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Elinkaarianalyysi ja toimitilapalvelut (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TZ00CI99-3008

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.07.2022 - 31.07.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022


5 op




Kiinteistö- ja rakennusala


Myllypurontie 1


  • Englanti


  • Master's Degree Programme in Construction and Real Estate Management


  • Donald Jordan


Hannu Hakkarainen


  • T1722S6
    Master's Degree Programme in Construction and Real Estate Management, ylempi


The student
-is able to perform Life cycle analysis and life cycle inventory LCI independently
-can calculate environmental impacts and the carbon footprint of a building
-understands the the life cycle effects of building materials
-knows how to optimise the use of new and recycled building materials
-can apply Facilities Management principles in practice and in future planning
-is able to understand risk analysis and risk management
-can manage Property management, facility management and workplace management skills


Main pollution parameters. Target setting for LCA. Steps of life cycle assessment: target setting, inventory analysis, impact analysis and interpretation of results. Environmental declarations and other data sources. Calculation tools for LCA. LCA reporting, building products as an example.

Facilities management, property management and risk management.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student
-can explain the principles of life cycle assessment
-shows understanding of the main factors environmental impact on buildings
-is able to perform simple LCA calculations, with given input values
-knows the basics of use for new and recycled materials
-can apply methods of facilities management
-shows understanding of risk management
-is able to use international property management skills

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

In addition of the criteria mentioned above, the student
-has some ability to to know where to obtain LCA input data and how to report the results
-knows and is able to calculate the carbon footprint of a building with given input values
-can interpret LCA results and form sustaqinable suggestions for improvement
-have understanding about personal strengths and weaknesses and limitations
-can explain LCA reports clearly
-has some ability to assess facilities management improvements
-can explain the workplace management procedures
-can actively use FM skills in developing real estate

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

In addition of the criteria mentioned above, the student
-can apply the concept of sensibility of LCA calculations
-understands the theoretical background of the steps of LCA assessment
-can present and report on environmental declarations
-can apply new concepts of FM to improve real estate value
-understands fully FM works
-can create active risk management plans

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student
-can explain the principles of life cycle assessment
-shows understanding of the main factors environmental impact on buildings
-is able to perform simple LCA calculations, with given input values
-knows the basics of use for new and recycled materials
-can apply methods of facilities management
-shows understanding of risk management
-is able to use international property management skills


English level 2.

