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Basics of Physiotherapeutic Assessment (5 cr)

Code: SX00EE30-3007

General information


02.05.2022 - 20.09.2022


23.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Rehabilitation and Examination


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


5 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Physiotherapy


  • Inari Heimo
  • Nina Talvitie

Teacher in charge

Inari Heimo


  • SXB22S1
    Fysioterapian tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


Students can describe the importance of a holistic approach in the assessment of a person’s functional ability. Students are familiar with the most common assessment methods and tools of functional ability and quality of life. Students can describe the importance of encountering clients, can operate in interaction situations and are familiar with the principles of a dialogical interview in client situations. Students are familiar with the biomechanics of maintaining posture. Students understand the basics of assessment of posture, muscular function and mobility.


Most common methods of assessing functional ability and quality of life
Encountering clients, interaction and dialogical interviews
Proprioseptics and biomechanics influencing posture
Basics of assessment of posture, muscular function and mobility

Location and time

1 period. Myllypuro Campus.


To be announced

Teaching methods

Learning diary
Guided assignments
Written assignments
Group work
Face-to-face teaching

Employer connections


Exam schedules


International connections


Completion alternatives


Content scheduling


Further information

Moodle-työtila käytössä
Läsnäolo käytännön lähiopetuksessa pakollinen

Opettajan laatimat tehtävät ja MATERIAALIT ovat Tekijänoikeuslain (404/61) mukaisia teoksia, joihin opettajalla on tekijänoikeus. Tehtäviä JA MATERIAALEJA ei saa käyttää muuten kuin omissa opinnoissaan. Niiden julkinen levittäminen on sallittua vain opettajan luvalla.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students use the appropriate core concepts as well as make choices using the knowledge base of their own professional field. They recognise the prerequisites and consequences of their own actions. Students’ actions follow the rules and instructions given, and they use working methods appropriately and safely. Students work according to the professional ethics of their own field, and they act responsibly as group members.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students analyse the relationships between appropriate core concepts as well as justify their choices using the knowledge base of their own professional field. They analyse the prerequisites and consequences of their own actions. Students act according to the rules and instructions given in their operating environment, and they use working methods appropriately and safely. Students work according to the professional ethics of their own field, and they act flexibly as group members.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students analyse and assess the relationships between appropriate core concepts as well as make choices using the knowledge base of their own professional field. They assess the prerequisites and consequences of their own actions. Students act initiatively and goal-orientedly in diverse operating environments, and they apply working methods appropriately and safely. Students work according to professional ethics in varied situations, and their functioning enhances group activities.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Students use the appropriate core concepts as well as make choices using the knowledge base of their own professional field. They recognise the prerequisites and consequences of their own actions. Students’ actions follow the rules and instructions given, and they use working methods appropriately and safely. Students work according to the professional ethics of their own field, and they act responsibly as group members.

Assessment methods and criteria

Osallistuminen ja osoitetut tehtävät
