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Physics of Sensors and Actuators (5 cr)

Code: TX00CD80-3017

General information




22.08.2022 - 18.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of ICT


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Information and Communication Technology


  • Juha Kopu


  • TVT21-O


The course supplements the student’s first year’s curriculum in physics in order to provide him/her a meaningful and coherent overall view of the subject. After completing the course, the student
- realizes that information technology is based on the possibilities and restrictions provided by the laws of physics
- appreciates the key role of magnetism in storing and accessing information in electrical form
- learns the operating principles of various sensors and actuators and, with this knowledge, is able to appreciate the possibilities they provide for the interplay between a computer and its surroundings
- acquires a critical attitude towards experimental results, and learns how to estimate their reliability.


- magnetic field and magnetic forces
- electromagnetic induction
- applications of magnetism
- physics of sensors
- estimation of measurement errors
- analysis and presentation of experimental results

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student recognizes the most essential concepts introduced during the course, and is able to handle simple computational and experimental problems.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student is able to explain the relevant physical phenomena introduced during the course and their applications with appropriate terminology. He/she is also able to solve problems requiring more advanced computational skills, and is capable of performing careful and accurate measurements.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition to the above, the student appreciates the connections between various subjects, and is able to employ this understanding to solving advanced problems. He/she exhibits initiative in performing measurements, analyzing them, and handling challenging situations.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student recognizes the most essential concepts introduced during the course, and is able to handle simple computational and experimental problems.


First year’s studies in physics or corresponding knowledge.