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Concrete Technology 1 (5 cr)

Code: TX00CH97-3022

General information


29.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


28.01.2022 - 28.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Real Estate and Construction


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Construction Site Management


  • Juha Virtanen

Teacher in charge

Jouni Ruotsalainen


  • TXI21S2
    Rakennusalan työnjohdon tutkinto-ohjelma monimuoto


After the course the student has the knowledge of:
- Constituent materials of concrete
- Concrete properties and how to control the properties
- Concrete mix design
- Execution requirements (in-situ) of concrete structures incl. authority requirements
- Concrete works (in-situ) design and management
- Concreting plan preparation and execution records
- Concreting in cold weather


- Quality control of constituent materials, fresh and hardened concrete including concrete preparation and casting in laboratory
- Concrete Mix Design- calculations
- Recognition and control of concrete properties; both good and challenging properties
- Execution requirements (in-situ) of concrete structures incl. authority requirements
- Concrete type selection based on structure type and conditions (environment, weather)
- Concreting in cold weather; required actions
- Concreting plan preparation and execution records
- Course “Concrete Technology 1” forms together with course “Concrete Technology 2” the knowledge package required for concrete works management on structure class 2

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

After the course the student has the knowledge of:
- Itemize of different cement types, admixtures, additives and recognition of aggregate properties and how they affect the concrete quality
- Recognition of concrete properties and how to control the properties
- Preform concrete mix design
- Recognition of execution requirements (in-situ) incl. authority requirements
- Management of concrete works (in-situ) design and execution
- Preform concreting plan preparation and execution records
- Recognition and itemizing of required actions for concreting in cold weather

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student knows well aforementioned items

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows excellently aforementioned items

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

After the course the student has the knowledge of:
- Itemize of different cement types, admixtures, additives and recognition of aggregate properties and how they affect the concrete quality
- Recognition of concrete properties and how to control the properties
- Preform concrete mix design
- Recognition of execution requirements (in-situ) incl. authority requirements
- Management of concrete works (in-situ) design and execution
- Preform concreting plan preparation and execution records
- Recognition and itemizing of required actions for concreting in cold weather



Further information
