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. They also know how to plan their own study paths and how to ensure the progress of their studies. The students are familiar with the student services provided by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and know the key data systems with respect to their studies.


- work life related information in the field
- the key learning goals of the degree program
- induction to the key regulations and work practices in the field
- learning and study skills
- fundamentals of using office tool programs
- physical and social study environment
- key rules and regulations of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
- study practices
- curricula and planning studies
-student services, for instance, student office, student's union, student well fare, the library, data administration services, international services
-fundamentals of technical writing

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Upon completion of the course, the students know the above mentioned aspects aligned with the course goals.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Upon completion of the course, the students know the above mentioned aspects aligned with the course goals.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Upon completion of the course, the students know the above mentioned aspects aligned with the course goals.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Upon completion of the course, the students know the above mentioned aspects aligned with the course goals.


No previous knowledge required.