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Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology (5 cr)

Code: SX00DZ81-3029

General information


29.11.2021 - 30.01.2022


18.01.2022 - 18.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


School of Health Care


Myllypurontie 1

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 60

Degree programmes

  • Public Health Nursing
  • Midwifery


  • Niina Suni

Teacher in charge

Niina Suni


  • SXL22K1
    Kätilötyön tutkinto-ohjelma päivä
  • SXQ22K1
    Terveydenhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelma päivä


- are familiar with the basic types of tissue in the body
- know the central scientific terms related to the human body
- master the basic structure and functions of the human body
- understand the principles of the regulatory system
- understand the central aetiology of diseases at cellular level and changes related to diseases
- understand the general principles of the recovery process at cellular level
- are familiar with the basics of oncology


-structure and function of the body
-central regulatory systems of the body
-stress-related changes at cellular level and types of recovery
-inflammation and basics of immunology
-basics of oncology

Location and time

Metropolia AMK, Myyrmäen kampus kevät 2022 kerros B2
Moodlen työtila: Anatomia, fysiologia ja patofysiologia (SXL22K1, SXQ22K1)
Kirjautumisavain: AFYSXLQ22K


Sand et. al. Ihminen, fysiologia ja anatomia. WSOY, suitable parts
Lehtonen ja Karttunen. Mikä vaivaa? tautiopin perusteet. Edita. Suitable parts.
Other material given by teacher

Teaching methods

Self learning with books, and handouts and other materials, lectures and studying with anatomic models.

Exam schedules

Examinations in Moodle

International connections

Keskeisimpien tietellisten termien opiskelu

Completion alternatives

Aknowledgement of earlier achievments.
Pedagogic solutions of partial aknowledgements is made individually.

Student workload

at most 644 hrs lecture/ class room studies
781 hrs independent studying hopefully in small groups with given material and litterature

Content scheduling

Jaksotus on Moodlessa

Further information

Students prepare to lectures by studying the anatomy of the days topic in advance. Attending to classes. Students enroll to execution in Oma and studying pages in Moodle

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

See the attachment "Framework for evaluation criteria of competence"

Assessment methods and criteria
