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Sexual and Reproductive Health and English (5 cr)

Code: SX00DZ92-3001

General information


29.11.2021 - 12.12.2021


25.04.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care


  • Mari Koski
  • Sanna-Mari Manninen
  • Janni Koski

Teacher in charge

Janni Koski


  • SXK20S1
    Ensihoidon tutkinto-ohjelma, päivä


- are familiar with the basics of promoting sexual and reproductive health
- are familiar with the structure and process of the maternity care service system
- are familiar with the stages and follow up of normal pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium
- are familiar with gynaecological patients’ major problems and their care
- are familiar with the main concepts of sexual health and know the common methods for bringing up sexuality with clients/patients
- adopt the ethical principles related to women’s health
- can interact and communicate in English fluently at work and in studies and can use English to develop their professional competence
-are able to consider the special characteristics of multicultural environments in their communication and take into account the cultural and language background of participants
-adopt a positive approach to developing their English as part of their professional competence


- sexual and reproductive health
- the service system of maternity care
- normal pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
- identification of high risk pregnancy
- miscarriage and menorrhagia
- menopause signs and symptoms
- principles of contraceptive methods and family planning
- grounds for termination of pregnancy and childlessness
- gynaecological prolapses and urinary tract problems
- symptoms of gynaecological cancer
- main gynaecological infections and acute gynaecological problems
- key English professional vocabulary required in written and spoken interaction to develop language skills in English: main concepts, terminology, text conventions and text types and reading academic research papers
- developing language learning strategies in English and doing a realistic self-assessment of language skills in English


Botha, E. ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen, K: Naisen hoitotyö 2016. S. 5-203.
Oppitunneilla osoitettu materiaali.

Teaching methods

Interactive lecture
Guided assignments
Laboratory Workshop, simulation
Study conversation

Exam schedules

1. Uusinta 22.8.2022
2. Uusinta 17.10.2022

Completion alternatives


Student workload

135 hours student work.
See separete document given

Content scheduling

See separete document given in orientation lesson.

Further information

The course consist of 3 cr Sexual and Reproductive Health and 2 cr English

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sexual and Reproductive Health:
See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

In communication situations related to their professional field, the student trusts their communication skills enough to manage professional language use situations by asking questions to check any unclear points, and thanks to their own short speeches are able to understand the other speaker's communication in order to act appropriately. The student expresses their thoughts in a simple way and for the most part coherently and reasonably understandably despite shortcomings in professional language and making grammatical errors that make it difficult for the message to get across. The student can produce simple texts of a specific format independently, and longer texts by means of language tools.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Sexual and Reproductive Health:
See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

In communication situations related to their professional field, the student trusts their communication skills enough to manage language situations in the field as expected from a professional. The student exchanges ideas on an equal basis with an independent language user, and if necessary, takes the initiative to communicate in professional language use situations, taking into account to some extent the other participants' language and cultural backgrounds and the circumstances. The student expresses themselves, without delay, clearly and in detail, using professional vocabulary accurately. The student pronounces English clearly so that the overall message is conveyed, and produces texts for different purposes, without any of the occasional weak points in the language stopping the message from getting across.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Sexual and Reproductive Health:
See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

In communication situations related to their professional field, the student trusts their communication skills to take part and take the initiative in language use situations in various communication situations in the field, following the conventions. The student exchanges ideas clearly and fluently on an equal basis with a skilful language user, and communicates, taking the initiative if necessary, also in demanding professional language use situations, taking into account the other participants' language and cultural backgrounds. The student expresses themselves efficiently and accurately, using demanding professional vocabulary accurately. The student pronounces English clearly with natural stress and rhythm so that the overall message is emphasised, and produces clear, well-structured and compelling texts in various text types.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Sexual and Reproductive Health:
See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning assignments
Skill lab
Closed book exam


Sexual and Reproductive Health: Basics of Clinical Nursing Competence. Basic knowledge of Pharmacotherapy.
English: B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).