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Managing Work Community (5 cr)

Code: S000EQ08-3001

General information


02.05.2022 - 15.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Wellbeing


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Elderly Care - Human Ageing and Services


  • Marjatta Komulainen
  • Mia Rosenström

Teacher in charge

Mia Rosenström


  • S1621S6
    Vanhustyön tutkinto-ohjelma ylempi


Upon completion of the course, the students know how to:
- Manage work community and its personnel
- Apply the principles of human resource management that support wellbeing at work
- Advance the profitability of the organization and take job satisfaction into consideration
- Anticipate and support the changes in working environments and working patterns
- Support the self-direction and self-management skills of the personnel


- Managing the staff
- Wellbeing at work, job satisfaction and profitability of work
- Change in work and work environments
- Self-managing employees


- Pahkin, K. - Lindström, S. Kohti yhtenäisiä henkilöstövoimavarojen johtamiskäytäntöjä - Sosiaali- ja terveysalan organisaatioille päivitetty arviointimenetelmä
1) Syväjärvi & Pietiläinen 2016 (toim) Inhimillinen ja tehokas sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. e -kirja
2) Martela F. & Jarenko K. (2017): Itseohjautuvuus - miten organisoitua tulevaisuudessa?
Saatavana e-kirjana Metropolian kirjaston verkkokirjahyllystä (linkki verkkoaineistoon, kun haet kirjan nimellä MetCatista)
- Artikkelit:
3) Wang, H. (2014). Impact of authentic leadership on performance: Role of followers' positive psychological capital and relational processes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(1), pp. 5-21.? löytyy Nebraskan yliopiston sivuilta:
4) Barnard, A; Simbhoo, N 2014. South African managers in public service: On being Authentic. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 9:1
Artikkelit ovat luettavissa Metropolian verkossa.
Sen voi hakea MetCatista "Kansainvälisten e-aineistojen haku"-toiminnolla.
Hakusanana voi olla esim. artikkelin nimi.
Vinkki: Jos nimen kirjoittaa lainausmerkkien sisään, haku etsii sanoja jotka esiintyvät juuri tuossa järjestyksessä.
5) Collin ym. (2019): Siedätystä johtamisallergiaan – Vastuullinen johtajuus itseohjautuvuuden ja luovuuden tukena työelämässä.
Luvut: 1)Valmentava esimiestyö – vastuullinen keino itseohjatuvuuden ja luovuuden vahvistamiseen? Riitta Viitala ja 2)Itseohjautuvat organisaatiot – Mitä on johtajuus ilman esimiehiä? Pertti Salovaara
Luvut 1 ja 2 löytyvät Moodlessa skannattuna. Koko kirja löytyy e-kirjana Metcatista

Teaching methods

Distance learning
Reflective practice
Face-to-face teaching
Participatory methods

Exam schedules


Varsinainen tentti 23.9 klo 6-24 välisenä aikana. Tentin tekemisen käytettävää aikaa ei ole rajoitettu, aikaa kuluu n. 1½ tuntia. Tentti toteutetaan Moodle-tenttinä, tenttimateriaalin voi pitää esillä tentin aikana.
Uusintatentti, jos varsinainen tentti ei ole hyväksytysti suoritettu 3.10. klo 6-24 välisenä aikana.

Lähiopetus 6.9.22 etäyhteydellä (Zoom), klo 9-12 Mia Rosenström ja 6.9.22 klo 13 - 16 Marjatta Komulainen

International connections


Student workload

5 ect= 135 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students know how to:
- Define and implement the principles of the work community and workplace management
- Define and explain the importance and support of workplace wellbeing and staff productivity
- Identify and describe the significance of change in work patterns and work environments on workplace management and wellbeing and supporting the self-management of the staff
- Identify and describe their own actions and management capacity based on the ethical principles of care of older people and equality

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students know how to:
- Analyse and comprehensively apply the principles of workplace and staff management
- Analyse the meaning of workplace wellbeing and apply different kinds of methods to advance job satisfaction and staff productivity
- Analyse the significance of change in work patterns and work environments and create solutions for workplace management and workplace wellbeing based on the observations and data
- Analyse their own practice based on the ethical principles of care of older people and equality and draw conclusions about their own management capacity

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students know how to:
- Critically and in a goal oriented manner evaluate and develop the principles of workplace and employee management
- Critically evaluate the meaning of workplace wellbeing and further develop practices increasing job satisfaction and staff productivity
- Critically evaluate the changes in work patterns and work environments and create innovative solutions for workplace and staff management and supporting wellbeing and employees
- Critically evaluate their own practice based on the ethical principles of care of older people and equality and develop their own management capacity

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students know how to:
- Define and implement the principles of workplace and staff management
- Define and explain the importance and support of workplace wellbeing to job satisfaction and staff productivity
- Identify and describe the significance of change in work patterns and work environments on workplace and staff and supporting the self-management of employees
- Identify and describe their own actions and management capacity based on the ethical principles of care of older people and equality

Assessment methods and criteria

Total 100
Pre-assignment and Attendance requirement 10
Test 60
Learning assignments 30