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Basics of Early Childhood Education (5 cr)

Code: SX00BZ77-3016

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


10.01.2022 - 22.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Social Services (in English)
  • Social Services


  • Saila Nevanen


  • SXH20K1
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • SXH20K2
    Sosiaalialan tutkinto-ohjelma, monimuoto


Students will know how to apply legislation and services concerning early childhood education. They will be aware of the options available in the multi-professional early education network. Students will be able to apply a participatory and child-oriented approach to their actions.


Basics of planning early childhood education (VASU) and its overall design. Service systems and documents concerning early childhood education. Bachelor of Social Services level of competence in early childhood education. Connecting children’s activities to their immediate environment and a sustainable lifestyle. Concepts of children. Encountering children. Planning daily activities, learning by doing. Diverse learning environments. Cultural diversity. Children’s inclusion and educational partnership.

Location and time



Hujala, E. & Turja L- (toim.)(2017). Varhaiskasvatuksen käsikirja. PS-Kustannus: Juva.
Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet 2018. Opetushallitus.
Varhaiskasvatuksen laatuindikaattorit. Kansallinen koulutuksen arviointikeskus. Tiivistelmät 13:2019.
Materiaaleihin voi tulla muutoksia. Lisämateriaali ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Teaching methods

The tuition is in Finnish.

Employer connections

Informed later

Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Student workload


Content scheduling


Further information


Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment criteria as the attachment of the curriculum.
The teacher of the study unit informs the assessment criterias in the beginning of the study unit.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment criterias see the attachment.
The teacher of the study unit informs the assessment criterias in the beginning of the study unit.

Assessment methods and criteria

exam 70%, assignment 30%.
Evaluation is based on the study units objectives and contents. .
Assessment criteria see curriculum appendix.
The teacher specifies the assessment criteria at the beginning of the course.